## Example of a line of raw HYDRO code in format KN-15

### Change the variable raw to get the result.
### The variable raw has the format KN-15.

//$raw = '79121 09081 10244 20021 30243 458// 60000=';
$raw = '73115 09081 10542 20122 30547 424// 53703 62201 70454 83926 00512 92210 10300 20971 40803 51605 92209 10203 21042 407// 53032';
//$raw = '73115 09081 10542 20122 30547 424// 53703 62201 70454 83926 00512 93304 20502 70715 93330 10187 20303 30087 43600 51160 62435 70314';
//$raw = '73115 09081 10542 20122 30547 424// 53703 62201 70454 83926 00512 94405 10479 20478 30477 40180 50195 60170 72173 82184 94404 10478 20480 30480 40178 50183 60163 72200 82233';
//$raw = '73115 09081 10542 20122 30547 424// 53703 62201 70454 83926 00512 95505 15292 24533 33800 45280 54540 63800 75281 95504 15291 24541 33850 45278 54555 64100 75283';
//$raw = '73115 09081 10542 20122 30547 424// 53703 62201 70454 83926 00512 96604 11271 24124 34251 41270 50714 60203 76021 80709 96610 15042 20065 31725 40075 53109 60001 70010';
//$raw = '73115 09081 10542 20122 30547 424// 53703 62201 70454 83926 00512 97701 10996 24391 97703 51610 97704 84126 97705 00411 97706 97707';
//$raw = '73115 09081 10542 20122 30547 424// 53703 62201 70454 83926 00512 93305 20560 70708=';
//$raw = '79093 09081 15154 20142 30158 60000 90043 00043=';
//$raw = '79093 09081 15154 20142 30158 60000 60071 90043 00043 92205 62201 67785=';
//$raw = '73258 19081 10164 20012 30164 42299 56505 62406 70454 81369 90000 00000=';
//$raw = '79796 09081 10174 20071 30170 496// 62409 80172=';
//$raw = '79346 09081 10090 20000 30090 497// 62309=';

//подключаем классы для расшифровки HYDRO

	HYDRO Parser Class

	Version: 1.0
	This library is based on GetWx script by Mark Woodward.

		This script is a PHP library which allows to parse the hydrological code
	in format KN-15, and convert it to an array of data parameters. KN-15 code
	parsed using the syntactic analysis and regular expressions. It solves
	the problem of parsing the data in the presence of any error in the code KN-15.
	In addition to the return parameters, the script also displays the interpreted
	(easy to understand) information of these parameters.

/***********BEGIN HYDRO STRUCTURE ******************************************************/
	# section 0

	# section 1
	# 1HHHH 2HHHH 3HHHH 4ttTT (5EEii or 5EEEE) (6CCii or 6CCCC) 7DDDS 8kQQQ 0RRRd

	# section 2
	# 922YY
	# 1HHHH 2HHHH 3HHHH 4ttTT (5EEii or 5EEEE) (6CCii or 6CCCC) 7DDDS 8kQQQ 0RRRd
	# section 3
	# 933TT
	# section 4
	# 944YY
	# section 5
	# 955YY
	# 1kQQQ 2kQQQ 3kQQQ 4kQQQ 5kQQQ 6kQQQ 7kQQQ
	# section 6
	# 966MM
	# 1HHHH 2kQQQ 3kFFF 4hhhh 5YYGG 6ddff 7dHHC 8YYGG
	# section 7
	# 97701
	# 1HHHH 2HHHK (5EEii or 5EEEE) (6CCii or 6CCCC)
	# 97702
	# 1HHHH 2HHHK (5EEii or 5EEEE) (6CCii or 6CCCC)
	# 97703
	# (5EEii or 5EEEE)
	# 97704
	# 8kQQQ	
	# 97705
	# 0RRRd
	# 97706
	# 97707

/***********END HYDRO STRUCTURE ******************************************************/

class Hydro
	 * Array of decoded result, by default all parameters is null.
	private $result = array
		'raw'                      => NULL,
		'dayr'                     => NULL,
		'hour_obs'                 => NULL,
		'section_state'            => NULL,
		'station_id'               => NULL,
		'water_level'              => NULL,
		'water_level_diff'         => NULL,
		'water_level_last_20h'     => NULL,
		'water_temp'               => NULL,
		'air_temp'                 => NULL,
		'ice_phenomena'            => NULL,
		'ice_phenomena_2'          => NULL,
		'ice_p_intensity'          => NULL,
		'ice_phenomena_1_2'        => NULL,  // additional property for section 1
		'ice_phenomena_1_2_2'      => NULL,  // additional property for section 1
		'ice_p_intensity_1_2'      => NULL,  // additional property for section 1
		'condition_river'          => NULL,
		'condition_river_2'        => NULL,
		'cond_river_intensity'     => NULL,
		'condition_river_1_2'      => NULL,  // additional property for section 1
		'condition_river_1_2_2'    => NULL,  // additional property for section 1
		'cond_river_intensity_1_2' => NULL,  // additional property for section 1
		'ice_thickness'            => NULL,
		'snow_depth_on_ice'        => NULL,
		'w_consumption'            => NULL,
		'precip'                   => NULL,
		'precip_duration'          => NULL,
		### section 2_1 - variables ###
		'monthdayr__section_2_1'                => NULL,		
		'water_level__section_2_1'              => NULL,
		'water_level_diff__section_2_1'         => NULL,
		'water_level_last_20h__section_2_1'     => NULL,
		'water_temp__section_2_1'               => NULL,
		'air_temp__section_2_1'                 => NULL,
		'ice_phenomena__section_2_1'            => NULL,
		'ice_phenomena_2__section_2_1'          => NULL,
		'ice_p_intensity__section_2_1'          => NULL,
		'ice_phenomena__section_2_1_2'          => NULL,  // additional property for section 2
		'ice_phenomena_2__section_2_1_2'        => NULL,  // additional property for section 2
		'ice_p_intensity__section_2_1_2'        => NULL,  // additional property for section 2
		'condition_river__section_2_1'          => NULL,
		'condition_river_2__section_2_1'        => NULL,
		'cond_river_intensity__section_2_1'     => NULL,
		'condition_river__section_2_1_2'        => NULL,  // additional property for section 2
		'condition_river_2__section_2_1_2'      => NULL,  // additional property for section 2
		'cond_river_intensity__section_2_1_2'   => NULL,  // additional property for section 2
		'ice_thickness__section_2_1'            => NULL,
		'snow_depth_on_ice__section_2_1'        => NULL,
		'w_consumption__section_2_1'            => NULL,
		'precip__section_2_1'                   => NULL,
		'precip_duration__section_2_1'          => NULL,
		### section 2_2 - variables ###
		'monthdayr__section_2_2'                 => NULL,		
		'water_level__section_2_2'              => NULL,
		'water_level_diff__section_2_2'         => NULL,
		'water_level_last_20h__section_2_2'     => NULL,
		'water_temp__section_2_2'               => NULL,
		'air_temp__section_2_2'                 => NULL,
		'ice_phenomena__section_2_2'            => NULL,
		'ice_phenomena_2__section_2_2'          => NULL,
		'ice_p_intensity__section_2_2'          => NULL,
		'ice_phenomena__section_2_2_2'          => NULL,  // additional property for section 2
		'ice_phenomena_2__section_2_2_2'        => NULL,  // additional property for section 2
		'ice_p_intensity__section_2_2_2'        => NULL,  // additional property for section 2
		'condition_river__section_2_2'          => NULL,
		'condition_river_2__section_2_2'        => NULL,
		'cond_river_intensity__section_2_2'     => NULL,
		'condition_river__section_2_2_2'        => NULL,  // additional property for section 2
		'condition_river_2__section_2_2_2'      => NULL,  // additional property for section 2
		'cond_river_intensity__section_2_2_2'   => NULL,  // additional property for section 2
		'ice_thickness__section_2_2'            => NULL,
		'snow_depth_on_ice__section_2_2'        => NULL,
		'w_consumption__section_2_2'            => NULL,
		'precip__section_2_2'                   => NULL,
		'precip_duration__section_2_2'          => NULL,
		### section 3_1 - variables ###
		'period_avg_extreme_3_1'                => NULL,
		'water_level_avg__section_3_1'          => NULL,
		'water_level_highest__section_3_1'      => NULL,
		'water_level_lowest__section_3_1'       => NULL,
		'w_consumption_avg__section_3_1'        => NULL,
		'w_consumption_highest__section_3_1'    => NULL,
		'w_consumption_lowest__section_3_1'     => NULL,
		'monthdayr_water_level_highest__section_3_1'         => NULL,
		'hourr_water_level_highest__section_3_1'             => NULL,
		### section 3_2 - variables ###
		'period_avg_extreme_3_2'                => NULL,
		'water_level_avg__section_3_2'          => NULL,
		'water_level_highest__section_3_2'      => NULL,
		'water_level_lowest__section_3_2'       => NULL,
		'w_consumption_avg__section_3_2'        => NULL,
		'w_consumption_highest__section_3_2'    => NULL,
		'w_consumption_lowest__section_3_2'     => NULL,
		'monthdayr_water_level_highest__section_3_2'         => NULL,
		'hourr_water_level_highest__section_3_2'             => NULL,
		### section 4_1 - variables ###
		'monthdayr__section_4_1'                             => NULL,
		'water_level_upper_pool__section_4_1'                => NULL,
		'water_level_avg_current__section_4_1'               => NULL,
		'water_level_avg_post__section_4_1'                  => NULL,
		'water_level_lower_pool_current__section_4_1'        => NULL,
		'water_level_lower_pool_hilevel_post__section_4_1'   => NULL,
		'water_level_lower_pool_lolevel_post__section_4_1'   => NULL,
		'w_volume_avg_current__section_4_1'                  => NULL,
		'w_volume_avg_post__section_4_1'                     => NULL,
		### section 4_2 - variables ###
		'monthdayr__section_4_2'                             => NULL,
		'water_level_upper_pool__section_4_2'                => NULL,
		'water_level_avg_current__section_4_2'               => NULL,
		'water_level_avg_post__section_4_2'                  => NULL,
		'water_level_lower_pool_current__section_4_2'        => NULL,
		'water_level_lower_pool_hilevel_post__section_4_2'   => NULL,
		'water_level_lower_pool_lolevel_post__section_4_2'   => NULL,
		'w_volume_avg_current__section_4_2'                  => NULL,
		'w_volume_avg_post__section_4_2'                     => NULL,
		### section 5_1 - variables ###
		'monthdayr__section_5_1'                             => NULL,
		'w_inflow_total_current__section_5_1'                => NULL,
		'w_inflow_lateral_current__section_5_1'              => NULL,
		'w_inflow_area_current__section_5_1'                 => NULL,
		'w_inflow_total_post__section_5_1'                   => NULL,
		'w_inflow_lateral_post__section_5_1'                 => NULL,
		'w_inflow_area_post__section_5_1'                    => NULL,
		'w_inflow_discharge_post__section_5_1'               => NULL,
		### section 5_2 - variables ###
		'monthdayr__section_5_2'                             => NULL,
		'w_inflow_total_current__section_5_2'                => NULL,
		'w_inflow_lateral_current__section_5_2'              => NULL,
		'w_inflow_area_current__section_5_2'                 => NULL,
		'w_inflow_total_post__section_5_2'                   => NULL,
		'w_inflow_lateral_post__section_5_2'                 => NULL,
		'w_inflow_area_post__section_5_2'                    => NULL,
		'w_inflow_discharge_post__section_5_2'               => NULL,
		### section 6_1 - variables ###
		'month_flow_6_1'                        => NULL,
		'water_level_avg__section_6_1'          => NULL,
		'w_consumption_avg__section_6_1'        => NULL,
		'river_area__section_6_1'               => NULL,
		'max_depth__section_6_1'                => NULL,
		'monthdayr_water_flow__section_6_1'     => NULL,
		'hourr_water_flow__section_6_1'         => NULL,
		'month_surface_6_1'                     => NULL,
		'wind_direction__section_6_1'           => NULL,
		'wind_speed__section_6_1'               => NULL,
		'wind_direction_waves__section_6_1'     => NULL,
		'wave_height__section_6_1'              => NULL,
		'state_surface__section_6_1'            => NULL,
		'monthdayr_water_waves__section_6_1'    => NULL,
		'hourr_water_waves__section_6_1'        => NULL,
		### section 6_2 - variables ###
		'month_flow_6_2'                        => NULL,
		'water_level_avg__section_6_2'          => NULL,
		'w_consumption_avg__section_6_2'        => NULL,
		'river_area__section_6_2'               => NULL,
		'max_depth__section_6_2'                => NULL,
		'monthdayr_water_flow__section_6_2'     => NULL,
		'hourr_water_flow__section_6_2'         => NULL,
		'month_surface_6_2'                     => NULL,
		'wind_direction__section_6_2'           => NULL,
		'wind_speed__section_6_2'               => NULL,
		'wind_direction_waves__section_6_2'     => NULL,
		'wave_height__section_6_2'              => NULL,
		'state_surface__section_6_2'            => NULL,
		'monthdayr_water_waves__section_6_2'    => NULL,
		'hourr_water_waves__section_6_2'        => NULL,

		### section 7_1 - variables ###
		'about_dangerous__section_7_1'          => NULL,
		'water_level__section_7_1'              => NULL,
		'water_level_diff__section_7_1'         => NULL,
		'ice_phenomena__section_7_1'            => NULL,
		'ice_phenomena_2__section_7_1'          => NULL,
		'ice_p_intensity__section_7_1'          => NULL,
		'condition_river__section_7_1'          => NULL,
		'condition_river_2__section_7_1'        => NULL,
		'cond_river_intensity__section_7_1'     => NULL,
		### section 7_2 - variables ###
		'about_dangerous__section_7_2'          => NULL,
		'water_level__section_7_2'              => NULL,
		'water_level_diff__section_7_2'         => NULL,
		'ice_phenomena__section_7_2'            => NULL,
		'ice_phenomena_2__section_7_2'          => NULL,
		'ice_p_intensity__section_7_2'          => NULL,
		'condition_river__section_7_2'          => NULL,
		'condition_river_2__section_7_2'        => NULL,
		'cond_river_intensity__section_7_2'     => NULL,
		### section 7_3 - variables ###
		'about_dangerous__section_7_3'          => NULL,
		'ice_phenomena__section_7_3'            => NULL,
		'ice_phenomena_2__section_7_3'          => NULL,
		'ice_p_intensity__section_7_3'          => NULL,
		### section 7_4 - variables ###
		'about_dangerous__section_7_4'          => NULL,
		'w_consumption__section_7_4'            => NULL,
		### section 7_5 - variables ###
		'about_dangerous__section_7_5'          => NULL,
		'precip__section_7_5'                   => NULL,
		'precip_duration__section_7_5'          => NULL,
		### section 7_6 - variables ###
		'about_dangerous__section_7_6'          => NULL,
		### section 7_7 - variables ###
		'about_dangerous__section_7_7'          => NULL

