public ulong[][] pieces;
        public ulong[] occupancy;
        public ulong occupancyAll;
        public ulong enPassant;
        public ulong castling;
        public int colorToMove;
        public int movesCount;
        public int halfMoveClock;
        public int nullMoves;

        public int[] PSTValuesOpening;
        public int[] PSTValuesEnding;

        public int currentGamePhase;

        public List<int> capturedPieces;
        public List<int> promotedPieces;
        public List<ulong> castlings;
        public List<ulong> zobristKeys;
        public List<ulong> enPassants;
        public List<int> halfMoveClockList;

        public ulong zobristKey;

        public Move[] possibleMoves;
        public int movesAdded;

        public string stalemateReason;

        public int[] kingPositions;

        public BoardState()
            // Init bitboards
            pieces = new ulong[2][];
            pieces[Color.White] = new ulong[6];
            pieces[Color.Black] = new ulong[6];
            occupancy = new ulong[2];

            // Init lists
            PSTValuesOpening = new int[2];
            PSTValuesEnding = new int[2];

            capturedPieces = new List<int>();
            promotedPieces = new List<int>();
            castlings = new List<ulong>();
            zobristKeys = new List<ulong>();
            enPassants = new List<ulong>();
            halfMoveClockList = new List<int>();

            // Init other variables
            currentGamePhase = 0;

            kingPositions = new int[2];

        // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // ###################################################################################
        //                                GENERATE MOVES
        // ###################################################################################
        // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public Move[] GetAllMoves()
            // Clear list of moves
            possibleMoves = new Move[GameConstants.maxMovesInAPosition];
            movesAdded = 0;


            return possibleMoves;

        private void AddAllTargetSquares(byte fromSquare, ulong targets, byte piece, MoveFlags flag)
            for (; targets != 0; targets = GeneralBitOperations.PopLSB(targets))
                AddMoveToPossibleMoves(fromSquare, (byte)GeneralBitOperations.GetLSBIndex(targets), piece, (byte)flag);

        public Move[] GetQuietMoves(bool justQuiets)
            // Clear list of moves if we should just get the quiet moves
            if (justQuiets)
                possibleMoves = new Move[GameConstants.maxMovesInAPosition];
                movesAdded = 0;

            // ##############################################################
            // --------------  Go through all pieces ------------------------
            // ##############################################################
            byte fromSquare;

            // Pawns
            int direction = colorToMove == Color.White ? -8 : 8;
            for (ulong pieceBB = pieces[colorToMove][Piece.Pawn]; pieceBB != 0; pieceBB = GeneralBitOperations.PopLSB(pieceBB))
                fromSquare = (byte)GeneralBitOperations.GetLSBIndex(pieceBB);

                // Check that square is empty in front of pawn
                if ((Pawns.QuietMasksOneStep[colorToMove][fromSquare] & occupancyAll) == 0)
                    // One step moves
                    // Check if from square is on a promoting row
                    if ((GameConstants.fromPromotionRows[colorToMove] & (1ul << fromSquare)) != 0)
                        AddMoveToPossibleMoves(fromSquare, (byte)(fromSquare + direction), Piece.Pawn, (byte)MoveFlags.PromotionKnight);
                        AddMoveToPossibleMoves(fromSquare, (byte)(fromSquare + direction), Piece.Pawn, (byte)MoveFlags.PromotionBishop);
                        AddMoveToPossibleMoves(fromSquare, (byte)(fromSquare + direction), Piece.Pawn, (byte)MoveFlags.PromotionRook);
                        AddMoveToPossibleMoves(fromSquare, (byte)(fromSquare + direction), Piece.Pawn, (byte)MoveFlags.PromotionQueen);
                    // Else a normal one step move
                        AddMoveToPossibleMoves(fromSquare, (byte)(fromSquare + direction), Piece.Pawn, (byte)MoveFlags.Quiet);

                    // Two step moves, if pawn is on start row and no pawns on end square
                    if ((GameConstants.pawnStartRow[colorToMove] & (1ul << fromSquare)) != 0)
                        if ((Pawns.QuietMasksTwoStep[colorToMove][fromSquare] & occupancyAll) == 0)
                            AddMoveToPossibleMoves(fromSquare, (byte)(fromSquare + 2 * direction), Piece.Pawn, (byte)MoveFlags.DoublePawnPush);

