import std.stdio, std.range, std.algorithm, std.compiler, core.bitop;

// Optimizing compilers should do tail call optimization here, so
// 0xBADF00D magic constant won't be found in stack if optimizations
// are enabled. Is there a cleaner way to detect optimizations?
bool detect_opt() {
  int[100] filler;
  bool detect_tail_call_opt(int depth, int magic) {
    if (depth > 100) {
      int x; foreach (i ; 20 .. 80) if (*(&x + i) == magic) return false;
      return true;
    return detect_tail_call_opt(depth + 1, magic);
  return filler[0] || detect_tail_call_opt(0, 0xBADF00D);

// GDC11 was the first version to start supporting getTargetInfo traits
bool detect_gdc11() {
  version(GNU) { return __traits(compiles, __traits(getTargetInfo, "cppStd")); }
  else return false;

// GDC inline assembly for RDTSCP instruction (works only on x86 hardware)
ulong rdtscp(ref uint coreid)
  uint hi, lo;
  version (GNU) {
    asm { "rdtscp" : "=d" (hi), "=a" (lo), "=c" (coreid); }
    return (cast(ulong)hi << 32) + lo;
  } else {

bool detect_templates_inlining()
  uint coreid1, coreid2;
  ulong before, after, time1 = ulong.max, time2 = ulong.max;
  size_t repeats = 100, counter = 1000, ans1, ans2;

  foreach (i ; 0 .. repeats) {
    volatileStore(&before, rdtscp(coreid1));
    size_t max_x = volatileLoad(&counter);

    size_t ans = iota(1, max_x + 1).map!(x => x * x ^ x).sum;

    volatileStore(&ans1, volatileLoad(&ans1) + ans);
    volatileStore(&after, rdtscp(coreid2));
    if (coreid1 == coreid2)
      time1 = min(time1, volatileLoad(&after) - volatileLoad(&before));

  foreach (i ; 0 .. repeats) {
    volatileStore(&before, rdtscp(coreid1));
    size_t max_x = volatileLoad(&counter);

    size_t ans = 0;
    for (size_t x = 1; x <= max_x; x++)
      ans += x * x ^ x;

    volatileStore(&ans2, volatileLoad(&ans2) + ans);
    volatileStore(&after, rdtscp(coreid2));
    if (coreid1 == coreid2)
      time2 = min(time2, volatileLoad(&after) - volatileLoad(&before));

  if (ans1 != ans2)

  return time1 / time2 < 2;

void main() {
  bool assert_on = false, optimizations_on = detect_opt();
  version(assert) { assert_on = true; }
  string[] warnings;
  version(GNU) {
    writefln("Detected compiler: GDC (frontend v%d.%d)", version_major, version_minor);
    if (!optimizations_on)
      warnings ~= "Performance warning: '-O2' or '-O3' option was not used!";
    if (assert_on)
      warnings ~= "Performance warning: '-frelease' option was not used!";
    if (detect_gdc11()) {
      if (!detect_templates_inlining()) {
        warnings ~= "Performance warning: '-flto' or '-fno-weak-templates' option was not used!";
  } else version(LDC) {
    writefln("Detected compiler: LDC (optimizing for %s)", __traits(targetCPU));
    if (!optimizations_on)
      warnings ~= "Performance warning: '-O' option was not used!";
    if (assert_on)
      warnings ~= "Performance warning: '-release' option was not used!";
    if (__traits(targetCPU) == "pentium4")
      warnings ~= "Performance warning: '-mcpu=native' option was not used!";
  } else version(DigitalMars) {
    writeln("Detected compiler: DMD");
    if (!optimizations_on)
      warnings ~= "Performance warning: '-O' option was not used!";
    if (assert_on)
      warnings ~= "Performance warning: '-release' option was not used!";
    warnings ~= "Performance warning: DMD generates much slower code than GDC or LDC!";
  } else {
    warnings ~= "Unknown compiler";
  if (size_t.sizeof < 8)
    warnings ~= "Performance warning: not a 64-bit compiler!";
  if (warnings.empty)
    writeln("Everything seems to be properly configured.");

D Language Online Compiler

Write, Run & Share D language code online using OneCompiler's D language online compiler for free. It's one of the robust, feature-rich online compilers for D language. Getting started with the OneCompiler's D language compiler is simple and pretty fast. The editor shows sample boilerplate code when you choose language as D and start coding.

About D language

D language is a general purpose object oriented programming language similar to C in syntax created by Walter Bright and released in 2001. Dlang is more powerful than C++ as it has gained good features from C++ and also has additional features added.

  • More productive
  • Modeling code according to your requirement.
  • Very good choice for open source software development.

Syntax help



datatype variable-names;


1. If-Else:

When ever you want to perform a set of operations based on a condition If-Else is used.

if(conditional-expression) {
else {

You can also use if-else for nested Ifs and If-Else-If ladder when multiple conditions are to be performed on a single variable.

2. For:

For loop is used to iterate a set of statements based on a condition.

for(Initialization; Condition; Increment/decrement){  

3. While:

While is also used to iterate a set of statements based on a condition. Usually while is preferred when number of iterations are not known in advance.

while (condition) {  
// code 

4. Do-While:

Do-while is also used to iterate a set of statements based on a condition. It is mostly used when you need to execute the statements atleast once.

do {  
 // code 
} while (condition); 


Array is a collection of similar data which is stored in continuous memory addresses. Array values can be fetched using index. Index starts from 0 to size-1.

data-type array-name [ array-size ];


Function is a sub-routine which contains set of statements. Usually functions are written when multiple calls are required to same set of statements which increases re-usuability and modularity.


return_type function_name(parameters) {  

How to call a Function

function_name (parameters)