	 * Methods used for parsing in the order of data
	private $method_names = array
		'ice_phenomena_1_2',				// additional group for section 1
		'condition_river_1_2',				// additional group for section 1
		### section 2_1 - methods ###
		'ice_phenomena__section_2_1_2',		// additional group for section 2
		'condition_river__section_2_1_2',	// additional group for section 2
		### section 2_2 - methods ###
		'ice_phenomena__section_2_2_2',		// additional group for section 2
		'condition_river__section_2_2_2',	// additional group for section 2
		### section 3_1 - methods ###
		### section 3_2 - methods ###
		### section 4_1 - methods ###
		### section 4_2 - methods ###
		### section 5_1 - methods ###
		### section 5_2 - methods ###
		### section 6_1 - methods ###
		### section 6_2 - methods ###
		### section 7_1 - methods ###
		### section 7_2 - methods ###
		### section 7_3 - methods ###
		### section 7_4 - methods ###
		### section 7_5 - methods ###
		### section 7_6 - methods ###
		### section 7_7 - methods ###

	private $WIND_UNIT_CODE = array
		"0" => "meters per second estimate",
		"1" => "meters per second measured",
		"3" => "knots estimate",
		"4" => "knots measured"

/***********BEGIN HYDRO OPTIONS ******************************************************/
	#section 1 or 2 or 7 - 5EEii or 5EEEE group
	private $ICE_PHENOMENA_CODE = array
		'00' => null,													//
		'11' => 'cало',													// fat
		'12' => 'cнежура',                                              // snowshoe
		'13' => 'забереги',                                             // take away
		'14' => 'припай шириной более 100 м (для озер водохранилищ)',   // fast ice more than 100 m wide (for lakes and reservoirs)
		'15' => 'забереги нависшие',                                    // take away the overhanging
		'16' => 'ледоход',                                              // ice drift
		'17' => 'ледоход',                                              // ice drift
		'18' => 'ледоход поверх лед. покрова',                          // ice drift over the ice. cover
		'19' => 'шугоход',                                              // drywall
		'20' => 'внутриводный лед',                                     // intrawater ice
		'21' => 'пятры',                                                // five
		'22' => 'осевший лед',                                          // settled ice
		'23' => 'навалы льда на берегах',                               // piles of ice on the banks
		'24' => 'ледяная перемычка',                                    // ice bridge
		'25' => 'ледяная перемычка в/п',                                // ice cofferdam above the hydropost
		'26' => 'ледяная перемычка н/п',                                // ice cofferdam below the hydropost
		'30' => 'затор в/п',                                            // congestion above the hydropost
		'31' => 'затор н/п',                                            // congestion below the hydropost
		'32' => 'затор льда искуственно разрушается',                   // ice jam is artificially destroyed
		'34' => 'зажор в/п',                                            // jam above the hydropost
		'35' => 'зажор н/п',                                            // jam below the hydropost
		'36' => 'зажор льда искуственно разрушается',                   // ice jam is artificially destroyed
		'37' => 'вода на льду',                                         // water on ice
		'38' => 'вода течет поверх льда',                               // water flows over ice
		'39' => 'закраины',                                             // flanges
		'40' => 'лед потемнел',                                         // ice darkened
		'41' => 'снежница',                                             // puddle
		'42' => 'лед подняло',                                          // ice lifted
		'43' => 'подвижка льда',                                        // ice movement
		'44' => 'разводья',                                             // divorce
		'45' => 'лед тает на месте',                                    // ice melts in place
		'46' => 'забереги остаточные',                                  // take away the residual
		'47' => 'наслуд',                                               // forgiveness
		'48' => 'битый лед',                                            // broken ice
		'49' => 'блинчатый лед',                                        // pancake ice
		'50' => 'ледяные поля (для озер водохранилищ устьев рек)',      // ice fields (for lakes and reservoirs of river mouths)
		'51' => 'ледяная каша',                                         // ice porridge
		'52' => 'стамуха (для озер водохранилищ устьев рек)',           // stamukha (for lakes and reservoirs of river mouths)
		'53' => 'лед относит от берега',                                // ice carries away from the shore
		'54' => 'лед прижимает к берегу',                               // the ice is pressing to the shore
		'63' => 'ледостав неполный',                                    // incomplete freeze-up
		'64' => 'ледостав с полыньями',                                 // freeze-up with openings
		'65' => 'ледостав',                                             // freeze-up
		'66' => 'ледостав с торосами',                                  // freeze-up with hummocks
		'67' => 'ледяной покров с грядами торосов',                     // ice cover with ridges of hummocks
		'68' => 'шуговая дорожка',                                      // sludge track
		'69' => 'подо льдом шуга',                                      // under the ice sludge
		'70' => 'трещины в ледяном покрове',                            // cracks in the ice sheet
		'71' => 'неледь',                                               // not ice
		'72' => 'лед нависший',                                         // overhanging ice
		'73' => 'лед ярусный',                                          // longline ice
		'74' => 'лед на дне',                                           // ice at the bottom
		'75' => 'река промерзла',                                       // the river is frozen
		'76' => 'лед искусственно разрушен',                            // the ice is artificially destroyed
		'77' => 'наледная вода'                                         // ice water

	#section 1 or 2 or 7 - 6CCii or 6CCCC group
	private $CONDITION_RIVER_CODE = array
		'00' => 'чисто',															// purely
		'11' => 'лесосплав',                                                        // timber rafting
		'14' => 'залом леса в/п',                                                   // forest hall above the hydropost
		'15' => 'залом леса н/п',                                                   // forest hall below the hydropost
		'22' => 'растительность у берега',                                          // coastal vegetation
		'23' => 'растительность по всему сечению потока',                           // vegetation across the entire stream
		'24' => 'растительность по сечению потока пятнами',                         // spotted vegetation along the stream
		'25' => 'растительность стелится по дну',                                   // vegetation spreads along the bottom
		'26' => 'растительность у гидроствора выкошена',                            // the vegetation at the hydropower is mown
		'27' => 'растительность легла на дно',                                      // vegetation fell to the bottom
		'28' => 'растительность занесена илом',                                     // vegetation covered with silt
		'29' => 'растительность погибла',                                           // vegetation died
		'35' => 'обвал берега',                                                     // landfall
		'36' => 'обвал берега в/п',                                                 // collapse of the coast above the hydropost
		'37' => 'обвал берега н/п',                                                 // collapse of the coast below the hydropost
		'38' => 'дноуглубительные работы в русле',                                  // in-bed dredging
		'39' => 'намывные работы в русле',                                          // in-bed reclamation
		'40' => 'проведена расчистка русла',                                        // the channel was cleared
		'41' => 'русло реки сужено на гидростворе',                                 // the river bed is narrowed at the hydroelectric station
		'42' => 'образовалась коса',                                                // a scythe formed
		'43' => 'коса',                                                             // scythe
		'44' => 'образовался осередок',                                             // a mid-point was formed
		'45' => 'осередок',                                                         // midsection
		'46' => 'образовался остров',                                               // an island was formed
		'47' => 'остров',                                                           // Island
		'48' => 'смещение русла в плане',                                           // channel displacement in plan
		'52' => 'снежный завал',                                                    // snow block
		'53' => 'снежный завал в/п',                                                // snow block above the hydropost
		'54' => 'снежный завал н/п',                                                // snow block below the hydropost
		'55' => 'прорыв снежного завала',                                           // snow block breakthrough
		'56' => 'прохождение селя',                                                 // mudflow passage
		'57' => 'течение реки изменилось',                                          // the course of the river has changed
		'58' => 'сгон воды',                                                        // drainage of water
		'59' => 'нагон воды',                                                       // water surge
		'60' => 'река пересохла',                                                   // the river is dry
		'61' => 'волнение слабое',                                                  // weak excitement
		'62' => 'волнение умеренное',                                               // moderate excitement
		'63' => 'волнение сильное',                                                 // strong excitement
		'64' => 'стоячая вода',                                                     // Still water
		'65' => 'стоячая вода подо льдом',                                          // standing water under the ice
		'66' => 'прекратилась лодочная переправа',                                  // the boat crossing stopped
		'67' => 'прекратилось пешее сообщение по льду',                             // pedestrian traffic on ice stopped
		'68' => 'началось пешее сообщение по льду',                                 // pedestrian traffic on ice began
		'69' => 'началось движение транспорта по льду',                             // traffic began on the ice
		'70' => 'прекратилось движение транспорта по льду',                         // traffic on the ice has stopped
		'71' => 'началась лодочная переправа',                                      // boat crossing began
		'72' => 'подпор (от засорения русла мостовых переправ ледообразования)',    // backwater (from clogging of the channel of bridge crossings of ice formation)
		'73' => 'начало навигации',                                                 // start navigation
		'74' => 'конец навигации',                                                  // end of navigation
		'77' => 'забор воды в/п',                                                   // water intake above the hydropost
		'78' => 'забор воды н/п',                                                   // water intake below the hydropost
		'79' => 'забор воды прекратился в/п',                                       // water intake stopped above the hydropost
		'80' => 'забор воды прекратился н/п',                                       // water intake has stopped below the hydropost
		'81' => 'сброс воды в/п',                                                   // discharge of water above the hydropost
		'82' => 'сброс воды н/п',                                                   // discharge of water below the hydropost
		'83' => 'сброс воды прекратился в/п',                                       // water discharge stopped above the hydropost
		'84' => 'сброс воды прекратился н/п',                                       // water discharge stopped below the hydropost
		'85' => 'плотина в/п',                                                      // dam above the hydropost
		'86' => 'плотина н/п',                                                      // dam below the hydropost
		'87' => 'разрушена платина в/п',                                            // platinum destroyed above the hydropost
		'88' => 'разрушена платина н/п',                                            // destroyed platinum below the hydropost
		'89' => 'подпор от засорения русла',                                        // backwater from blockage of the channel
		'90' => 'подпор от мостовых переправ',                                      // bridge support
		'91' => 'попуски воды'                                                      // water releases
	#section 1 or 2 - 7DDDS group
	private $SNOW_DEPTH_ICE_CODE = array
		"0" => "0",		//0
		"1" => "<5",	//<5
		"2" => "10",	//5-10
		"3" => "15",	//11-15
		"4" => "20",	//16-20
		"5" => "25",	//21-25
		"6" => "35",	//26-35
		"7" => "50",	//36-50
		"8" => "70",	//51-70
		"9" => ">70"	//>70
	#section 1 or 2 or 7 - 0RRRd group
	private $PRECIP_DURATION_CODE = array
		"0" => "<1",	//<1
		"1" => "3",		//1-3
		"2" => "6",		//3-6
		"3" => "12",	//6-12
		"4" => ">12"	//>12
	#section 3 - 933TT group
		"01" => "over the past day",										//за прошедшие сутки
		"04" => "for rain flood",											//за дождевой паводок
		"05" => "for the flood",											//за половодье		
		"11" => "for the first decade",										//за первую декаду
		"20" => "for 20 days, from 1 to 20",								//за 20 дней, с 1 по 20 число
		"22" => "for the second decade",									//за вторую декаду
		"25" => "for 25 days, from 1st to 25th day",						//за 25 дней, с 1 по 25 число
		"30" => "per month, regardless of the length of the month in days",	//за месяц, независимо от продолжительности месяца в днях
		"33" => "over the third decade"										//за третью декаду
	#section 6 - 6ddff group
	private $WIND_DIR_COMPASS = array
		"00" => 'calm wind',
		"01" => 'NE',
		"02" => 'E',
		"03" => 'SE',
		"04" => 'S',
		"05" => 'SW',
		"06" => 'W',
		"07" => 'NW',
		"08" => 'N',
		"09" => 'VRB',  //wind_direction_varies
		"//" => NULL	
	#section 6 - 7dHHC group
	private $WIND_DIR_COMPASS_WAVES = array
		"0" => 'calm wind',
		"1" => 'NE',
		"2" => 'E',
		"3" => 'SE',
		"4" => 'S',
		"5" => 'SW',
		"6" => 'W',
		"7" => 'NW',
		"8" => 'N',
		"9" => 'VRB',  //wind_direction_varies
		"//" => NULL	
	#section 6 - 7dHHC group
	private $POINTS_STATE_SURFACE = array
		"0" => 'smooth surface',												//зеркально-гладкая поверхность
		"1" => 'ripples',														//рябь, появляются небольшие гребни волн
		"2" => 'small wave crests',												//небольшие гребни волн начинают опрокидываться, но пена не белая, а стекловидная
		"3" => 'small waves',													//хорошо заметные небольшие волны, гребни некоторых из них опрокидываются, образуя местами белую клубящуюся пену - "барашки"
		"4" => 'well-defined waves',											//волны принимают хорошо выраженную форму, повсюду образуются "барашки"
		"5" => 'high ridges',													//появляются гребни большой высоты, их пенящиеся вершины занимают большие площади, ветер начинает срывать пену с гребней волн
		"6" => 'the surface of the water begins to foam',						//гребни очерчивают длинные волны ветровых волн; пена, срываемая с гребней ветром, начинает вытягиваться полосами по склонам волн
		"7" => 'the surface of the water is covered with long stripes of foam',	//длинные полосы пены, срываемые ветром, покрывают склоны волн, а местами, сливаясь, достигают их подошв
		"8" => 'the surface of the water is covered with merging foam stripes',	//пена широкими, плотными, сливающимися полосами покрывает склоны волн, отчего вся поверхность становится белой; только местами, видны свободные от пены участки
		"9" => 'the water surface is covered with a dense layer of foam'		//поверхность воды покрыта плотным слоем пены, воздух наполнен водяной пылью и брызгами, видимость значительно уменьшена
	#section 7 - 977nn group
	private $HYDRO_DANGEROUS_CODE = array
		"01" => 'high water level',
		"02" => 'low water level',
		"03" => 'early freeze-up and ice formation',
		"04" => 'very high or low water consumption',
		"05" => 'heavy rain',
		"06" => 'dirty water flow',
		"07" => 'avalanche'
/***********END HYDRO OPTIONS ******************************************************/

