#include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <queue> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; struct PersonJob { int personIndex; int totalHours; PersonJob(int personIndex, int totalHours) : personIndex(personIndex), totalHours(totalHours) {} bool operator<(const PersonJob& other) const { if (totalHours == other.totalHours) { return personIndex > other.personIndex; } return totalHours > other.totalHours; } }; int main() { ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false); cin.tie(0); int n, m; cin >> n >> m; priority_queue<int> jobDurations; for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i) { int duration; cin >> duration; jobDurations.push(duration); } priority_queue<PersonJob> workers; vector<PersonJob> workerAssignments; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { int totalHours = jobDurations.top(); jobDurations.pop(); PersonJob pj(i, totalHours); workers.push(pj); workerAssignments.push_back(pj); } for (int i = n; i < m; ++i) { int nextJobHours = jobDurations.top(); jobDurations.pop(); PersonJob doneJob = workers.top(); workers.pop(); doneJob.totalHours += nextJobHours; workers.push(doneJob); } vector<int> result(n); while (!workers.empty()) { PersonJob pj = workers.top(); workers.pop(); result[pj.personIndex] = pj.totalHours; } for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { cout << result[i] << " "; } cout << endl; return 0; }
Write, Run & Share C++ code online using OneCompiler's C++ online compiler for free. It's one of the robust, feature-rich online compilers for C++ language, running on the latest version 17. Getting started with the OneCompiler's C++ compiler is simple and pretty fast. The editor shows sample boilerplate code when you choose language as C++
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OneCompiler's C++ online compiler supports stdin and users can give inputs to programs using the STDIN textbox under the I/O tab. Following is a sample program which takes name as input and print your name with hello.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main()
string name;
cout << "Enter name:";
getline (cin, name);
cout << "Hello " << name;
return 0;
C++ is a widely used middle-level programming language.
When ever you want to perform a set of operations based on a condition If-Else is used.
if(conditional-expression) {
else {
You can also use if-else for nested Ifs and If-Else-If ladder when multiple conditions are to be performed on a single variable.
Switch is an alternative to If-Else-If ladder.
case value1:
// code
break; // optional
case value2:
// code
break; // optional
code to be executed when all the above cases are not matched;
For loop is used to iterate a set of statements based on a condition.
for(Initialization; Condition; Increment/decrement){
While is also used to iterate a set of statements based on a condition. Usually while is preferred when number of iterations are not known in advance.
while (condition) {
// code
Do-while is also used to iterate a set of statements based on a condition. It is mostly used when you need to execute the statements atleast once.
do {
// code
} while (condition);
Function is a sub-routine which contains set of statements. Usually functions are written when multiple calls are required to same set of statements which increases re-usuability and modularity. Function gets run only when it is called.
return_type function_name(parameters);
function_name (parameters)
return_type function_name(parameters) {
// code