local function removecommonprefix(str1, str2) -- Retourne str1 moins ses premiers mots qui correspondent aux premiers mots de str2 -- Exemple : removecommonprefix('droit rural', 'droit privé') retourne 'rural' -- removecommonprefix('droit privé', 'droit') retourne 'privé' -- Il doit exister des césures dans au moins une des deux chaînes if (string.find(str1, ' ', 1, true) == nil) and (string.find(str2, ' ', 1, true) == nil) then return str1 end -- Faire en sorte que la chaîne retournée ne commence pas par une espace sought = str2..' ' lensought = string.len(sought) while (lensought > 0) and (string.find(str1, string.sub(sought, 1, lensought), 1, true) == nil) do lensought = lensought - 1 end -- print('>'..string.sub(str1, lensought+1, lensought+1)..'<') print(string.sub(str2, lensought+1, lensought+2) ~= '') -- (lensought == 0) si les chaînes n’ont rien en commun -- (string.sub(str1, lensought+1, lensought+1) ~= ' ') si la partie commune de str1 n’est pas un mot entier -- (string.sub(str2, lensought+1, lensought+2) ~= 's ') laisse passer le cas où str2 commence par le pluriel de str1 -- (string.sub(str2, lensought+1, lensought+2) ~= '') laisse passer les cas où str1 inclut str2 au complet if (lensought == 0) or ((string.sub(str1, lensought+1, lensought+1) ~= ' ') and (string.sub(str2, lensought+1, lensought+2) ~= 's ') and (string.sub(str2, lensought+1, lensought+2) ~= '')) then print('sortie 1') return str1 end startindex, endindex = string.find(str1, string.sub(sought, 1, lensought), 1, true) -- Rejeter le cas où str2 est préfixé dans str1 if (startindex > 1) then print('sortie 2') return str1 else result = string.sub(str1, endindex+1) -- Cas spécial 'arts *' sous 'art' et 'sports *' sous 'sport' print('str2 >'..str2..'< result >'..result..'<') if ((str2 == 'art') or (str2 == 'sport')) and (string.find(result, 's ', 1, true) == 1) then result = string.sub(result, 3) end -- Cas inverse (par ex. 'art urbain' sous 'arts visuels', qui donne result ' urbain' ici) if string.sub(result, 1, 1) == ' ' then result = result.sub(result, 2) end -- On enlève enfin un éventuel préfixe en de/du/de la/des/d’/de l’/avec if string.find(result, 'de la ', 1, true) == 1 then result = string.sub(result, 7) -- Unicode rallonge '’' de 2 octets elseif string.find(result, 'de l’', 1, true) == 1 then result = string.sub(result, 8) elseif string.find(result, 'des ', 1, true) == 1 then result = string.sub(result, 5) elseif string.find(result, 'avec ', 1, true) == 1 then result = string.sub(result, 6) elseif string.find(result, 'de ', 1, true) == 1 then result = string.sub(result, 4) elseif string.find(result, 'du ', 1, true) == 1 then result = string.sub(result, 4) elseif string.find(result, 'd’', 1, true) == 1 then result = string.sub(result, 5) end return result end end print('>'..removecommonprefix('jeux de sport', 'jeux de simulation')..'<')
Write, Run & Share Lua code online using OneCompiler's Lua online compiler for free. It's one of the robust, feature-rich online compilers for Lua language, running the latest Lua version 5.4. Getting started with the OneCompiler's Lua editor is easy and fast. The editor shows sample boilerplate code when you choose language as Lua and start coding.
OneCompiler's Lua online editor supports stdin and users can give inputs to programs using the STDIN textbox under the I/O tab. Following is a sample Lua program which takes name as input and prints hello message with your name.
name = io.read("*a")
print ("Hello ", name)
Lua is a light weight embeddable scripting language which is built on top of C. It is used in almost all kind of applications like games, web applications, mobile applications, image processing etc. It's a very powerful, fast, easy to learn, open-source scripting language.
-- global variables
a = 10
-- local variables
local x = 30
Value Type | Description |
number | Represents numbers |
string | Represents text |
nil | Differentiates values whether it has data or not |
boolean | Value can be either true or false |
function | Represents a sub-routine |
userdata | Represents arbitary C data |
thread | Represents independent threads of execution. |
table | Can hold any value except nil |
While is also used to iterate a set of statements based on a condition. Usually while is preferred when number of iterations are not known in advance.
Repeat-Until is also used to iterate a set of statements based on a condition. It is very similar to Do-While, it is mostly used when you need to execute the statements atleast once.
until( condition )
For loop is used to iterate a set of statements based on a condition.
for init,max/min value, increment
Function is a sub-routine which contains set of statements. Usually functions are written when multiple calls are required to same set of statements which increase re-usuability and modularity.
optional_function_scope function function_name( argument1, argument2, argument3........, argumentn)
return params with comma seperated