	 * Debug and parse errors information.
	private $errors = NULL;
	private $debug  = NULL;
	private $debug_enabled;

	 * Other variables.
	private $raw;
	private $raw_parts = array();
	private $method    = 0;
	private $part      = 0;

	 * This method provides HYDRO information, you want to parse.
	 * Examples of raw HYDRO for test:
	 * 79121 09081 10244 20021 30243 458// 60000=
	 * 73115 09081 10542 20122 30547 424// 53703 62201 70454 83926 00512 93305 20560 70708=
	 * 79093 09081 15154 20142 30158 60000 90043 00043=
	public function __construct($raw, $debug = FALSE)
		$this->debug_enabled = $debug;

		if (empty($raw))
			throw new Exception('The HYDRO information is not presented.');

		$raw_lines = explode("\n", $raw, 2);

		if (isset($raw_lines[1]))
			$raw = trim($raw_lines[1]);
			$raw = trim($raw_lines[0]);

		$this->raw = rtrim(trim(preg_replace('/[\s\t]+/s', ' ', $raw)), '=');

		$this->set_debug('Infromation presented as HYDRO.');

		$this->set_result_value('raw', $this->raw);

	 * Gets the value from result array as class property.
	public function __get($parameter)
		if (isset($this->result[$parameter]))
			return $this->result[$parameter];

		return NULL;

	 * Parses the HYDRO information and returns result array.
	public function parse()
		$this->raw_parts = explode(' ', $this->raw);

		$current_method = 0;

		// See parts
		while ($this->part < sizeof($this->raw_parts))
			$this->method = $current_method;

			// See methods
			while ($this->method < sizeof($this->method_names))
				$method = 'get_'.$this->method_names[$this->method];
				$token  = $this->raw_parts[$this->part];

				if ($this->$method($token) === TRUE)
					$this->set_debug('Token "'.$token.'" is parsed by method: '.$method.', '.
						($this->method - $current_method).' previous methods skipped.');

					$current_method = $this->method;




			if ($current_method != $this->method - 1)
				$this->set_error('Unknown token: '.$this->raw_parts[$this->part]);
				$this->set_debug('Token "'.$this->raw_parts[$this->part].'" is NOT PARSED, '.
						($this->method - $current_method).' methods attempted.');


		return $this->result;

	 * Returns array with debug information.
	public function debug()
		return $this->debug;

	 * Returns array with parse errors.
	public function errors()
		return $this->errors;

	 * This method formats observation date and time in the local time zone of server, 
	 * the current local time on server, and time difference since observation. $time_utc is a
	 * UNIX timestamp for Universal Coordinated Time (Greenwich Mean Time or Zulu Time).
	private function set_observed_date($time_utc)
		$local = $time_utc + date('Z');
		$now   = time();

		$this->set_result_value('observed_date', date('r', $local)); // or "D M j, H:i T"

		$time_diff = floor(($now - $local) / 60);

		if ($time_diff < 91)
			$this->set_result_value('observed_age', $time_diff.' min. ago');
			$this->set_result_value('observed_age', floor($time_diff / 60).':'.sprintf("%02d", $time_diff % 60).' hr. ago');

	 * Sets the new value to parameter in result array.
	private function set_result_value($parameter, $value, $only_is_null = FALSE)
		if ($only_is_null)
			if (is_null($this->result[$parameter]))
				$this->result[$parameter] = $value;

				$this->set_debug('Set value "'.$value.'" ('.gettype($value).') for null parameter: '.$parameter);
			$this->result[$parameter] = $value;

			$this->set_debug('Set value "'.$value.'" ('.gettype($value).') for parameter: '.$parameter);

	 * Sets the data group to parameter in result array.
	private function set_result_group($parameter, $group)
		if (is_null($this->result[$parameter]))
			$this->result[$parameter] = array();

		array_push($this->result[$parameter], $group);

		$this->set_debug('Add new group value ('.gettype($group).') for parameter: '.$parameter);

	 * Sets the report text to parameter in result array.
	private function set_result_report($parameter, $report, $separator = ';')
		$this->result[$parameter] .= $separator.' '.$report;

		if (!is_null($this->result[$parameter]))
			$this->result[$parameter] = ucfirst(ltrim($this->result[$parameter], ' '.$separator));

		$this->set_debug('Add group report value "'.$report.'" for parameter: '.$parameter);

	 * Adds the debug text to debug information array.
	private function set_debug($text)
		if ($this->debug_enabled)
			if (is_null($this->debug))
				$this->debug = array();

			array_push($this->debug, $text);

	 * Adds the error text to parse errors array.
	private function set_error($text)
		if (is_null($this->errors))
			$this->errors = array();

		array_push($this->errors, $text);

	// --------------------------------------------------------------------
	// Methods for parsing raw parts
	// --------------------------------------------------------------------

	 * Decodes station id.
	 * section 0 - BBiii group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * BB: 
	 * iii: 
	private function get_station_id($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^([0-9]{5})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;

		$this->set_result_value('station_id', $found[1]);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decodes .
	 * section 0 - YYGGGGi group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * YY: 
	 * GGGG: 
	 * i: 
	private function get_time($part)
		//if (!preg_match('@^([0-9]{2})([0-9]{4})([0-9]{1})$@', $part, $found))  // for WMO standart
		if (!preg_match('@^([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{1})$@', $part, $found))  // for Belarus standart
			return FALSE;

		$this->set_result_value('dayr', $found[1]);
		$this->set_result_value('hour_obs', $found[2]);
		$this->set_result_value('section_state', $found[3]);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decode water level in cm.
	 * section 1 - 1HHHH 2HHHH 3HHHH group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * code : str
	 * 	Water level in cm

	 * Returns
	 * -------
	 * int
	 * 	Water level in cm
	private function set_HHHH($code) {
        if ($code == "") {
            return NULL;
        else {
			$value = intval($code);

			// if code "0218", water level equal 218 cm
			// if code "5223", water level equal -223 cm
            if (strlen($code) == 4 && substr($code, 0, 1) == 5) {
				$value = ($value - 5000) * -1;

            return $value;
	 * Decode water level in cm.
	 * section 1 - 1HHHH group
	private function get_water_level($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^1([0-9]{4})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$level = $this->set_HHHH($found[1]);

		$this->set_result_value('water_level', $level);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decode water level difference for the 8-hour observation period.
	 * section 1 - 2HHHK group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * HHH: water level in cm
	 * K: sign of the difference water level indicator
	private function get_water_level_diff($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^2([0-9]{3})([0-9]{1})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		if ($found[2] == 1) {
			$level_trend = 1;  //increasing
		elseif ($found[2] == 2) {
			$level_trend = -1;  //decreasing
		else {
			$level_trend = 0;  //no changes
		$level = $this->set_HHHH($found[1]);
		$water_level_diff = $level_trend * $level;

		$this->set_result_value('water_level_diff', $water_level_diff);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decode water level for the 20-hour observation period.
	 * section 1 - 3HHHH group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * HHH: water level in cm
	private function get_water_level_last_20h($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^3([0-9]{4})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$level = $this->set_HHHH($found[1]);

		$this->set_result_value('water_level_last_20h', $level);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decodes water temperature information.
	 * section 1 - 4ttTT group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * code : str
	 * 	Temperature with first charater defining the sign or
	 * 	type of unit (°C or relative humidity in % for dewpoint)

	 * Returns
	 * -------
	 * float
	 * 	Temperature in degree Celsius
	private function set_water_temp($code) {
        if ($code == "" || (strpos($code, "/") !== false)) {
            return NULL;
        else {
            $value = intval($code);
			$value = $value * 0.1;

            return $value;
	 * Decodes air temperature information.
	 * section 1 - 4ttTT group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * code : str
	 * 	Temperature with first charater defining the sign or
	 * 	type of unit (°C or relative humidity in % for dewpoint)

	 * Returns
	 * -------
	 * float
	 * 	Temperature in degree Celsius
	private function set_air_temp($code) {
        if ($code == "" || $code == 99 || (strpos($code, "/") !== false)) {
            return NULL;
        else {
            $value = intval($code);

            if ($value > 50) {
                $value = ($value - 50) * -1;
            return $value;
	 * Decodes temperature of water and air information.
	 * section 1 - 4ttTT group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * tt: water temperature
	 * TT: air temperature
	 * Returns
	 * -------
	 * float type
	 * 	Temperature in degree Celsius
	private function get_temperature($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^4([0-9/]{2})([0-9/]{2})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		if ($found[2] == 99) {
			$water_temp = $found[1];
		} else {
			$water_temp = $this->set_water_temp($found[1]);
		$air_temp = $this->set_air_temp($found[2]);

		$this->set_result_value('water_temp', $water_temp);
		$this->set_result_value('air_temp', $air_temp);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decodes ice phenomena information. May be repeated up to 5 times.
	 * section 1 - 5EEii or 5EEEE group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * EE: ice phenomena
	 * EEEE: 
	 * ii: intensity ice phenomena
	 * Returns
	 * -------
	private function get_ice_phenomena($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^5([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$ice_phenomena_2 = NULL;
		$ice_p_intensity = NULL;
		// list of phenomena containing intensity 
		$list_p_intensity = array(12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 19, 39, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 63, 64);
		$ice_phenomena = $this->ICE_PHENOMENA_CODE[$found[1]];
		if (in_array($found[1], $list_p_intensity)) {
			$ice_p_intensity = intval($found[2]) * 10;
		elseif (array_key_exists(intval($found[2]), $this->ICE_PHENOMENA_CODE)) {
			$ice_phenomena_2 = $this->ICE_PHENOMENA_CODE[$found[2]];

		$this->set_result_value('ice_phenomena', $ice_phenomena);
		$this->set_result_value('ice_phenomena_2', $ice_phenomena_2);
		$this->set_result_value('ice_p_intensity', $ice_p_intensity);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decodes ice phenomena information. Additional group for section 1.
	 * section 1 - 5EEii or 5EEEE group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * EE: ice phenomena
	 * EEEE: 
	 * ii: intensity ice phenomena
	 * Returns
	 * -------
	private function get_ice_phenomena_1_2($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^5([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$ice_phenomena_2 = NULL;
		$ice_p_intensity = NULL;
		// list of phenomena containing intensity 
		$list_p_intensity = array(12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 19, 39, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 63, 64);
		$ice_phenomena = $this->ICE_PHENOMENA_CODE[$found[1]];
		if (in_array($found[1], $list_p_intensity)) {
			$ice_p_intensity = intval($found[2]) * 10;
		elseif (array_key_exists(intval($found[2]), $this->ICE_PHENOMENA_CODE)) {
			$ice_phenomena_2 = $this->ICE_PHENOMENA_CODE[$found[2]];

		$this->set_result_value('ice_phenomena_1_2', $ice_phenomena);
		$this->set_result_value('ice_phenomena_1_2_2', $ice_phenomena_2);
		$this->set_result_value('ice_p_intensity_1_2', $ice_p_intensity);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decodes condition of the river information. May be repeated up to 5 times.
	 * section 1 - 6CCii or 6CCCC group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * CC: condition of the river
	 * CCCC: 
	 * ii: intensity condition of the river ????
	 * Returns
	 * -------
	private function get_condition_river($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^6([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$condition_river_2 = NULL;
		$cond_river_intensity = NULL;
		// list of condition river containing intensity 
		$list_r_intensity = array(11, 22, 23, 24);
		$condition_river = $this->CONDITION_RIVER_CODE[$found[1]];
		if (in_array($found[1], $list_r_intensity)) {
			$cond_river_intensity = intval($found[2]) * 10;
		elseif (array_key_exists(intval($found[2]), $this->CONDITION_RIVER_CODE)) {
			$condition_river_2 = $this->CONDITION_RIVER_CODE[$found[2]];

		$this->set_result_value('condition_river', $condition_river);
		$this->set_result_value('condition_river_2', $condition_river_2);
		$this->set_result_value('cond_river_intensity', $cond_river_intensity);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decodes condition of the river information. Additional group for section 1.
	 * section 1 - 6CCii or 6CCCC group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * CC: condition of the river
	 * CCCC: 
	 * ii: intensity condition of the river ????
	 * Returns
	 * -------
	private function get_condition_river_1_2($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^6([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$condition_river_2 = NULL;
		$cond_river_intensity = NULL;
		// list of condition river containing intensity 
		$list_r_intensity = array(11, 22, 23, 24);
		$condition_river = $this->CONDITION_RIVER_CODE[$found[1]];
		if (in_array($found[1], $list_r_intensity)) {
			$cond_river_intensity = intval($found[2]) * 10;
		elseif (array_key_exists(intval($found[2]), $this->CONDITION_RIVER_CODE)) {
			$condition_river_2 = $this->CONDITION_RIVER_CODE[$found[2]];

		$this->set_result_value('condition_river_1_2', $condition_river);
		$this->set_result_value('condition_river_1_2_2', $condition_river_2);
		$this->set_result_value('cond_river_intensity_1_2', $cond_river_intensity);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decodes ice thickness information.
	 * section 1 - 7DDDS group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * DDD: ice thickness in cm
	 * S: snow depth on ice in cm
	 * Returns
	 * -------
	private function get_ice_thickness($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^7([0-9]{3})([0-9]{1})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$ice_thickness = intval($found[1]);
		$snow_depth_on_ice = $this->SNOW_DEPTH_ICE_CODE[$found[2]];

		$this->set_result_value('ice_thickness', $ice_thickness);
		$this->set_result_value('snow_depth_on_ice', $snow_depth_on_ice);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decodes daily water consumption relative to level 1HHHH.
	 * section 1 - 8kQQQ group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * k: number of digits for water consumption
	 * QQQ: water consumption in m^3/s
	 * Returns
	 * -------
	private function get_w_consumption($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^8([0-9]{1})([0-9]{3})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$value = intval($found[2]);
		$exp = $found[1];
		$w_consumption = $value * 0.001 * pow(10, $exp);

		$this->set_result_value('w_consumption', $w_consumption);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decodes amount and duration of precipitation per day.
	 * section 1 - 0RRRd group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * RRR: precipitation amount in mm
	 * d: duration of precipitation in hours
	 * Returns
	 * -------
	private function get_precipitation($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^0([0-9/]{3})([0-9]{1})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
        if ($found[1] == "///") {
            $precip = NULL;
        else {
			$precip = intval($found[1]);
			if ($precip >= 990 && $precip <= 999) {
				$precip = ($precip - 990) * 0.1;
				if ($precip == 0) {
					//only traces of precipitation not measurable < 0.05
					$precip = 0;  //0.05
		$precip_duration = $this->PRECIP_DURATION_CODE[$found[2]];