            // Knights
            for (ulong pieceBB = pieces[colorToMove][Piece.Knight]; pieceBB != 0; pieceBB = GeneralBitOperations.PopLSB(pieceBB))
                fromSquare = (byte)GeneralBitOperations.GetLSBIndex(pieceBB);
                AddAllTargetSquares(fromSquare, Knights.AttackMasks[fromSquare] & ~occupancyAll, Piece.Knight, MoveFlags.Quiet);

            // Bishops
            for (ulong pieceBB = pieces[colorToMove][Piece.Bishop]; pieceBB != 0; pieceBB = GeneralBitOperations.PopLSB(pieceBB))
                fromSquare = (byte)GeneralBitOperations.GetLSBIndex(pieceBB);
                AddAllTargetSquares(fromSquare, Bishops.GetAttacks(fromSquare, occupancyAll) & ~occupancyAll, Piece.Bishop, MoveFlags.Quiet);

            // Rooks
            for (ulong pieceBB = pieces[colorToMove][Piece.Rook]; pieceBB != 0; pieceBB = GeneralBitOperations.PopLSB(pieceBB))
                fromSquare = (byte)GeneralBitOperations.GetLSBIndex(pieceBB);
                AddAllTargetSquares(fromSquare, Rooks.GetAttacks(fromSquare, occupancyAll) & ~occupancyAll, Piece.Rook, MoveFlags.Quiet);

            // Queens
            for (ulong pieceBB = pieces[colorToMove][Piece.Queen]; pieceBB != 0; pieceBB = GeneralBitOperations.PopLSB(pieceBB))
                fromSquare = (byte)GeneralBitOperations.GetLSBIndex(pieceBB);
                AddAllTargetSquares(fromSquare, Queens.GetAttacks(fromSquare, occupancyAll) & ~occupancyAll, Piece.Queen, MoveFlags.Quiet);

            // Kings
            fromSquare = (byte)kingPositions[colorToMove];
            AddAllTargetSquares(fromSquare, Kings.AttackMasks[fromSquare] & ~occupancyAll, Piece.King, MoveFlags.Quiet);

            // Castling
            // White side
            if (colorToMove == Color.White)
                // King side
                if (Kings.WhiteCanCastleKingSide(this, colorToMove))
                    AddMoveToPossibleMoves(fromSquare, (byte)(fromSquare + 2), Piece.King, (byte)MoveFlags.Castle);
                // Queen side
                if (Kings.WhiteCanCastleQueenSide(this, colorToMove))
                    AddMoveToPossibleMoves(fromSquare, (byte)(fromSquare - 2), Piece.King, (byte)MoveFlags.Castle);
            // Black side
                // King side
                if (Kings.BlackCanCastleKingSide(this, colorToMove))
                    AddMoveToPossibleMoves(fromSquare, (byte)(fromSquare + 2), Piece.King, (byte)MoveFlags.Castle);
                // Queen side
                if (Kings.BlackCanCastleQueenSide(this, colorToMove))
                    AddMoveToPossibleMoves(fromSquare, (byte)(fromSquare - 2), Piece.King, (byte)MoveFlags.Castle);

            return possibleMoves;

        public Move[] GetCaptureMoves(bool justCaptures)
            // Clear list of moves if we should just get capturing moves
            if (justCaptures)
                possibleMoves = new Move[GameConstants.maxMovesInAPosition];
                movesAdded = 0;

            // ##############################################################
            // --------------  Go through all pieces ------------------------
            // ##############################################################
            byte fromSquare;

            // Pawns
            for (ulong pieceBB = pieces[colorToMove][Piece.Pawn]; pieceBB != 0; pieceBB = GeneralBitOperations.PopLSB(pieceBB))
                fromSquare = (byte)GeneralBitOperations.GetLSBIndex(pieceBB);
                ulong targets = Pawns.AttackMasks[colorToMove][fromSquare] & occupancy[Color.Invert(colorToMove)];

                // Check for promotions
                if ((GameConstants.fromPromotionRows[colorToMove] & (1ul << fromSquare)) != 0)
                    AddAllTargetSquares(fromSquare, targets, Piece.Pawn, MoveFlags.PromotionKnightCapture);
                    AddAllTargetSquares(fromSquare, targets, Piece.Pawn, MoveFlags.PromotionBishopCapture);
                    AddAllTargetSquares(fromSquare, targets, Piece.Pawn, MoveFlags.PromotionRookCapture);
                    AddAllTargetSquares(fromSquare, targets, Piece.Pawn, MoveFlags.PromotionQueenCapture);
                    AddAllTargetSquares(fromSquare, targets, Piece.Pawn, MoveFlags.Capture);

