Requires NPM/ Yarn for using without CDN
Command | Description |
npm install -g @vue/cli | Install VueJS through NPM |
yarn global add @vue/cli | Install VueJS through Yarn |
Creating A Project
Command | Description |
vue create <project-name> | Creates and initializes the project with chosen features |
vue ui | Opens a GUI in the browser. Recommended if not comfortable with CLI |
Vue Template Syntax
The Vue app is broken into 3 main components
Template/ HTML
HTML goes Here
Javascript related things and Vue APIs
CSS goes here
Basic Example
<h1 id="heading">{{ message }}</h1>
export default {
data() {
return {
message: 'Hello World!'
#heading {
color: pink;
Vue Directives
Directive | Functionality |
v-if | Puts el in DOM if true |
v-else-if | Usual else if condition check |
v-else | Usual condition if nothing holds true |
v-show | Toggles display CSS value |
v-html | Sets innerHTML |
v-for | Loop through an array or object |
v-model | Two way data binding |
v-bind or : | Reactively updates an attribute |
v-on or @ | Listen to DOM events |
Basic Example
<!-- Conditionals & Event Listening -->
<h1 v-if="awesome">Vue is awesome! {{ message }}</h1>
<h1 v-else>Oh no 😢</h1>
<button v-on:click="awesome = !awesome">Toggle</button>
<!-- Looping -->
<li v-for="item in items" :key="item">
<span>{{ item }}</span>
export default {
data() {
return {
message: 'Hello World!',
awesome: false,
items: [1, 2, 3],
Vue Lifecycle Hooks
Hook | Description |
beforeCreate() | The beforeCreate hook runs at the initialization of your component - data has not been made reactive, and events have not been set up yet. |
created() | The created hook runs before the templates and Virtual DOM have been mounted or rendered. |
beforeMount() | The beforeMount hook runs right before the initial render happens and after the template or render functions have been compiled. |
mounted() | In the mounted hook, you will have full access to the reactive component, templates, and rendered DOM (via this.$el). |
beforeUpdate() | The beforeUpdate hook runs after data changes on your component and the update cycle begins, right before the DOM is patched and re-rendered. |
updated() | The updated hook runs after data changes on your component and the DOM re-renders. |
For detailed info visit this article.
Vue Object APIs
API | Description |
data() | Initializes the reactive data. |
props | Data visible by Parent. |
components | Registers children. |
methods | Set of Vue methods. |
computed | Similar to methods but these are reactive & cached. |
watchers | Watches for a value change. |
Some Top Libraries\Frameworks Used With VueJS
Name | Description |
vuex | State Management |
vue-router | Handles routing for SPAs |
vuetify | Material Design component framework. |
axios | Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js |