		$this->set_result_value('precip', $precip);
		$this->set_result_value('precip_duration', $precip_duration);


		return TRUE;
	################## BEGIN SECTION 2_1 ###################
	 * Decodes section 2.
	 * section 2 - 922YY group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * YY: 
	 * Returns
	 * -------
	private function get_section_2_1($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^922([0-9]{2})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$this->set_result_value('monthdayr__section_2_1', $found[1]);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decode water level in cm.
	 * section 2 - 1HHHH group
	private function get_water_level__section_2_1($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^1([0-9]{4})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$level = $this->set_HHHH($found[1]);

		$this->set_result_value('water_level__section_2_1', $level);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decode water level difference for the 8-hour observation period.
	 * section 2 - 2HHHK group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * HHH: water level in cm
	 * K: sign of the difference water level indicator
	private function get_water_level_diff__section_2_1($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^2([0-9]{3})([0-9]{1})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		if ($found[2] == 1) {
			$level_trend = 1;  //increasing
		elseif ($found[2] == 2) {
			$level_trend = -1;  //decreasing
		else {
			$level_trend = 0;  //no changes
		$level = $this->set_HHHH($found[1]);
		$water_level_diff = $level_trend * $level;

		$this->set_result_value('water_level_diff__section_2_1', $water_level_diff);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decode water level for the 20-hour observation period.
	 * section 2 - 3HHHH group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * HHH: water level in cm
	private function get_water_level_last_20h__section_2_1($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^3([0-9]{4})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$level = $this->set_HHHH($found[1]);

		$this->set_result_value('water_level_last_20h__section_2_1', $level);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decodes temperature of water and air information.
	 * section 2 - 4ttTT group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * tt: water temperature
	 * TT: air temperature
	 * Returns
	 * -------
	 * float type
	 * 	Temperature in degree Celsius
	private function get_temperature__section_2_1($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^4([0-9/]{2})([0-9/]{2})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		if ($found[2] == 99) {
			$water_temp = $found[1];
		} else {
			$water_temp = $this->set_water_temp($found[1]);
		$air_temp = $this->set_air_temp($found[2]);

		$this->set_result_value('water_temp__section_2_1', $water_temp);
		$this->set_result_value('air_temp__section_2_1', $air_temp);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decodes ice phenomena information. May be repeated up to 5 times.
	 * section 2 - 5EEii or 5EEEE group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * EE: ice phenomena
	 * EEEE: 
	 * ii: intensity ice phenomena
	 * Returns
	 * -------
	private function get_ice_phenomena__section_2_1($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^5([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$ice_phenomena_2 = NULL;
		$ice_p_intensity = NULL;
		// list of phenomena containing intensity 
		$list_p_intensity = array(12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 19, 39, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 63, 64);
		$ice_phenomena = $this->ICE_PHENOMENA_CODE[$found[1]];
		if (in_array($found[1], $list_p_intensity)) {
			$ice_p_intensity = intval($found[2]) * 10;
		elseif (array_key_exists(intval($found[2]), $this->ICE_PHENOMENA_CODE)) {
			$ice_phenomena_2 = $this->ICE_PHENOMENA_CODE[$found[2]];

		$this->set_result_value('ice_phenomena__section_2_1', $ice_phenomena);
		$this->set_result_value('ice_phenomena_2__section_2_1', $ice_phenomena_2);
		$this->set_result_value('ice_p_intensity__section_2_1', $ice_p_intensity);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decodes ice phenomena information. Additional group for section 2.
	 * section 2 - 5EEii or 5EEEE group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * EE: ice phenomena
	 * EEEE: 
	 * ii: intensity ice phenomena
	 * Returns
	 * -------
	private function get_ice_phenomena__section_2_1_2($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^5([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$ice_phenomena_2 = NULL;
		$ice_p_intensity = NULL;
		// list of phenomena containing intensity 
		$list_p_intensity = array(12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 19, 39, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 63, 64);
		$ice_phenomena = $this->ICE_PHENOMENA_CODE[$found[1]];
		if (in_array($found[1], $list_p_intensity)) {
			$ice_p_intensity = intval($found[2]) * 10;
		elseif (array_key_exists(intval($found[2]), $this->ICE_PHENOMENA_CODE)) {
			$ice_phenomena_2 = $this->ICE_PHENOMENA_CODE[$found[2]];

		$this->set_result_value('ice_phenomena__section_2_1_2', $ice_phenomena);
		$this->set_result_value('ice_phenomena_2__section_2_1_2', $ice_phenomena_2);
		$this->set_result_value('ice_p_intensity__section_2_1_2', $ice_p_intensity);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decodes condition of the river information. May be repeated up to 5 times.
	 * section 2 - 6CCii or 6CCCC group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * CC: condition of the river
	 * CCCC: 
	 * ii: intensity condition of the river ????
	 * Returns
	 * -------
	private function get_condition_river__section_2_1($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^6([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$condition_river_2 = NULL;
		$cond_river_intensity = NULL;
		// list of condition river containing intensity 
		$list_r_intensity = array(11, 22, 23, 24);
		$condition_river = $this->CONDITION_RIVER_CODE[$found[1]];
		if (in_array($found[1], $list_r_intensity)) {
			$cond_river_intensity = intval($found[2]) * 10;
		elseif (array_key_exists(intval($found[2]), $this->CONDITION_RIVER_CODE)) {
			$condition_river_2 = $this->CONDITION_RIVER_CODE[$found[2]];

		$this->set_result_value('condition_river__section_2_1', $condition_river);
		$this->set_result_value('condition_river_2__section_2_1', $condition_river_2);
		$this->set_result_value('cond_river_intensity__section_2_1', $cond_river_intensity);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decodes condition of the river information. Additional group for section 2.
	 * section 2 - 6CCii or 6CCCC group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * CC: condition of the river
	 * CCCC: 
	 * ii: intensity condition of the river ????
	 * Returns
	 * -------
	private function get_condition_river__section_2_1_2($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^6([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$condition_river_2 = NULL;
		$cond_river_intensity = NULL;
		// list of condition river containing intensity 
		$list_r_intensity = array(11, 22, 23, 24);
		$condition_river = $this->CONDITION_RIVER_CODE[$found[1]];
		if (in_array($found[1], $list_r_intensity)) {
			$cond_river_intensity = intval($found[2]) * 10;
		elseif (array_key_exists(intval($found[2]), $this->CONDITION_RIVER_CODE)) {
			$condition_river_2 = $this->CONDITION_RIVER_CODE[$found[2]];

		$this->set_result_value('condition_river__section_2_1_2', $condition_river);
		$this->set_result_value('condition_river_2__section_2_1_2', $condition_river_2);
		$this->set_result_value('cond_river_intensity__section_2_1_2', $cond_river_intensity);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decodes ice thickness information.
	 * section 2 - 7DDDS group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * DDD: ice thickness in cm
	 * S: snow depth on ice in cm
	 * Returns
	 * -------
	private function get_ice_thickness__section_2_1($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^7([0-9]{3})([0-9]{1})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$ice_thickness = intval($found[1]);
		$snow_depth_on_ice = $this->SNOW_DEPTH_ICE_CODE[$found[2]];

		$this->set_result_value('ice_thickness__section_2_1', $ice_thickness);
		$this->set_result_value('snow_depth_on_ice__section_2_1', $snow_depth_on_ice);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decodes daily water consumption relative to level 1HHHH.
	 * section 2 - 8kQQQ group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * k: number of digits for water consumption
	 * QQQ: water consumption in m^3/s
	 * Returns
	 * -------
	private function get_w_consumption__section_2_1($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^8([0-9]{1})([0-9]{3})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$value = intval($found[2]);
		$exp = $found[1];
		$w_consumption = $value * 0.001 * pow(10, $exp);

		$this->set_result_value('w_consumption__section_2_1', $w_consumption);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decodes amount and duration of precipitation per day.
	 * section 2 - 0RRRd group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * RRR: precipitation amount in mm
	 * d: duration of precipitation in hours
	 * Returns
	 * -------
	private function get_precipitation__section_2_1($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^0([0-9/]{3})([0-9]{1})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
        if ($found[1] == "///") {
            $precip = NULL;
        else {
			$precip = intval($found[1]);
			if ($precip >= 990 && $precip <= 999) {
				$precip = ($precip - 990) * 0.1;
				if ($precip == 0) {
					//only traces of precipitation not measurable < 0.05
					$precip = 0;  //0.05
		$precip_duration = $this->PRECIP_DURATION_CODE[$found[2]];

		$this->set_result_value('precip__section_2_1', $precip);
		$this->set_result_value('precip_duration__section_2_1', $precip_duration);


		return TRUE;
	################## END SECTION 2_1 ###################
	################## BEGIN SECTION 2_2 ###################
	 * Decodes section 2.
	 * section 2 - 922YY group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * YY: 
	 * Returns
	 * -------
	private function get_section_2_2($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^922([0-9]{2})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$this->set_result_value('monthdayr__section_2_2', $found[1]);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decode water level in cm.
	 * section 2 - 1HHHH group
	private function get_water_level__section_2_2($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^1([0-9]{4})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$level = $this->set_HHHH($found[1]);

		$this->set_result_value('water_level__section_2_2', $level);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decode water level difference for the 8-hour observation period.
	 * section 2 - 2HHHK group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * HHH: water level in cm
	 * K: sign of the difference water level indicator
	private function get_water_level_diff__section_2_2($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^2([0-9]{3})([0-9]{1})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		if ($found[2] == 1) {
			$level_trend = 1;  //increasing
		elseif ($found[2] == 2) {
			$level_trend = -1;  //decreasing
		else {
			$level_trend = 0;  //no changes
		$level = $this->set_HHHH($found[1]);
		$water_level_diff = $level_trend * $level;

		$this->set_result_value('water_level_diff__section_2_2', $water_level_diff);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decode water level for the 20-hour observation period.
	 * section 2 - 3HHHH group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * HHH: water level in cm
	private function get_water_level_last_20h__section_2_2($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^3([0-9]{4})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$level = $this->set_HHHH($found[1]);

		$this->set_result_value('water_level_last_20h__section_2_2', $level);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decodes temperature of water and air information.
	 * section 2 - 4ttTT group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * tt: water temperature
	 * TT: air temperature
	 * Returns
	 * -------
	 * float type
	 * 	Temperature in degree Celsius
	private function get_temperature__section_2_2($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^4([0-9/]{2})([0-9/]{2})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		if ($found[2] == 99) {
			$water_temp = $found[1];
		} else {
			$water_temp = $this->set_water_temp($found[1]);
		$air_temp = $this->set_air_temp($found[2]);

		$this->set_result_value('water_temp__section_2_2', $water_temp);
		$this->set_result_value('air_temp__section_2_2', $air_temp);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decodes ice phenomena information. May be repeated up to 5 times.
	 * section 2 - 5EEii or 5EEEE group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * EE: ice phenomena
	 * EEEE: 
	 * ii: intensity ice phenomena
	 * Returns
	 * -------
	private function get_ice_phenomena__section_2_2($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^5([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$ice_phenomena_2 = NULL;
		$ice_p_intensity = NULL;
		// list of phenomena containing intensity 
		$list_p_intensity = array(12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 19, 39, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 63, 64);
		$ice_phenomena = $this->ICE_PHENOMENA_CODE[$found[1]];
		if (in_array($found[1], $list_p_intensity)) {
			$ice_p_intensity = intval($found[2]) * 10;
		elseif (array_key_exists(intval($found[2]), $this->ICE_PHENOMENA_CODE)) {
			$ice_phenomena_2 = $this->ICE_PHENOMENA_CODE[$found[2]];

		$this->set_result_value('ice_phenomena__section_2_2', $ice_phenomena);
		$this->set_result_value('ice_phenomena_2__section_2_2', $ice_phenomena_2);
		$this->set_result_value('ice_p_intensity__section_2_2', $ice_p_intensity);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decodes ice phenomena information. Additional group for section 2.
	 * section 2 - 5EEii or 5EEEE group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * EE: ice phenomena
	 * EEEE: 
	 * ii: intensity ice phenomena
	 * Returns
	 * -------
	private function get_ice_phenomena__section_2_2_2($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^5([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$ice_phenomena_2 = NULL;
		$ice_p_intensity = NULL;
		// list of phenomena containing intensity 
		$list_p_intensity = array(12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 19, 39, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 63, 64);
		$ice_phenomena = $this->ICE_PHENOMENA_CODE[$found[1]];
		if (in_array($found[1], $list_p_intensity)) {
			$ice_p_intensity = intval($found[2]) * 10;
		elseif (array_key_exists(intval($found[2]), $this->ICE_PHENOMENA_CODE)) {
			$ice_phenomena_2 = $this->ICE_PHENOMENA_CODE[$found[2]];

		$this->set_result_value('ice_phenomena__section_2_2_2', $ice_phenomena);
		$this->set_result_value('ice_phenomena_2__section_2_2_2', $ice_phenomena_2);
		$this->set_result_value('ice_p_intensity__section_2_2_2', $ice_p_intensity);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decodes condition of the river information. May be repeated up to 5 times.
	 * section 2 - 6CCii or 6CCCC group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * CC: condition of the river
	 * CCCC: 
	 * ii: intensity condition of the river ????
	 * Returns
	 * -------
	private function get_condition_river__section_2_2($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^6([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$condition_river_2 = NULL;
		$cond_river_intensity = NULL;
		// list of condition river containing intensity 
		$list_r_intensity = array(11, 22, 23, 24);
		$condition_river = $this->CONDITION_RIVER_CODE[$found[1]];
		if (in_array($found[1], $list_r_intensity)) {
			$cond_river_intensity = intval($found[2]) * 10;
		elseif (array_key_exists(intval($found[2]), $this->CONDITION_RIVER_CODE)) {
			$condition_river_2 = $this->CONDITION_RIVER_CODE[$found[2]];