                // Enpassant
                if (enPassant != 0)
                    ulong epAttacks = Pawns.AttackMasks[colorToMove][fromSquare] & enPassant;
                    if (epAttacks != 0)
                        byte toSquare = (byte)GeneralBitOperations.GetLSBIndex(epAttacks);
                        AddMoveToPossibleMoves(fromSquare, toSquare, Piece.Pawn, (byte)MoveFlags.EnPassant);

            // Knights
            for (ulong pieceBB = pieces[colorToMove][Piece.Knight]; pieceBB != 0; pieceBB = GeneralBitOperations.PopLSB(pieceBB))
                fromSquare = (byte)GeneralBitOperations.GetLSBIndex(pieceBB);
                AddAllTargetSquares(fromSquare, Knights.AttackMasks[fromSquare] & occupancy[Color.Invert(colorToMove)], Piece.Knight, MoveFlags.Capture);

            // Bishops
            for (ulong pieceBB = pieces[colorToMove][Piece.Bishop]; pieceBB != 0; pieceBB = GeneralBitOperations.PopLSB(pieceBB))
                fromSquare = (byte)GeneralBitOperations.GetLSBIndex(pieceBB);
                AddAllTargetSquares(fromSquare, Bishops.GetAttacks(fromSquare, occupancyAll) & occupancy[Color.Invert(colorToMove)], Piece.Bishop, MoveFlags.Capture);

            // Rooks
            for (ulong pieceBB = pieces[colorToMove][Piece.Rook]; pieceBB != 0; pieceBB = GeneralBitOperations.PopLSB(pieceBB))
                fromSquare = (byte)GeneralBitOperations.GetLSBIndex(pieceBB);
                AddAllTargetSquares(fromSquare, Rooks.GetAttacks(fromSquare, occupancyAll) & occupancy[Color.Invert(colorToMove)], Piece.Rook, MoveFlags.Capture);

            // Queens
            for (ulong pieceBB = pieces[colorToMove][Piece.Queen]; pieceBB != 0; pieceBB = GeneralBitOperations.PopLSB(pieceBB))
                fromSquare = (byte)GeneralBitOperations.GetLSBIndex(pieceBB);
                AddAllTargetSquares(fromSquare, Queens.GetAttacks(fromSquare, occupancyAll) & occupancy[Color.Invert(colorToMove)], Piece.Queen, MoveFlags.Capture);

            // Kings
            fromSquare = (byte)kingPositions[colorToMove];
            AddAllTargetSquares(fromSquare, Kings.AttackMasks[fromSquare] & occupancy[Color.Invert(colorToMove)], Piece.King, MoveFlags.Capture);

            return possibleMoves;

        // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // ###################################################################################
        //                            MAKE AND UNMAKE MOVES
        // ###################################################################################
        // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        public bool MakeMove(Move move)
            // Increase counters
            if (colorToMove == Color.White) movesCount++;

            // Add variables that can't be tracked in any other way to lists

            // Update king position
            if (move.pieceMoved == Piece.King)
                kingPositions[colorToMove] = move.toSquare;

            // Increase halfmove clock, resets to 0 further down if applicable

            // Check if enpassant is possible and if so disable it
            if (enPassant != 0)
                int enPassantRank = GeneralBitOperations.BitScan(enPassant) % 8;
                zobristKey = Zobrist.ToggleEnPassant(zobristKey, enPassantRank);
                enPassant = 0;

            // ------------------------------------------------------
            //            Check for different move types
            // ------------------------------------------------------

            // Quiet moves that are not double pushes
            if (MoveFunctions.IsQuiet(move.flag))
                MovePiece(colorToMove, move.pieceMoved, move.fromSquare, move.toSquare);
                zobristKey = Zobrist.MovePiece(zobristKey, colorToMove, move.pieceMoved, move.fromSquare, move.toSquare);

                // Reset halfmove clock if pawn move
                if (move.pieceMoved == Piece.Pawn) halfMoveClock = 0;

            // Double pawn pushes
            else if (MoveFunctions.IsDoublePawnPush(move.flag))
                // Reset halfmove clock
                halfMoveClock = 0;

                // Move piece
                MovePiece(colorToMove, move.pieceMoved, move.fromSquare, move.toSquare);
                zobristKey = Zobrist.MovePiece(zobristKey, colorToMove, move.pieceMoved, move.fromSquare, move.toSquare);

