Visual Cheatsheet



Sample Program

Public Module Program
	Public Sub Main(args() As string)
		Console.WriteLine("Hello, World!")
	End Sub
End Module
  • Public Module : Every program contains a module which has the data and procedures that your program uses. Here we are declaring module named Program with public visibility.
  • Main : Beginning of your program
  • Console.WriteLine : Console is a class of the System namespace and WriteLine() is a method in it which is used to print text to the console.
  • is not a Case-sensitive language
  • ' : Single line Comment

Data types

Data typeDescriptionRangeMemory Size
byteused to store unsigned integer0 to 2551 byte
sbyteused to store signed integer-128 to 1271 byte
ushortused to store unsigned integers0 to 65,5352 bytes
integerused to store signed integers-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,6474 bytes
longused to store signed integers-9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,8078 bytes
doubleused to store fractional numbers15 decimal digits8 bytes
charused to store a single character enclosed in single quoteone character2 bytes
booleanBoolean data typeStores either true or false1 bit
dateUsed to store date values0:00:00 January 1, 0001 to 23:59:59 December 31, 99998 bytes
decimalused to store decimal values0 to +/-7.9228162514264337593543950335 with 28 places to the right of the decimal16 bytes
StringStores a sequence of characters enclosed in double quotesSequence of Characters2 bytes per character
objectObject can be represented as base type of all other types.4 bytes on 32-bit platform and 8 bytes on 64-bit platform


Dim VariableName As Datatype 'variable Declaration
VariableName = value 'Variable Initialization


   Dim byteVar As Byte
   Dim intVar As Integer = 100
   Dim doubleVar As Double
   Dim dateVar As Date 
   Dim charVar As Char = "A"
   Dim strVar As String = "OneCompiler"
   Dim boolVar As Boolean = TRUE


[ < attributeList > ] [ accessModifier ] [ Shadows ] Const constantName [ As datatype ] = value
  • attributeList − attributeList is optional where you can specify the list of attributes applied to the constants.

  • accessModifier − accessModifier is optional where you specify the accessibility of the constants like Public, Protected, Private, Friend or Protected Friend.

  • Shadows − shadows is also optional which makes the constant hide a programming element of identical name.

  • constantName − constantName specifies the name of the constant

  • datatype − datatype specifies the data type of the constant

  • value − value specifies the value assigned to the constant

Const TOTAL As Integer = 100
Public Const NAME As String = "One Compiler"


Operator typeDescription
Arithmetic Operator+ , - , * , / , , MOD, ^
Relational Operator< , > , <= , >= , =
BitWise OperatorAND, OR, XOR, NOT, AndAlso, OrElse, isTrue, isFalse
BitWise Shift OperatorAND, OR, XOR, NOT, << , >>
Logical Operator&& , ||, !
Assignment Operator= , += , -= , *= , /=, = , %= ,<<=,>>=, &=, ^=
Miscellaneous OperatorAddressOf, Await, GetType


Dim variableName As String
Dim Name As String = "OneCompiler"

Conditional Statements

1. If

If condition-expression Then 
End If

2. If-else

   'code if the conditional-expression is true 
  'code if the conditional-expression is false 
End If

3. If-else-if ladder

   'code if the above conditional-expression is true 
Else If(conditional-expression) Then
        'code if the above conditional-expression is true 
        'code if the above conditional-expression is false 
End If

4. Nested-If

   'code if the above conditional-expression is true
         'code if the above conditional-expression is true 
   End If
End If

5. Select Case

Select [ Case ] expression
   [ Case expressionlist
      'code ]
   [ Case Else
      'code ]
End Select


1. For..Next

For counter [ As datatype ] = begin To end [ Step step ]
   [ Continue For ]
   [ Exit For ]
Next [ counter ]

2. For..Each

For Each element [ As datatype ] In group
   [ Continue For ]
   [ Exit For ]
Next [ element ]

3. While

While conditional-expression
   [ Continue While ]
   [ Exit While ]
End While

4. Do-while

Do { While | Until } conditional-expression
   [ Continue Do ]
   [ Exit Do ]
   [ Continue Do ]
   [ Exit Do ]
Loop { While | Until } conditional-expression


Functions consists of a set of statements which perform a sepcific functionality and they return a value when they are called.

[accessModifiers] Function functionName [(parameterList)] As returnType
End Function


Sub-procedures are similar to functions but they don't return any value.

Sub ProcedureName (parameterList)
End Sub