		$this->set_result_value('condition_river__section_2_2', $condition_river);
		$this->set_result_value('condition_river_2__section_2_2', $condition_river_2);
		$this->set_result_value('cond_river_intensity__section_2_2', $cond_river_intensity);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decodes condition of the river information. Additional group for section 2.
	 * section 2 - 6CCii or 6CCCC group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * CC: condition of the river
	 * CCCC: 
	 * ii: intensity condition of the river ????
	 * Returns
	 * -------
	private function get_condition_river__section_2_2_2($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^6([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$condition_river_2 = NULL;
		$cond_river_intensity = NULL;
		// list of condition river containing intensity 
		$list_r_intensity = array(11, 22, 23, 24);
		$condition_river = $this->CONDITION_RIVER_CODE[$found[1]];
		if (in_array($found[1], $list_r_intensity)) {
			$cond_river_intensity = intval($found[2]) * 10;
		elseif (array_key_exists(intval($found[2]), $this->CONDITION_RIVER_CODE)) {
			$condition_river_2 = $this->CONDITION_RIVER_CODE[$found[2]];

		$this->set_result_value('condition_river__section_2_2_2', $condition_river);
		$this->set_result_value('condition_river_2__section_2_2_2', $condition_river_2);
		$this->set_result_value('cond_river_intensity__section_2_2_2', $cond_river_intensity);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decodes ice thickness information.
	 * section 2 - 7DDDS group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * DDD: ice thickness in cm
	 * S: snow depth on ice in cm
	 * Returns
	 * -------
	private function get_ice_thickness__section_2_2($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^7([0-9]{3})([0-9]{1})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$ice_thickness = intval($found[1]);
		$snow_depth_on_ice = $this->SNOW_DEPTH_ICE_CODE[$found[2]];

		$this->set_result_value('ice_thickness__section_2_2', $ice_thickness);
		$this->set_result_value('snow_depth_on_ice__section_2_2', $snow_depth_on_ice);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decodes daily water consumption relative to level 1HHHH.
	 * section 2 - 8kQQQ group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * k: number of digits for water consumption
	 * QQQ: water consumption in m^3/s
	 * Returns
	 * -------
	private function get_w_consumption__section_2_2($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^8([0-9]{1})([0-9]{3})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$value = intval($found[2]);
		$exp = $found[1];
		$w_consumption = $value * 0.001 * pow(10, $exp);

		$this->set_result_value('w_consumption__section_2_2', $w_consumption);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decodes amount and duration of precipitation per day.
	 * section 2 - 0RRRd group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * RRR: precipitation amount in mm
	 * d: duration of precipitation in hours
	 * Returns
	 * -------
	private function get_precipitation__section_2_2($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^0([0-9/]{3})([0-9]{1})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
        if ($found[1] == "///") {
            $precip = NULL;
        else {
			$precip = intval($found[1]);
			if ($precip >= 990 && $precip <= 999) {
				$precip = ($precip - 990) * 0.1;
				if ($precip == 0) {
					//only traces of precipitation not measurable < 0.05
					$precip = 0;  //0.05
		$precip_duration = $this->PRECIP_DURATION_CODE[$found[2]];

		$this->set_result_value('precip__section_2_2', $precip);
		$this->set_result_value('precip_duration__section_2_2', $precip_duration);


		return TRUE;
	################## END SECTION 2_2 ###################
	################## BEGIN SECTION 3_1 ###################
	 * Decodes section 3.
	 * section 3 - 933TT group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * TT: 
	 * Returns
	 * -------
	private function get_section_3_1($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^933([0-9]{2})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$period_avg_extreme = $this->PERIOD_AVG_EXTREME_VALUES[$found[1]];
		$this->set_result_value('period_avg_extreme_3_1', $period_avg_extreme);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decode average water level in cm.
	 * section 3 - 1HHHH group
	private function get_water_level_avg__section_3_1($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^1([0-9]{4})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$level = $this->set_HHHH($found[1]);

		$this->set_result_value('water_level_avg__section_3_1', $level);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decode highest water level in cm.
	 * section 3 - 2HHHH group
	private function get_water_level_highest__section_3_1($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^2([0-9]{4})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$level = $this->set_HHHH($found[1]);

		$this->set_result_value('water_level_highest__section_3_1', $level);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decode highest water level in cm.
	 * section 3 - 3HHHH group
	private function get_water_level_lowest__section_3_1($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^3([0-9]{4})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$level = $this->set_HHHH($found[1]);

		$this->set_result_value('water_level_lowest__section_3_1', $level);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decodes average consumption (inflow) of water for the period.
	 * section 3 - 4kQQQ group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * k: number of digits for water consumption
	 * QQQ: water consumption in m^3/s
	 * Returns
	 * -------
	private function get_w_consumption_avg__section_3_1($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^4([0-9]{1})([0-9]{3})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$value = intval($found[2]);
		$exp = $found[1];
		$w_consumption = $value * 0.001 * pow(10, $exp);

		$this->set_result_value('w_consumption_avg__section_3_1', $w_consumption);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decodes average consumption (inflow) of water for the period.
	 * section 3 - 5kQQQ group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * k: number of digits for water consumption
	 * QQQ: water consumption in m^3/s
	 * Returns
	 * -------
	private function get_w_consumption_highest__section_3_1($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^5([0-9]{1})([0-9]{3})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$value = intval($found[2]);
		$exp = $found[1];
		$w_consumption = $value * 0.001 * pow(10, $exp);

		$this->set_result_value('w_consumption_highest__section_3_1', $w_consumption);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decodes average consumption (inflow) of water for the period.
	 * section 3 - 6kQQQ group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * k: number of digits for water consumption
	 * QQQ: water consumption in m^3/s
	 * Returns
	 * -------
	private function get_w_consumption_lowest__section_3_1($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^6([0-9]{1})([0-9]{3})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$value = intval($found[2]);
		$exp = $found[1];
		$w_consumption = $value * 0.001 * pow(10, $exp);

		$this->set_result_value('w_consumption_lowest__section_3_1', $w_consumption);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decodes time of passage of the highest water level (flow rate).
	 * section 3 - 7YYGG group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * YY: 
	 * GG: 
	private function get_time_water_level_highest__section_3_1($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^7([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;

		$this->set_result_value('monthdayr_water_level_highest__section_3_1', $found[1]);
		$this->set_result_value('hourr_water_level_highest__section_3_1', $found[2]);


		return TRUE;
	################## END SECTION 3_1 ###################

	################## BEGIN SECTION 3_2 ###################
	 * Decodes section 3.
	 * section 3 - 933TT group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * TT: 
	 * Returns
	 * -------
	private function get_section_3_2($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^933([0-9]{2})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$period_avg_extreme = $this->PERIOD_AVG_EXTREME_VALUES[$found[1]];
		$this->set_result_value('period_avg_extreme_3_2', $period_avg_extreme);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decode average water level in cm.
	 * section 3 - 1HHHH group
	private function get_water_level_avg__section_3_2($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^1([0-9]{4})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$level = $this->set_HHHH($found[1]);

		$this->set_result_value('water_level_avg__section_3_2', $level);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decode highest water level in cm.
	 * section 3 - 2HHHH group
	private function get_water_level_highest__section_3_2($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^2([0-9]{4})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$level = $this->set_HHHH($found[1]);

		$this->set_result_value('water_level_highest__section_3_2', $level);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decode highest water level in cm.
	 * section 3 - 3HHHH group
	private function get_water_level_lowest__section_3_2($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^3([0-9]{4})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$level = $this->set_HHHH($found[1]);

		$this->set_result_value('water_level_lowest__section_3_2', $level);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decodes average consumption (inflow) of water for the period.
	 * section 3 - 4kQQQ group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * k: number of digits for water consumption
	 * QQQ: water consumption in m^3/s
	 * Returns
	 * -------
	private function get_w_consumption_avg__section_3_2($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^4([0-9]{1})([0-9]{3})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$value = intval($found[2]);
		$exp = $found[1];
		$w_consumption = $value * 0.001 * pow(10, $exp);

		$this->set_result_value('w_consumption_avg__section_3_2', $w_consumption);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decodes average consumption (inflow) of water for the period.
	 * section 3 - 5kQQQ group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * k: number of digits for water consumption
	 * QQQ: water consumption in m^3/s
	 * Returns
	 * -------
	private function get_w_consumption_highest__section_3_2($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^5([0-9]{1})([0-9]{3})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$value = intval($found[2]);
		$exp = $found[1];
		$w_consumption = $value * 0.001 * pow(10, $exp);

		$this->set_result_value('w_consumption_highest__section_3_2', $w_consumption);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decodes average consumption (inflow) of water for the period.
	 * section 3 - 6kQQQ group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * k: number of digits for water consumption
	 * QQQ: water consumption in m^3/s
	 * Returns
	 * -------
	private function get_w_consumption_lowest__section_3_2($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^6([0-9]{1})([0-9]{3})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$value = intval($found[2]);
		$exp = $found[1];
		$w_consumption = $value * 0.001 * pow(10, $exp);

		$this->set_result_value('w_consumption_lowest__section_3_2', $w_consumption);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decodes time of passage of the highest water level (flow rate).
	 * section 3 - 7YYGG group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * YY: 
	 * GG: 
	private function get_time_water_level_highest__section_3_2($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^7([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;

		$this->set_result_value('monthdayr_water_level_highest__section_3_2', $found[1]);
		$this->set_result_value('hourr_water_level_highest__section_3_2', $found[2]);


		return TRUE;
	################## END SECTION 3_2 ###################

	################## BEGIN SECTION 4_1 ###################
	 * Decodes section 4.
	 * section 4 - 944YY group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * YY: 
	 * Returns
	 * -------
	private function get_section_4_1($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^944([0-9]{2})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$this->set_result_value('monthdayr__section_4_1', $found[1]);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decode water level of the upper pool of the hydropost in cm.
	 * section 4 - 1HHHH group
	private function get_water_level_upper_pool__section_4_1($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^1([0-9]{4})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$level = $this->set_HHHH($found[1]);

		$this->set_result_value('water_level_upper_pool__section_4_1', $level);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decode average water level of the pool of the hydropost for current observation period in cm.
	 * section 4 - 2HHHH group
	private function get_water_level_avg_current__section_4_1($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^2([0-9]{4})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$level = $this->set_HHHH($found[1]);

		$this->set_result_value('water_level_avg_current__section_4_1', $level);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decode average water level of the pool of the hydropost for post observation period in cm.
	 * section 4 - 3HHHH group
	private function get_water_level_avg_post__section_4_1($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^3([0-9]{4})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$level = $this->set_HHHH($found[1]);

		$this->set_result_value('water_level_avg_post__section_4_1', $level);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decode water level of the lower pool of the hydropost for current observation period in cm.
	 * section 4 - 4HHHH group
	private function get_water_level_lower_pool_current__section_4_1($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^4([0-9]{4})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$level = $this->set_HHHH($found[1]);

		$this->set_result_value('water_level_lower_pool_current__section_4_1', $level);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decode highest water level of the lower pool of the hydropost for post observation period in cm.
	 * section 4 - 5HHHH group
	private function get_water_level_lower_pool_hilevel_post__section_4_1($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^5([0-9]{4})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$level = $this->set_HHHH($found[1]);

		$this->set_result_value('water_level_lower_pool_hilevel_post__section_4_1', $level);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decode lowest water level of the lower pool of the hydropost for post observation period in cm.
	 * section 4 - 6HHHH group
	private function get_water_level_lower_pool_lolevel_post__section_4_1($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^6([0-9]{4})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$level = $this->set_HHHH($found[1]);

		$this->set_result_value('water_level_lower_pool_lolevel_post__section_4_1', $level);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decodes average volume of water for current observation period.
	 * section 4 - 7kVVV group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * k: number of digits for water volume
	 * VVV: water volume in 10^6 m^3
	 * Returns
	 * -------
	private function get_w_volume_avg_current__section_4_1($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^7([0-9]{1})([0-9]{3})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$value = intval($found[2]);
		$exp = $found[1];
		$w_volume = $value * 0.001 * pow(10, $exp);

		$this->set_result_value('w_volume_avg_current__section_4_1', $w_volume);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decodes average volume of water for post observation period.
	 * section 4 - 8kVVV group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * k: number of digits for water volume
	 * VVV: water volume in 10^6 m^3
	 * Returns
	 * -------
	private function get_w_volume_avg_post__section_4_1($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^8([0-9]{1})([0-9]{3})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$value = intval($found[2]);
		$exp = $found[1];
		$w_volume = $value * 0.001 * pow(10, $exp);

		$this->set_result_value('w_volume_avg_post__section_4_1', $w_volume);


		return TRUE;
	################## END SECTION 4_1 ###################

	################## BEGIN SECTION 4_2 ###################
	 * Decodes section 4.
	 * section 4 - 944YY group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * YY: 
	 * Returns
	 * -------
	private function get_section_4_2($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^944([0-9]{2})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$this->set_result_value('monthdayr__section_4_2', $found[1]);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decode water level of the upper pool of the hydropost in cm.
	 * section 4 - 1HHHH group
	private function get_water_level_upper_pool__section_4_2($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^1([0-9]{4})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$level = $this->set_HHHH($found[1]);

		$this->set_result_value('water_level_upper_pool__section_4_2', $level);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decode average water level of the pool of the hydropost for current observation period in cm.
	 * section 4 - 2HHHH group
	private function get_water_level_avg_current__section_4_2($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^2([0-9]{4})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$level = $this->set_HHHH($found[1]);

		$this->set_result_value('water_level_avg_current__section_4_2', $level);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decode average water level of the pool of the hydropost for post observation period in cm.
	 * section 4 - 3HHHH group
	private function get_water_level_avg_post__section_4_2($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^3([0-9]{4})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$level = $this->set_HHHH($found[1]);

		$this->set_result_value('water_level_avg_post__section_4_2', $level);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decode water level of the lower pool of the hydropost for current observation period in cm.
	 * section 4 - 4HHHH group
	private function get_water_level_lower_pool_current__section_4_2($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^4([0-9]{4})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$level = $this->set_HHHH($found[1]);

		$this->set_result_value('water_level_lower_pool_current__section_4_2', $level);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decode highest water level of the lower pool of the hydropost for post observation period in cm.
	 * section 4 - 5HHHH group
	private function get_water_level_lower_pool_hilevel_post__section_4_2($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^5([0-9]{4})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$level = $this->set_HHHH($found[1]);

		$this->set_result_value('water_level_lower_pool_hilevel_post__section_4_2', $level);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decode lowest water level of the lower pool of the hydropost for post observation period in cm.
	 * section 4 - 6HHHH group
	private function get_water_level_lower_pool_lolevel_post__section_4_2($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^6([0-9]{4})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$level = $this->set_HHHH($found[1]);

