DNS Records Cheatsheet


DNS (Domain Name System) takes a human friendly domain names as input and translate that to an IP Address. There are various record types like A record, CNAME, MX, TXT, SRV, AAAA etc.,

Major DNS record types

Record TypeDescription
A RecordPoints to an IPv4 address
AAAASimilar to A but this allows to point to an IPv6 address
CNAME (Canonical Name)Points to another domain name
MX (Mail Exchanger)Directs email to a mail server
TXTMap domain to text, mostly for information. Often used for verification purpose
SRVPoints to a domain name using a specific destination port

Other DNS record types

Record TypeDescription
CAAProvide additional confirmation for the Certification Authority when validating an SSL certificate
CERTProvides a space in the DNS for certificates and related certificate revocation lists
DNSKEYContains a public signing key (usually for DNSSEC)
DSRefers to a DNSKEY resource record by including a digest of that DNSKEY resource record
LOCExpressing geographic location information for a domain name
NSContains the name of the authoritative name server within a domain or DNS zone
PTRVerify that the sender matches the IP address it claims to be using
SPFLists all the servers authorized to send emails from a particular domain
SSHFPIdentifies SSH keys that are associated with a host name.
TLSAAssociate a TLS server certificate or public key with the domain name where the record is found
URIMeans for publishing mappings from hostnames to URIs