                // Enable enpassant
                ulong epSquare = colorToMove == Color.White ? 1ul << move.toSquare + 8 : 1ul << move.toSquare - 8;
                enPassant |= epSquare;
                zobristKey = Zobrist.ToggleEnPassant(zobristKey, GeneralBitOperations.BitScan(epSquare) % 8);

            // Enpassant moves
            else if (MoveFunctions.IsEnPassant(move.flag))
                // Find enemy pawn (which is not on the toSquare)
                int enemyPieceSquare = colorToMove == Color.White ? move.toSquare + 8 : move.toSquare - 8;
                int capturedPiece = Piece.Pawn;

                // Move own pawn and remove enemy pawn
                MovePiece(colorToMove, move.pieceMoved, move.fromSquare, move.toSquare);
                zobristKey = Zobrist.MovePiece(zobristKey, colorToMove, move.pieceMoved, move.fromSquare, move.toSquare);
                RemovePiece(Color.Invert(colorToMove), capturedPiece, enemyPieceSquare);
                zobristKey = Zobrist.AddOrRemovePiece(zobristKey, Color.Invert(colorToMove), capturedPiece, enemyPieceSquare);
            // Capture moves
            else if (MoveFunctions.IsCapture(move.flag))
                // Reset halfmove clock
                halfMoveClock = 0;

                // Remove captured piece from its square and add it to list of captured pieces
                int capturedPiece = MoveFunctions.GetCapturedPiece(pieces[Color.Invert(colorToMove)], move.toSquare);
                RemovePiece(Color.Invert(colorToMove), capturedPiece, move.toSquare);
                zobristKey = Zobrist.AddOrRemovePiece(zobristKey, Color.Invert(colorToMove), capturedPiece, move.toSquare);

                // Check for promotion captures and if so move in special way
                if (MoveFunctions.IsPromotion(move.flag))
                    // Find the piece that we should promote to
                    int promotionPiece = GetPromotionPiece(move.flag);

                    // Remove pawn from square and add the promoted piece instead
                    RemovePiece(colorToMove, move.pieceMoved, move.fromSquare);
                    zobristKey = Zobrist.AddOrRemovePiece(zobristKey, colorToMove, move.pieceMoved, move.fromSquare);
                    AddPiece(colorToMove, promotionPiece, move.toSquare);
                    zobristKey = Zobrist.AddOrRemovePiece(zobristKey, colorToMove, promotionPiece, move.toSquare);

                    // Add to list of promoted pieces
                // If not it is a normal capture
                    // Move the piece as normal
                    MovePiece(colorToMove, move.pieceMoved, move.fromSquare, move.toSquare);
                    zobristKey = Zobrist.MovePiece(zobristKey, colorToMove, move.pieceMoved, move.fromSquare, move.toSquare);
            // Castling moves
            else if (MoveFunctions.IsCastling(move.flag))
                // Reset halfmove clock
                halfMoveClock = 0;

                // Get from and to square for the rook
                int rookFromSquare = GameConstants.rookCastling[move.toSquare][0];
                int rookToSquare = GameConstants.rookCastling[move.toSquare][1];

                // Move rook and king to the correct places
                MovePiece(colorToMove, Piece.King, move.fromSquare, move.toSquare);
                MovePiece(colorToMove, Piece.Rook, rookFromSquare, rookToSquare);

                zobristKey = Zobrist.MovePiece(zobristKey, colorToMove, Piece.King, move.fromSquare, move.toSquare);
                zobristKey = Zobrist.MovePiece(zobristKey, colorToMove, Piece.Rook, rookFromSquare, rookToSquare);

            // Normal promotion moves that are not captures
            else if (MoveFunctions.IsPromotion(move.flag))
                // Get what piece was promoted
                int promotionPiece = GetPromotionPiece(move.flag);

                // Remove pawn from square and add promoted piece on toSquare
                RemovePiece(colorToMove, Piece.Pawn, move.fromSquare);
                zobristKey = Zobrist.AddOrRemovePiece(zobristKey, colorToMove, move.pieceMoved, move.fromSquare);
                AddPiece(colorToMove, promotionPiece, move.toSquare);
                zobristKey = Zobrist.AddOrRemovePiece(zobristKey, colorToMove, move.pieceMoved, move.toSquare);