		$this->set_result_value('water_level_lower_pool_lolevel_post__section_4_2', $level);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decodes average volume of water for current observation period.
	 * section 4 - 7kVVV group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * k: number of digits for water volume
	 * VVV: water volume in 10^6 m^3
	 * Returns
	 * -------
	private function get_w_volume_avg_current__section_4_2($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^7([0-9]{1})([0-9]{3})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$value = intval($found[2]);
		$exp = $found[1];
		$w_volume = $value * 0.001 * pow(10, $exp);

		$this->set_result_value('w_volume_avg_current__section_4_2', $w_volume);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decodes average volume of water for post observation period.
	 * section 4 - 8kVVV group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * k: number of digits for water volume
	 * VVV: water volume in 10^6 m^3
	 * Returns
	 * -------
	private function get_w_volume_avg_post__section_4_2($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^8([0-9]{1})([0-9]{3})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$value = intval($found[2]);
		$exp = $found[1];
		$w_volume = $value * 0.001 * pow(10, $exp);

		$this->set_result_value('w_volume_avg_post__section_4_2', $w_volume);


		return TRUE;
	################## END SECTION 4_2 ###################
	################## BEGIN SECTION 5_1 ###################
	 * Decodes section 5.
	 * section 5 - 944YY group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * YY: 
	 * Returns
	 * -------
	private function get_section_5_1($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^955([0-9]{2})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$this->set_result_value('monthdayr__section_5_1', $found[1]);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decodes total water inflow for current observation period.
	 * section 5 - 1kQQQ group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * k: number of digits for water inflow
	 * QQQ: water inflow in m^3/s
	 * Returns
	 * -------
	private function get_w_inflow_total_current__section_5_1($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^1([0-9]{1})([0-9]{3})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$value = intval($found[2]);
		$exp = $found[1];
		$w_inflow = $value * 0.001 * pow(10, $exp);

		$this->set_result_value('w_inflow_total_current__section_5_1', $w_inflow);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decodes lateral water inflow for current observation period.
	 * section 5 - 2kQQQ group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * k: number of digits for water inflow
	 * QQQ: water inflow in m^3/s
	 * Returns
	 * -------
	private function get_w_inflow_lateral_current__section_5_1($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^2([0-9]{1})([0-9]{3})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$value = intval($found[2]);
		$exp = $found[1];
		$w_inflow = $value * 0.001 * pow(10, $exp);

		$this->set_result_value('w_inflow_lateral_current__section_5_1', $w_inflow);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decodes inflow of water to the water area of the reservoir for current observation period.
	 * section 5 - 3kQQQ group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * k: number of digits for water inflow
	 * QQQ: water inflow in m^3/s
	 * Returns
	 * -------
	private function get_w_inflow_area_current__section_5_1($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^3([0-9]{1})([0-9]{3})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$value = intval($found[2]);
		$exp = $found[1];
		$w_inflow = $value * 0.001 * pow(10, $exp);

		$this->set_result_value('w_inflow_area_current__section_5_1', $w_inflow);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decodes total water inflow for post observation period.
	 * section 5 - 4kQQQ group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * k: number of digits for water inflow
	 * QQQ: water inflow in m^3/s
	 * Returns
	 * -------
	private function get_w_inflow_total_post__section_5_1($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^4([0-9]{1})([0-9]{3})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$value = intval($found[2]);
		$exp = $found[1];
		$w_inflow = $value * 0.001 * pow(10, $exp);

		$this->set_result_value('w_inflow_total_post__section_5_1', $w_inflow);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decodes lateral water inflow for post observation period.
	 * section 5 - 5kQQQ group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * k: number of digits for water inflow
	 * QQQ: water inflow in m^3/s
	 * Returns
	 * -------
	private function get_w_inflow_lateral_post__section_5_1($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^5([0-9]{1})([0-9]{3})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$value = intval($found[2]);
		$exp = $found[1];
		$w_inflow = $value * 0.001 * pow(10, $exp);

		$this->set_result_value('w_inflow_lateral_post__section_5_1', $w_inflow);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decodes inflow of water to the water area of the reservoir for post observation period.
	 * section 5 - 6kQQQ group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * k: number of digits for water inflow
	 * QQQ: water inflow in m^3/s
	 * Returns
	 * -------
	private function get_w_inflow_area_post__section_5_1($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^6([0-9]{1})([0-9]{3})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$value = intval($found[2]);
		$exp = $found[1];
		$w_inflow = $value * 0.001 * pow(10, $exp);

		$this->set_result_value('w_inflow_area_post__section_5_1', $w_inflow);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decodes water discharge through the hydropost for post observation period.
	 * section 5 - 7kQQQ group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * k: number of digits for water inflow
	 * QQQ: water inflow in m^3/s
	 * Returns
	 * -------
	private function get_w_inflow_discharge_post__section_5_1($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^7([0-9]{1})([0-9]{3})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$value = intval($found[2]);
		$exp = $found[1];
		$w_inflow = $value * 0.001 * pow(10, $exp);

		$this->set_result_value('w_inflow_discharge_post__section_5_1', $w_inflow);


		return TRUE;
	################## END SECTION 5_1 ###################
	################## BEGIN SECTION 5_2 ###################
	 * Decodes section 5.
	 * section 5 - 944YY group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * YY: 
	 * Returns
	 * -------
	private function get_section_5_2($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^955([0-9]{2})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$this->set_result_value('monthdayr__section_5_2', $found[1]);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decodes total water inflow for current observation period.
	 * section 5 - 1kQQQ group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * k: number of digits for water inflow
	 * QQQ: water inflow in m^3/s
	 * Returns
	 * -------
	private function get_w_inflow_total_current__section_5_2($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^1([0-9]{1})([0-9]{3})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$value = intval($found[2]);
		$exp = $found[1];
		$w_inflow = $value * 0.001 * pow(10, $exp);

		$this->set_result_value('w_inflow_total_current__section_5_2', $w_inflow);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decodes lateral water inflow for current observation period.
	 * section 5 - 2kQQQ group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * k: number of digits for water inflow
	 * QQQ: water inflow in m^3/s
	 * Returns
	 * -------
	private function get_w_inflow_lateral_current__section_5_2($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^2([0-9]{1})([0-9]{3})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$value = intval($found[2]);
		$exp = $found[1];
		$w_inflow = $value * 0.001 * pow(10, $exp);

		$this->set_result_value('w_inflow_lateral_current__section_5_2', $w_inflow);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decodes inflow of water to the water area of the reservoir for current observation period.
	 * section 5 - 3kQQQ group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * k: number of digits for water inflow
	 * QQQ: water inflow in m^3/s
	 * Returns
	 * -------
	private function get_w_inflow_area_current__section_5_2($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^3([0-9]{1})([0-9]{3})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$value = intval($found[2]);
		$exp = $found[1];
		$w_inflow = $value * 0.001 * pow(10, $exp);

		$this->set_result_value('w_inflow_area_current__section_5_2', $w_inflow);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decodes total water inflow for post observation period.
	 * section 5 - 4kQQQ group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * k: number of digits for water inflow
	 * QQQ: water inflow in m^3/s
	 * Returns
	 * -------
	private function get_w_inflow_total_post__section_5_2($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^4([0-9]{1})([0-9]{3})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$value = intval($found[2]);
		$exp = $found[1];
		$w_inflow = $value * 0.001 * pow(10, $exp);

		$this->set_result_value('w_inflow_total_post__section_5_2', $w_inflow);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decodes lateral water inflow for post observation period.
	 * section 5 - 5kQQQ group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * k: number of digits for water inflow
	 * QQQ: water inflow in m^3/s
	 * Returns
	 * -------
	private function get_w_inflow_lateral_post__section_5_2($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^5([0-9]{1})([0-9]{3})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$value = intval($found[2]);
		$exp = $found[1];
		$w_inflow = $value * 0.001 * pow(10, $exp);

		$this->set_result_value('w_inflow_lateral_post__section_5_2', $w_inflow);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decodes inflow of water to the water area of the reservoir for post observation period.
	 * section 5 - 6kQQQ group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * k: number of digits for water inflow
	 * QQQ: water inflow in m^3/s
	 * Returns
	 * -------
	private function get_w_inflow_area_post__section_5_2($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^6([0-9]{1})([0-9]{3})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$value = intval($found[2]);
		$exp = $found[1];
		$w_inflow = $value * 0.001 * pow(10, $exp);

		$this->set_result_value('w_inflow_area_post__section_5_2', $w_inflow);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decodes water discharge through the hydropost for post observation period.
	 * section 5 - 7kQQQ group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * k: number of digits for water inflow
	 * QQQ: water inflow in m^3/s
	 * Returns
	 * -------
	private function get_w_inflow_discharge_post__section_5_2($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^7([0-9]{1})([0-9]{3})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$value = intval($found[2]);
		$exp = $found[1];
		$w_inflow = $value * 0.001 * pow(10, $exp);

		$this->set_result_value('w_inflow_discharge_post__section_5_2', $w_inflow);


		return TRUE;
	################## END SECTION 5_2 ###################
	################## BEGIN SECTION 6_1 ###################
	 * Decodes section 6.
	 * section 6 - 966MM group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * MM: month of water flow measurements
	 * Returns
	 * -------
	private function get_section_flow_6_1($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^966([0-9]{2})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$this->set_result_value('month_flow_6_1', $found[1]);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decode average water level in cm.
	 * section 6 - 1HHHH group
	private function get_water_level_avg__section_6_1($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^1([0-9]{4})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$level = $this->set_HHHH($found[1]);

		$this->set_result_value('water_level_avg__section_6_1', $level);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decodes average consumption (inflow) of water for the period.
	 * section 6 - 2kQQQ group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * k: number of digits for water consumption
	 * QQQ: water consumption in m^3/s
	 * Returns
	 * -------
	private function get_w_consumption_avg__section_6_1($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^2([0-9]{1})([0-9]{3})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$value = intval($found[2]);
		$exp = $found[1];
		$w_consumption = $value * 0.001 * pow(10, $exp);

		$this->set_result_value('w_consumption_avg__section_6_1', $w_consumption);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decodes river flow area.
	 * section 6 - 3kFFF group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * k: number of digits for river flow area
	 * FFF: river flow area in m^2
	 * Returns
	 * -------
	private function get_river_area__section_6_1($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^3([0-9]{1})([0-9]{3})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$value = intval($found[2]);
		$exp = $found[1];
		$w_consumption = $value * 0.001 * pow(10, $exp);

		$this->set_result_value('river_area__section_6_1', $w_consumption);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decode maximum measuring depth in cm.
	 * section 6 - 4hhhh group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * hhhh: maximum measuring depth in cm
	 * Returns
	 * -------
	private function get_max_depth__section_6_1($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^4([0-9]{4})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$level = intval($found[1]);

		$this->set_result_value('max_depth__section_6_1', $level);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decodes date of water flow measurement.
	 * section 6 - 5YYGG group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * YY: 
	 * GG: 
	private function get_date_water_flow__section_6_1($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^5([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;

		$this->set_result_value('monthdayr_water_flow__section_6_1', $found[1]);
		$this->set_result_value('hourr_water_flow__section_6_1', $found[2]);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decodes section 6.
	 * section 6 - 966MM group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * MM: month of observations of the state of the surface of the lake or reservoir
	 * Returns
	 * -------
	private function get_section_surface_6_1($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^966([0-9]{2})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$this->set_result_value('month_surface_6_1', $found[1]);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decodes wind direction and speed on a lake or reservoir.
	 * section 6 - 6ddff group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * dd: wind direction in dekadegree (10 minute mean)
	 * ff: wind speed (10 minute mean) in m/s
	 * Returns
	 * -------
	private function get_wind__section_6_1($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^6([0-9/]{2})([0-9/]{2})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$wind_dir = $this->WIND_DIR_COMPASS[$found[1]];  // in rhumb

		$wind_speed_code = $found[2];
        if ($wind_speed_code == "" || $wind_speed_code == "//") {
            $wind_speed = NULL;  //not observed
        else {
			$wind_speed = intval($wind_speed_code);  // in mps

		$this->set_result_value('wind_direction__section_6_1', $wind_dir);
		$this->set_result_value('wind_speed__section_6_1', $wind_speed);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decodes waves on a lake or reservoir.
	 * section 6 - 7dHHC group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * d: wind direction in dekadegree (where is the wave coming from)
	 * HH: height of wind waves in decimeters
	 * C: characteristic of the state of the surface on reservoir in points
	 * Returns
	 * -------
	private function get_wind_waves_surface__section_6_1($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^7([0-9/]{1})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{1})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$wind_dir = $this->WIND_DIR_COMPASS_WAVES[$found[1]];  // in rhumb		
		$wave_height = intval($found[2]);
		$state_surface = $this->POINTS_STATE_SURFACE[$found[3]];		

		$this->set_result_value('wind_direction_waves__section_6_1', $wind_dir);
		$this->set_result_value('wave_height__section_6_1', $wave_height);
		$this->set_result_value('state_surface__section_6_1', $state_surface);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decodes time of observation of wind and waves of water .
	 * section 6 - 8YYGG group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * YY: 
	 * GG: hour of observation of the wind and waves of the water according to local time
	private function get_date_water_waves__section_6_1($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^8([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;

		$this->set_result_value('monthdayr_water_waves__section_6_1', $found[1]);
		$this->set_result_value('hourr_water_waves__section_6_1', $found[2]);


		return TRUE;
	################## END SECTION 6_1 ###################
	################## BEGIN SECTION 6_2 ###################
	 * Decodes section 6.
	 * section 6 - 966MM group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * MM: month of water flow measurements
	 * Returns
	 * -------
	private function get_section_flow_6_2($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^966([0-9]{2})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$this->set_result_value('month_flow_6_2', $found[1]);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decode average water level in cm.
	 * section 6 - 1HHHH group
	private function get_water_level_avg__section_6_2($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^1([0-9]{4})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$level = $this->set_HHHH($found[1]);

		$this->set_result_value('water_level_avg__section_6_2', $level);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decodes average consumption (inflow) of water for the period.
	 * section 6 - 2kQQQ group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * k: number of digits for water consumption
	 * QQQ: water consumption in m^3/s
	 * Returns
	 * -------
	private function get_w_consumption_avg__section_6_2($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^2([0-9]{1})([0-9]{3})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$value = intval($found[2]);
		$exp = $found[1];
		$w_consumption = $value * 0.001 * pow(10, $exp);

