Groovy Cheatsheet


Sample Program

println "Hello World!"
  • println -- inbuilt library function which are used to display the output.
  • // -- single line comment
  • /* comments */ -- Multi line comment

Data types

Data typeDescriptionExample
intused to represent whole numbersint x = 99999
shortused to represent whole numbersshort x = 999
longused to represent whole numberslong x = 99999999999L
floatused to represent fractional numbersfloat x = 22.79f
doubleused to represent fractional numbersdouble x = 99.99d
charused to represent a single characterchar grade = 'A'
booleanused to represent Boolean data either true or falseboolean isAvailable = true
byteUsed to represent a byte valuebyte x = 99
stringused to represent a series of charactersstring msg = "Happy learning!"


int int_var = 99999 // integer variable
short short_var = 999 // short variable
long long_var = 99999999999L // long variable
float float_var = 22.79f // float variable
double double_var = 99.99d // double variable
char char_var = 'A' // char variable
boolean isAvailable = true // boolean variable
byte byte_var  = 99 // byte variable
String msg = "Happy learning!" // String variable


There are three ways to declare variables in Groovy.

  1. Native syntax similar to Java
data-type variable-name = value;
  1. Using def keyword
def variable-name = value;
  1. Variables in groovy do not require a type definition.
variable-name = value; // no type definition is required


Operator typeDescription
Arithmetic Operators+ , - , * , / , %
comparision Operators< , > , <= , >=, != , ==
Bitwise Operators& , ^ , |
Logical Operators&& , ||, !
Assignment Operators= , += , -= , *= , /= , %=


String string-var = value; 

value should be enclosed in either single quotes , double quotes , or triple quotes “”” or forward slash / or dollar-forward slash $/.

String str = "Happy learning!"; 
String str2 = 'Hello World';
String str3 = """Hey


List is like stack which is used to store collection of data items.

def list1 = [ ] // empty list

def list2 = [ 1,2,3,4,5] // integer list

def list3 = ["Hello", "World"] //string list

def list4 = ["happy", 16] // list with different data


List methodsDescription
add()to append the new value to the end of this List.
contains()Returns true if the list contains the given value.
get()to get the element at the specified position from the List.
isEmpty()Returns true if the given List is empty
minus()to create a new List with the elements of the original list by removing those specified in the collection
plus()to create a new List with the elements of the original list by adding those specified in the collection
pop()to remove the last item from the List
remove()to removes an element at the specified position in the List.
reverse()to create a new List which is the reverse of the elements of the given List
size()to get number of elements present in the List.
sort()Returns a sorted copy of the given List.


A Map is an unordered collection of Key Value Pairs

def map1 = [‘Name’ : ‘OneCompiler’, ‘Category’ : ‘Learning’]
def map2 = [:] // empty map


Method nameDescription
containsKey()Used to check if a key is present in a given Map
get()Looks for the key in the map and returns it's corresponding value.If there is no match then returns null
keySet()to obtain set of keys in the given Map.
put()used to associate the given value with the key specified in the Map. If already value is present for that key, then the old value gets replaced by the new value.
size()Returns the number of key-value pairs present in the Map.
values()Returns a collection view of the values present in the Map.

Conditional Statements

1. If


2. If-else

} else {

3. If-else-if ladder

} else if(conditional-expression-2) {
} else if(conditional-expression-3) {
else {

4. Nested-If

if(conditional-expression-1) {    
          if(conditional-expression-2) {  
             if(conditional-expression-3) {

5. Switch

case value1:    
 break;  //optional  
case value2:    
 break;  //optional  
 //code to be executed when all the above cases are not matched;    


1. While


2. For

for(Initialization; Condition; Increment/decrement){  


for (var in range) {

Groovy closures

{ [closureParameters -> ] statements }


{ x++ }         // only statement                                 

{ -> x++ }     // statement with no parameters                                  

{ name -> println name }  // statement with one closure parameter  with no type definition                         

{ String name, int id ->   // statement with two closure parameter has type definition                          
    println "hi ${name}, your id is ${id}" 

Groovy Closure Methods

Method nameDescription
any() & every()Iterates through each element of a collection checking whether given criteria is valid for at least one element.
find()Finds the first value in a collection which matches the given criteria.
findAll()Finds all values in a collection which matches the given criteria.
collect()Iterates through a collection and converts each element into a new value using the closure as the transformer.


Method is a sub-routine which contains set of statements which increases re-usuability and modularity.

def methodName(parameters) {  // defining a method
   //Method code 

methodName(parameters); // calling a method