                // Add piece to list

            // If castling rights, check and remove the correct ones
            if (castling != 0)
                ulong updateMask = GameConstants.updateCastlingRights[move.fromSquare] & GameConstants.updateCastlingRights[move.toSquare];
                castling &= updateMask;
                zobristKey = Zobrist.AddOrRemoveCastlingRights(zobristKey, updateMask);

            // Check if move is legal (king is not under attack after move is done)
            if (!IsSquareAttacked(colorToMove, kingPositions[colorToMove]))
                // Change turns
                colorToMove = Color.Invert(colorToMove);
                zobristKey = Zobrist.ChangeSide(zobristKey);

                return true;
            // If not, then unmake the move and return false
                // Change turns
                colorToMove = Color.Invert(colorToMove);
                zobristKey = Zobrist.ChangeSide(zobristKey);

                return false;

        public void UnmakeMove(Move move)
            // Change turn
            colorToMove = Color.Invert(colorToMove);

            // Update king position
            if (move.pieceMoved == Piece.King)
                kingPositions[colorToMove] = move.fromSquare;

            // Cache last indices
            int lastIndexCaptured = capturedPieces.Count - 1;
            int lastIndexPromoted = promotedPieces.Count - 1;
            int lastIndexHalfMoveClock = halfMoveClockList.Count - 1;
            int lastIndexZobristKeys = zobristKeys.Count - 1;
            int lastIndexCastlings = castlings.Count - 1;
            int lastIndexEnPassants = enPassants.Count - 1;

            // Handle different move types
            if (MoveFunctions.IsQuiet(move.flag) || MoveFunctions.IsDoublePawnPush(move.flag))
                MovePiece(colorToMove, move.pieceMoved, move.toSquare, move.fromSquare);
            else if (MoveFunctions.IsEnPassant(move.flag))
                int enemyColor = Color.Invert(colorToMove);
                int enemyPieceField = colorToMove == Color.White ? (move.toSquare + 8) : (move.toSquare - 8);
                int capturedPiece = capturedPieces[lastIndexCaptured];

                MovePiece(colorToMove, Piece.Pawn, move.toSquare, move.fromSquare);
                AddPiece(Color.Invert(colorToMove), capturedPiece, enemyPieceField);

                // Remove last captured piece directly
            else if (MoveFunctions.IsCapture(move.flag))
                int enemyColor = Color.Invert(colorToMove);
                int capturedPiece = capturedPieces[lastIndexCaptured];

                // Capturing promotion
                if (MoveFunctions.IsPromotion(move.flag))
                    int promotedPiece = promotedPieces[lastIndexPromoted];
                    RemovePiece(colorToMove, promotedPiece, move.toSquare);
                    AddPiece(colorToMove, Piece.Pawn, move.fromSquare);
                    MovePiece(colorToMove, move.pieceMoved, move.toSquare, move.fromSquare);

                AddPiece(enemyColor, capturedPiece, move.toSquare);

                // Remove last captured piece directly
            else if (MoveFunctions.IsCastling(move.flag))
                // Get from and to square for the rook
                int rookFromSquare = GameConstants.rookCastling[move.toSquare][0];
                int rookToSquare = GameConstants.rookCastling[move.toSquare][1];

                // Move rook and king to the correct places
                MovePiece(colorToMove, Piece.King, move.toSquare, move.fromSquare);
                MovePiece(colorToMove, Piece.Rook, rookToSquare, rookFromSquare);
            else if (MoveFunctions.IsPromotion(move.flag))
                int promotedPiece = promotedPieces[lastIndexPromoted];
                RemovePiece(colorToMove, promotedPiece, move.toSquare);
                AddPiece(colorToMove, Piece.Pawn, move.fromSquare);

            // Update with latest move variables
            halfMoveClock = halfMoveClockList[lastIndexHalfMoveClock];
            zobristKey = zobristKeys[lastIndexZobristKeys];
            castling = castlings[lastIndexCastlings];
            enPassant = enPassants[lastIndexEnPassants];