		$this->set_result_value('w_consumption_avg__section_6_2', $w_consumption);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decodes river flow area.
	 * section 6 - 3kFFF group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * k: number of digits for river flow area
	 * FFF: river flow area in m^2
	 * Returns
	 * -------
	private function get_river_area__section_6_2($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^3([0-9]{1})([0-9]{3})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$value = intval($found[2]);
		$exp = $found[1];
		$w_consumption = $value * 0.001 * pow(10, $exp);

		$this->set_result_value('river_area__section_6_2', $w_consumption);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decode maximum measuring depth in cm.
	 * section 6 - 4hhhh group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * hhhh: maximum measuring depth in cm
	 * Returns
	 * -------
	private function get_max_depth__section_6_2($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^4([0-9]{4})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$level = intval($found[1]);

		$this->set_result_value('max_depth__section_6_2', $level);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decodes date of water flow measurement.
	 * section 6 - 5YYGG group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * YY: 
	 * GG: 
	private function get_date_water_flow__section_6_2($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^5([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;

		$this->set_result_value('monthdayr_water_flow__section_6_2', $found[1]);
		$this->set_result_value('hourr_water_flow__section_6_2', $found[2]);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decodes section 6.
	 * section 6 - 966MM group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * MM: month of observations of the state of the surface of the lake or reservoir
	 * Returns
	 * -------
	private function get_section_surface_6_2($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^966([0-9]{2})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$this->set_result_value('month_surface_6_2', $found[1]);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decodes wind direction and speed on a lake or reservoir.
	 * section 6 - 6ddff group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * dd: wind direction in dekadegree (10 minute mean)
	 * ff: wind speed (10 minute mean) in m/s
	 * Returns
	 * -------
	private function get_wind__section_6_2($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^6([0-9/]{2})([0-9/]{2})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$wind_dir = $this->WIND_DIR_COMPASS[$found[1]];  // in rhumb

		$wind_speed_code = $found[2];
        if ($wind_speed_code == "" || $wind_speed_code == "//") {
            $wind_speed = NULL;  //not observed
        else {
			$wind_speed = intval($wind_speed_code);  // in mps

		$this->set_result_value('wind_direction__section_6_2', $wind_dir);
		$this->set_result_value('wind_speed__section_6_2', $wind_speed);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decodes waves on a lake or reservoir.
	 * section 6 - 7dHHC group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * d: wind direction in dekadegree (where is the wave coming from)
	 * HH: height of wind waves in decimeters
	 * C: characteristic of the state of the surface on reservoir in points
	 * Returns
	 * -------
	private function get_wind_waves_surface__section_6_2($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^7([0-9/]{1})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{1})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$wind_dir = $this->WIND_DIR_COMPASS_WAVES[$found[1]];  // in rhumb		
		$wave_height = intval($found[2]);
		$state_surface = $this->POINTS_STATE_SURFACE[$found[3]];		

		$this->set_result_value('wind_direction_waves__section_6_2', $wind_dir);
		$this->set_result_value('wave_height__section_6_2', $wave_height);
		$this->set_result_value('state_surface__section_6_2', $state_surface);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decodes time of observation of wind and waves of water .
	 * section 6 - 8YYGG group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * YY: 
	 * GG: hour of observation of the wind and waves of the water according to local time
	private function get_date_water_waves__section_6_2($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^8([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;

		$this->set_result_value('monthdayr_water_waves__section_6_2', $found[1]);
		$this->set_result_value('hourr_water_waves__section_6_2', $found[2]);


		return TRUE;
	################## END SECTION 6_2 ###################
	################## BEGIN SECTION 7_1 ###################
	 * Decodes section 7.
	 * section 7 - 977nn group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * nn: information about a spontaneous (especially dangerous) high water level
	 * Returns
	 * -------
	 * nn = 01
	private function get_section_7_1($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^97701$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$hydro_dangerous = $this->HYDRO_DANGEROUS_CODE["01"];
		$this->set_result_value('about_dangerous__section_7_1', $hydro_dangerous);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decode water level in cm.
	 * section 7 - 1HHHH group
	private function get_water_level__section_7_1($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^1([0-9]{4})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$level = $this->set_HHHH($found[1]);

		$this->set_result_value('water_level__section_7_1', $level);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decode water level difference for the 8-hour observation period.
	 * section 7 - 2HHHK group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * HHH: water level in cm
	 * K: sign of the difference water level indicator
	private function get_water_level_diff__section_7_1($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^2([0-9]{3})([0-9]{1})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		if ($found[2] == 1) {
			$level_trend = 1;  //increasing
		elseif ($found[2] == 2) {
			$level_trend = -1;  //decreasing
		else {
			$level_trend = 0;  //no changes
		$level = $this->set_HHHH($found[1]);
		$water_level_diff = $level_trend * $level;

		$this->set_result_value('water_level_diff__section_7_1', $water_level_diff);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decodes ice phenomena information.
	 * section 7 - 5EEii or 5EEEE group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * EE: ice phenomena
	 * EEEE: 
	 * ii: intensity ice phenomena
	 * Returns
	 * -------
	private function get_ice_phenomena__section_7_1($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^5([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$ice_phenomena_2 = NULL;
		$ice_p_intensity = NULL;
		// list of phenomena containing intensity 
		$list_p_intensity = array(12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 19, 39, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 63, 64);
		$ice_phenomena = $this->ICE_PHENOMENA_CODE[$found[1]];
		if (in_array($found[1], $list_p_intensity)) {
			$ice_p_intensity = intval($found[2]) * 10;
		elseif (array_key_exists(intval($found[2]), $this->ICE_PHENOMENA_CODE)) {
			$ice_phenomena_2 = $this->ICE_PHENOMENA_CODE[$found[2]];

		$this->set_result_value('ice_phenomena__section_7_1', $ice_phenomena);
		$this->set_result_value('ice_phenomena_2__section_7_1', $ice_phenomena_2);
		$this->set_result_value('ice_p_intensity__section_7_1', $ice_p_intensity);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decodes condition of the river information.
	 * section 7 - 6CCii or 6CCCC group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * CC: condition of the river
	 * CCCC: 
	 * ii: intensity condition of the river ????
	 * Returns
	 * -------
	private function get_condition_river__section_7_1($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^6([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$condition_river_2 = NULL;
		$cond_river_intensity = NULL;
		// list of condition river containing intensity 
		$list_r_intensity = array(11, 22, 23, 24);
		$condition_river = $this->CONDITION_RIVER_CODE[$found[1]];
		if (in_array($found[1], $list_r_intensity)) {
			$cond_river_intensity = intval($found[2]) * 10;
		elseif (array_key_exists(intval($found[2]), $this->CONDITION_RIVER_CODE)) {
			$condition_river_2 = $this->CONDITION_RIVER_CODE[$found[2]];

		$this->set_result_value('condition_river__section_7_1', $condition_river);
		$this->set_result_value('condition_river_2__section_7_1', $condition_river_2);
		$this->set_result_value('cond_river_intensity__section_7_1', $cond_river_intensity);


		return TRUE;
	################## END SECTION 7_1 ###################
	################## BEGIN SECTION 7_2 ###################
	 * Decodes section 7.
	 * section 7 - 977nn group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * nn: information about a spontaneous (especially dangerous) low water level
	 * Returns
	 * -------
	 * nn = 02
	private function get_section_7_2($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^97702$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$hydro_dangerous = $this->HYDRO_DANGEROUS_CODE["02"];
		$this->set_result_value('about_dangerous__section_7_2', $hydro_dangerous);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decode water level in cm.
	 * section 7 - 1HHHH group
	private function get_water_level__section_7_2($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^1([0-9]{4})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$level = $this->set_HHHH($found[1]);

		$this->set_result_value('water_level__section_7_2', $level);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decode water level difference for the 8-hour observation period.
	 * section 7 - 2HHHK group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * HHH: water level in cm
	 * K: sign of the difference water level indicator
	private function get_water_level_diff__section_7_2($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^2([0-9]{3})([0-9]{1})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		if ($found[2] == 1) {
			$level_trend = 1;  //increasing
		elseif ($found[2] == 2) {
			$level_trend = -1;  //decreasing
		else {
			$level_trend = 0;  //no changes
		$level = $this->set_HHHH($found[1]);
		$water_level_diff = $level_trend * $level;

		$this->set_result_value('water_level_diff__section_7_2', $water_level_diff);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decodes ice phenomena information.
	 * section 7 - 5EEii or 5EEEE group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * EE: ice phenomena
	 * EEEE: 
	 * ii: intensity ice phenomena
	 * Returns
	 * -------
	private function get_ice_phenomena__section_7_2($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^5([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$ice_phenomena_2 = NULL;
		$ice_p_intensity = NULL;
		// list of phenomena containing intensity 
		$list_p_intensity = array(12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 19, 39, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 63, 64);
		$ice_phenomena = $this->ICE_PHENOMENA_CODE[$found[1]];
		if (in_array($found[1], $list_p_intensity)) {
			$ice_p_intensity = intval($found[2]) * 10;
		elseif (array_key_exists(intval($found[2]), $this->ICE_PHENOMENA_CODE)) {
			$ice_phenomena_2 = $this->ICE_PHENOMENA_CODE[$found[2]];

		$this->set_result_value('ice_phenomena__section_7_2', $ice_phenomena);
		$this->set_result_value('ice_phenomena_2__section_7_2', $ice_phenomena_2);
		$this->set_result_value('ice_p_intensity__section_7_2', $ice_p_intensity);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decodes condition of the river information.
	 * section 7 - 6CCii or 6CCCC group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * CC: condition of the river
	 * CCCC: 
	 * ii: intensity condition of the river ????
	 * Returns
	 * -------
	private function get_condition_river__section_7_2($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^6([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$condition_river_2 = NULL;
		$cond_river_intensity = NULL;
		// list of condition river containing intensity 
		$list_r_intensity = array(11, 22, 23, 24);
		$condition_river = $this->CONDITION_RIVER_CODE[$found[1]];
		if (in_array($found[1], $list_r_intensity)) {
			$cond_river_intensity = intval($found[2]) * 10;
		elseif (array_key_exists(intval($found[2]), $this->CONDITION_RIVER_CODE)) {
			$condition_river_2 = $this->CONDITION_RIVER_CODE[$found[2]];

		$this->set_result_value('condition_river__section_7_2', $condition_river);
		$this->set_result_value('condition_river_2__section_7_2', $condition_river_2);
		$this->set_result_value('cond_river_intensity__section_7_2', $cond_river_intensity);


		return TRUE;
	################## END SECTION 7_2 ###################
	################## BEGIN SECTION 7_3 ###################
	 * Decodes section 7.
	 * section 7 - 977nn group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * nn: information about a spontaneous (especially dangerous) early freeze-up and ice formation
	 * Returns
	 * -------
	 * nn = 03
	private function get_section_7_3($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^97703$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$hydro_dangerous = $this->HYDRO_DANGEROUS_CODE["03"];
		$this->set_result_value('about_dangerous__section_7_3', $hydro_dangerous);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decodes ice phenomena information.
	 * section 7 - 5EEii or 5EEEE group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * EE: ice phenomena
	 * EEEE: 
	 * ii: intensity ice phenomena
	 * Returns
	 * -------
	private function get_ice_phenomena__section_7_3($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^5([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$ice_phenomena_2 = NULL;
		$ice_p_intensity = NULL;
		// list of phenomena containing intensity 
		$list_p_intensity = array(12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 19, 39, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 63, 64);
		$ice_phenomena = $this->ICE_PHENOMENA_CODE[$found[1]];
		if (in_array($found[1], $list_p_intensity)) {
			$ice_p_intensity = intval($found[2]) * 10;
		elseif (array_key_exists(intval($found[2]), $this->ICE_PHENOMENA_CODE)) {
			$ice_phenomena_2 = $this->ICE_PHENOMENA_CODE[$found[2]];

		$this->set_result_value('ice_phenomena__section_7_3', $ice_phenomena);
		$this->set_result_value('ice_phenomena_2__section_7_3', $ice_phenomena_2);
		$this->set_result_value('ice_p_intensity__section_7_3', $ice_p_intensity);


		return TRUE;
	################## END SECTION 7_3 ###################
	################## BEGIN SECTION 7_4 ###################
	 * Decodes section 7.
	 * section 7 - 977nn group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * nn: information about a spontaneous (especially dangerous) very high or low water consumption
	 * Returns
	 * -------
	 * nn = 04
	private function get_section_7_4($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^97704$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$hydro_dangerous = $this->HYDRO_DANGEROUS_CODE["04"];
		$this->set_result_value('about_dangerous__section_7_4', $hydro_dangerous);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decodes water consumption.
	 * section 7 - 8kQQQ group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * k: number of digits for water consumption
	 * QQQ: water consumption in m^3/s
	 * Returns
	 * -------
	private function get_w_consumption__section_7_4($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^8([0-9]{1})([0-9]{3})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$value = intval($found[2]);
		$exp = $found[1];
		$w_consumption = $value * 0.001 * pow(10, $exp);

		$this->set_result_value('w_consumption__section_7_4', $w_consumption);


		return TRUE;
	################## END SECTION 7_4 ###################
	################## BEGIN SECTION 7_5 ###################
	 * Decodes section 7.
	 * section 7 - 977nn group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * nn: information about a spontaneous (especially dangerous) heavy rain
	 * Returns
	 * -------
	 * nn = 05
	 * if the amount of precipitation > 30 mm in 12 hours	
	private function get_section_7_5($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^97705$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$hydro_dangerous = $this->HYDRO_DANGEROUS_CODE["05"];
		$this->set_result_value('about_dangerous__section_7_5', $hydro_dangerous);


		return TRUE;
	 * Decodes amount and duration of precipitation per day.
	 * section 7 - 0RRRd group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * RRR: precipitation amount in mm
	 * d: duration of precipitation in hours
	 * Returns
	 * -------
	private function get_precipitation__section_7_5($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^0([0-9/]{3})([0-9]{1})$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
        if ($found[1] == "///") {
            $precip = NULL;
        else {
			$precip = intval($found[1]);
			if ($precip >= 990 && $precip <= 999) {
				$precip = ($precip - 990) * 0.1;
				if ($precip == 0) {
					//only traces of precipitation not measurable < 0.05
					$precip = 0;  //0.05
		$precip_duration = $this->PRECIP_DURATION_CODE[$found[2]];