            // Remove from lists directly

            // Decrease moves count if white to move
            if (colorToMove == Color.White) movesCount--;
      public static class GeneralBitOperations
        private static readonly int[] BitScanValues =
            0,  1,  48,  2, 57, 49, 28,  3,
            61, 58, 50, 42, 38, 29, 17,  4,
            62, 55, 59, 36, 53, 51, 43, 22,
            45, 39, 33, 30, 24, 18, 12,  5,
            63, 47, 56, 27, 60, 41, 37, 16,
            54, 35, 52, 21, 44, 32, 23, 11,
            46, 26, 40, 15, 34, 20, 31, 10,
            25, 14, 19,  9, 13,  8,  7,  6

        public static ulong SetBit(ulong bitboard, int square)
            return (bitboard) |= (1ul << square);

        public static ulong PopBit(ulong bitboard, int square)
            return GetBit(bitboard, square) != 0 ? (bitboard &= ~(1ul << (square))) : 0;

        public static ulong GetBit(ulong bitboard, int square)
            return (bitboard) & (1ul << square);

        public static ulong GetLSB(ulong bitboard)
            return (ulong)((long)bitboard & -(long)bitboard);

        public static int GetLSBIndex(ulong bitboard)
            return BitOperations.PopCount((ulong)((long)bitboard & -(long)bitboard) - 1);
            // return BitOperations.TrailingZeroCount(bitboard);

        public static ulong PopLSB(ulong bitboard)
            return bitboard & (bitboard - 1);

        public static int BitScan(ulong bitboard)
            return BitScanValues[((ulong)((long)bitboard & -(long)bitboard) * 0x03f79d71b4cb0a89) >> 58];

        public static List<int> GetOccupiedSquares(ulong bitboard)
            List<int> squares = new List<int>();
            while (bitboard != GameConstants.EmptyBitboard)
                bitboard = PopLSB(bitboard);
            return squares;

        public static ulong SetOccupancyBitboards(int index, int bitsInMask, ulong attackMask)
            ulong occupancy = 0ul;

            // Loop over range of bits withing attack mask
            for (int count = 0; count < bitsInMask; count++)
                // Get LSB index of attacks mask
                int square = GetLSBIndex(attackMask);

                // Pop the LSB in attack mask
                attackMask = PopBit(attackMask, square);

                // Make sure occupancy is on board and populate occupancy mask
                if ((index & (1 << count)) != 0)
                    occupancy |= (1ul << square);

            return occupancy;

C Sharp Online Compiler

Write, Run & Share C# code online using OneCompiler's C# online compiler for free. It's one of the robust, feature-rich online compilers for C# language, running on the latest version 8.0. Getting started with the OneCompiler's C# compiler is simple and pretty fast. The editor shows sample boilerplate code when you choose language as C# and start coding.

Read inputs from stdin

OneCompiler's C# online compiler supports stdin and users can give inputs to programs using the STDIN textbox under the I/O tab. Following is a sample program which takes name as input and print your name with hello.

using System;
namespace Sample
  class Test
      public static void Main(string[] args)
         string name;
         name = Console.ReadLine();
         Console.WriteLine("Hello {0} ", name);

About C Sharp

C# is a general purpose object-oriented programming language by Microsoft. Though initially it was developed as part of .net but later it was approved by ECMA and ISO standards.

You can use C# to create variety of applications, like web, windows, mobile, console applications and much more using Visual studio.

Syntax help

Data types

Data TypeDescriptionRangesize
intTo store integers-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,6474 bytes
doubleto store large floating point numbers with decimalscan store 15 decimal digits8 bytes
floatto store floating point numbers with decimalscan store upto 7 decimal digits4 bytes
charto store single characters-2 bytes
stringto stores text-2 bytes per character
boolto stores either true or false-1 bit



datatype variable-name = value;


1. If-Else:

When ever you want to perform a set of operations based on a condition or set of few conditions IF-ELSE is used.

if(conditional-expression) {
   // code
else {
   // code

You can also use if-else for nested Ifs and If-Else-If ladder when multiple conditions are to be performed on a single variable.

2. Switch:

Switch is an alternative to If-Else-If ladder.

switch(conditional-expression) {    
case value1:    
 // code    
 break;  // optional  
case value2:    
 // code    
 break;  // optional  
 // code to be executed when all the above cases are not matched;    

3. For:

For loop is used to iterate a set of statements based on a condition.

for(Initialization; Condition; Increment/decrement) {
  // code  

4. While:

While is also used to iterate a set of statements based on a condition. Usually while is preferred when number of iterations are not known in advance.

while(condition) {
 // code 

5. Do-While:

Do-while is also used to iterate a set of statements based on a condition. It is mostly used when you need to execute the statements atleast once.

do {
  // code 
} while (condition);


Array is a collection of similar data which is stored in continuous memory addresses. Array values can be fetched using index. Index starts from 0 to size-1.


data-type[] array-name;


Method is a set of statements which gets executed only when they are called. Call the method name in the main function to execute the method.


static void method-name() 
  // code to be executed