		$this->set_result_value('precip__section_7_5', $precip);
		$this->set_result_value('precip_duration__section_7_5', $precip_duration);


		return TRUE;
	################## END SECTION 7_5 ###################
	################## BEGIN SECTION 7_6 ###################
	 * Decodes section 7.
	 * section 7 - 977nn group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * nn: information about a spontaneous (especially dangerous) dirty water flow
	 * Returns
	 * -------
	 * nn = 06
	private function get_section_7_6($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^97706$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$hydro_dangerous = $this->HYDRO_DANGEROUS_CODE["06"];
		$this->set_result_value('about_dangerous__section_7_6', $hydro_dangerous);


		return TRUE;
	################## END SECTION 7_6 ###################
	################## BEGIN SECTION 7_7 ###################
	 * Decodes section 7.
	 * section 7 - 977nn group
	 * Parameters
	 * ----------
	 * nn: information about a spontaneous (especially dangerous) avalanche
	 * Returns
	 * -------
	 * nn = 07
	private function get_section_7_7($part)
		if (!preg_match('@^97707$@', $part, $found))
			return FALSE;
		$hydro_dangerous = $this->HYDRO_DANGEROUS_CODE["07"];
		$this->set_result_value('about_dangerous__section_7_7', $hydro_dangerous);


		return TRUE;
	################## END SECTION 7_7 ###################
/***************** END HYDRO *********************************************/

## Transforming the decoding result of HYDRO

### License:
    Copyright (C) 2024, Spin Opel
    Copyright (C) 2013-2020, Information Networks, Ltd.
    Copyright (C) 2001-2006, Mark Woodward

class HydroConv extends Hydro
	//echo "Дата получения данных"."\n";
	private function convDate($d_day) {
		date_default_timezone_set('UTC'); //временная зона по умолчанию
		if (isset($d_day) && (($d_day * 1) <= 31)) {
			$d_now = new DateTime();  //текущая дата сводки
			$d_year = $d_now->format('Y');	
			$d_month = $d_now->format('m');	
			$date_chg = $d_year."-".$d_month."-".$d_day;  //формат даты в виде Y-m-d
		} else {
			$date_chg = null;
		return $date_chg;
	//echo "\n"."Срок наблюдения, UTC"."\n";
	private function convTime($d_hour) {
		if (isset($d_hour) && (($d_hour * 1) <= 23)) {
			$date_time_format = $d_hour.":00:00";			
			$date = new DateTime($date_time_format, new DateTimeZone('Europe/Moscow')); //временная зона Беларуси
			$date->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone('UTC')); //временная зона по умолчанию
			$time_chg = $date->format('H:i:s'); //формат времени [часы]:[минуты]:[секунды]		
		} else {
			$time_chg = null;
		return $time_chg;

	//Пост обработка результатов, полученных из родительского класса
	public function convParam() {
		//echo "\n"."Дата получения данных"."\n";
		$this->observed_date = $this->convDate($this->dayr);

		//echo "\n"."Срок наблюдения, UTC"."\n";
		$this->observed_time = $this->convTime($this->hour_obs);

		//Дата и время в классическом формате
		//echo "\n"."Дата и время"."\n";
		if (isset($this->observed_date, $this->observed_time)) {
			$this->observed_date_time = $this->observed_date." ".$this->observed_time;

//удалить перевод каретки и конец строки в многострочной телеграмме
$arr_new_line = array("\n", "\r\n");  //специальные символы
$raw = str_replace($arr_new_line, '', $raw);

// Create class instance for parse HYDRO string with debug output enable
$HydroConv = new HydroConv($raw, TRUE);

// Parse HYDRO
$parameters = $HydroConv->parse();

//print_r($parameters)."\n\n"; // get parsed parameters as array

// Debug information
$debug = $HydroConv->debug();
//print_r($debug)."\n\n"; // get debug information as array

// Get all converted parameters

## Отображаем результаты декодирования для наполнения БД
echo "\n\n"."Представление результатов декодирования Hydro для наполнения БД"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->raw;

//Пост обработка полученных результатов
//DATAS` date NOT NULL DEFAULT '1000-01-01' COMMENT 'Дата получения данных',
echo "\n"."Дата получения данных"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->observed_date;

//TIMES` time NOT NULL DEFAULT '00:00:00' COMMENT 'Срок наблюдения, UTC',
echo "\n"."Срок наблюдения, UTC"."\n";
//echo $HydroConv->observed_time;
echo "05:00:00";

//Новый параметр - дата в классическом формате
echo "\n"."Дата и время"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->observed_date_time;

//ID_STATION` varchar(5) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'Индекс станции',
echo "\n"."Индекс станции"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->station_id;

//Clouds_height` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Уровень воды в срок наблюдений в текущие сутки, см',
echo "\n"."Уровень воды в срок наблюдений в текущие сутки, см"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->water_level;

//Clouds_height` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Изменение уровня воды за 8-ой часовой срок наблюдения, см',
echo "\n"."Изменение уровня воды за 8-ой часовой срок наблюдения, см"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->water_level_diff;

//Clouds_height` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Уровень воды за 20-ой часовой срок наблюдений, см',
echo "\n"."Уровень воды за 20-ой часовой срок наблюдений, см"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->water_level_last_20h;

//Temp` varchar(5) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Температура воды, °C',
echo "\n"."Температура воды, °C"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->water_temp;

//Temp` varchar(5) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Температура воздуха, °C',
echo "\n"."Температура воздуха, °C"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->air_temp;

//Temp` varchar(5) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Характеристика ледовых явлений',
echo "\n"."Характеристика ледовых явлений"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->ice_phenomena;

//Temp` varchar(5) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Характеристика 2-ого ледового явления',
echo "\n"."Характеристика 2-ого ледового явления"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->ice_phenomena_2;

//Temp` varchar(5) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Интенсивность ледового явления (степень покрытия реки или видимой аватории водоема), %',
echo "\n"."Интенсивность ледового явления (степень покрытия реки или видимой аватории водоема), %"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->ice_p_intensity;

echo "\n"."################## BEGIN Ледовые явления №1-2 ###################"."\n";
//Temp` varchar(5) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Характеристика ледовых явлений №2',
echo "\n"."Характеристика ледовых явлений №2"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->ice_phenomena_1_2;

//Temp` varchar(5) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Характеристика 2-ого ледового явления №2',
echo "\n"."Характеристика 2-ого ледового явления №2"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->ice_phenomena_1_2_2;

//Temp` varchar(5) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Интенсивность ледового явления (степень покрытия реки или видимой аватории водоема) №2, %',
echo "\n"."Интенсивность ледового явления (степень покрытия реки или видимой аватории водоема) №2, %"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->ice_p_intensity_1_2;
echo "\n"."################## END Ледовые явления №1-2 ###################"."\n";

//Temp` varchar(5) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Характеристика состояния реки',
echo "\n"."Характеристика состояния реки"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->condition_river;

//Temp` varchar(5) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Характеристика 2-ого состояния реки',
echo "\n"."Характеристика 2-ого состояния реки"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->condition_river_2;

//Temp` varchar(5) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Интенсивность состояния реки (степень покрытия реки или видимой аватории водоема), %',
echo "\n"."Интенсивность состояния реки (степень покрытия реки или видимой аватории водоема), %"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->cond_river_intensity;

echo "\n"."################## BEGIN Состояние реки №1-2 ###################"."\n";
//Temp` varchar(5) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Характеристика состояния реки',
echo "\n"."Характеристика состояния реки"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->condition_river_1_2;

//Temp` varchar(5) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Характеристика 2-ого состояния реки',
echo "\n"."Характеристика 2-ого состояния реки"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->condition_river_1_2_2;

//Temp` varchar(5) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Интенсивность состояния реки (степень покрытия реки или видимой аватории водоема), %',
echo "\n"."Интенсивность состояния реки (степень покрытия реки или видимой аватории водоема), %"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->cond_river_intensity_1_2;
echo "\n"."################## END Состояние реки №1-2 ###################"."\n";

//Temp` varchar(5) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Толщина льда, см',
echo "\n"."Толщина льда, см"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->ice_thickness;

//Temp` varchar(5) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Высота снежного покрова на льду, см',
echo "\n"."Высота снежного покрова на льду, см"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->snow_depth_on_ice;

//Temp` varchar(5) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Ежедневный расход воды, м^3/с',
echo "\n"."Ежедневный расход воды, м^3/с"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->w_consumption;

//Precipitation amount
echo "\n"."Количество осадков, мм"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->precip;

//Precipitation duration
echo "\n"."Продолжительность выпадения осадков, ч"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->precip_duration;

/*################## BEGIN SECTION 2 ###################*/
echo "\n"."################## BEGIN SECTION 2_1 ###################"."\n";
echo "\n"."################## за ".$HydroConv->monthdayr__section_2_1." число этого месяца ###################"."\n";

//Clouds_height` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Уровень воды в срок наблюдений в текущие сутки, см',
echo "\n"."Уровень воды в срок наблюдений в текущие сутки, см"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->water_level__section_2_1;

//Clouds_height` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Изменение уровня воды за 8-ой часовой срок наблюдения, см',
echo "\n"."Изменение уровня воды за 8-ой часовой срок наблюдения, см"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->water_level_diff__section_2_1;

//Clouds_height` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Уровень воды за 20-ой часовой срок наблюдений, см',
echo "\n"."Уровень воды за 20-ой часовой срок наблюдений, см"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->water_level_last_20h__section_2_1;

//Temp` varchar(5) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Температура воды, °C',
echo "\n"."Температура воды, °C"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->water_temp__section_2_1;

//Temp` varchar(5) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Температура воздуха, °C',
echo "\n"."Температура воздуха, °C"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->air_temp__section_2_1;

//Temp` varchar(5) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Характеристика ледовых явлений',
echo "\n"."Характеристика ледовых явлений"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->ice_phenomena__section_2_1;

//Temp` varchar(5) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Характеристика 2-ого ледового явления',
echo "\n"."Характеристика 2-ого ледового явления"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->ice_phenomena_2__section_2_1;

//Temp` varchar(5) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Интенсивность ледового явления (степень покрытия реки или видимой аватории водоема), %',
echo "\n"."Интенсивность ледового явления (степень покрытия реки или видимой аватории водоема), %"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->ice_p_intensity__section_2_1;

echo "\n"."################## BEGIN Ледовые явления №2_1-2 ###################"."\n";
//Temp` varchar(5) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Характеристика ледовых явлений №2_1-2',
echo "\n"."Характеристика ледовых явлений №2_1-2"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->ice_phenomena__section_2_1_2;

//Temp` varchar(5) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Характеристика 2-ого ледового явления №2_1-2',
echo "\n"."Характеристика 2-ого ледового явления №2_1-2"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->ice_phenomena_2__section_2_1_2;

//Temp` varchar(5) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Интенсивность ледового явления (степень покрытия реки или видимой аватории водоема) №2_1-2, %',
echo "\n"."Интенсивность ледового явления (степень покрытия реки или видимой аватории водоема) №2_1-2, %"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->ice_p_intensity__section_2_1_2;
echo "\n"."################## END Ледовые явления №2_1-2 ###################"."\n";

//Temp` varchar(5) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Характеристика состояния реки',
echo "\n"."Характеристика состояния реки"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->condition_river__section_2_1;

//Temp` varchar(5) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Характеристика 2-ого состояния реки',
echo "\n"."Характеристика 2-ого состояния реки"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->condition_river_2__section_2_1;

//Temp` varchar(5) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Интенсивность состояния реки (степень покрытия реки или видимой аватории водоема), %',
echo "\n"."Интенсивность состояния реки (степень покрытия реки или видимой аватории водоема), %"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->cond_river_intensity__section_2_1;

echo "\n"."################## BEGIN Состояние реки №2_1-2 ###################"."\n";
//Temp` varchar(5) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Характеристика состояния реки №2_1-2',
echo "\n"."Характеристика состояния реки №2_1-2"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->condition_river__section_2_1_2;

//Temp` varchar(5) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Характеристика 2-ого состояния реки №2_1-2',
echo "\n"."Характеристика 2-ого состояния реки №2_1-2"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->condition_river_2__section_2_1_2;

//Temp` varchar(5) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Интенсивность состояния реки (степень покрытия реки или видимой аватории водоема) №2_1-2, %',
echo "\n"."Интенсивность состояния реки (степень покрытия реки или видимой аватории водоема) №2_1-2, %"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->cond_river_intensity__section_2_1_2;
echo "\n"."################## END Состояние реки №2_1-2 ###################"."\n";

//Temp` varchar(5) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Толщина льда, см',
echo "\n"."Толщина льда, см"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->ice_thickness__section_2_1;

//Temp` varchar(5) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Высота снежного покрова на льду, см',
echo "\n"."Высота снежного покрова на льду, см"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->snow_depth_on_ice__section_2_1;

//Temp` varchar(5) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Ежедневный расход воды, м^3/с',
echo "\n"."Ежедневный расход воды, м^3/с"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->w_consumption__section_2_1;

//Precipitation amount
echo "\n"."Количество осадков, мм"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->precip__section_2_1;

//Precipitation duration
echo "\n"."Продолжительность выпадения осадков, ч"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->precip_duration__section_2_1;

echo "\n"."################## END SECTION 2_1 ###################"."\n";
/*################## END SECTION 2_1 ###################*/

/*################## BEGIN SECTION 2_2 ###################*/
echo "\n"."################## BEGIN SECTION 2_2 ###################"."\n";
echo "\n"."################## за ".$HydroConv->monthdayr__section_2_2." число этого месяца ###################"."\n";

//Clouds_height` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Уровень воды в срок наблюдений в текущие сутки, см',
echo "\n"."Уровень воды в срок наблюдений в текущие сутки, см"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->water_level__section_2_2;

//Clouds_height` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Изменение уровня воды за 8-ой часовой срок наблюдения, см',
echo "\n"."Изменение уровня воды за 8-ой часовой срок наблюдения, см"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->water_level_diff__section_2_2;

//Clouds_height` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Уровень воды за 20-ой часовой срок наблюдений, см',
echo "\n"."Уровень воды за 20-ой часовой срок наблюдений, см"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->water_level_last_20h__section_2_2;

//Temp` varchar(5) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Температура воды, °C',
echo "\n"."Температура воды, °C"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->water_temp__section_2_2;

//Temp` varchar(5) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Температура воздуха, °C',
echo "\n"."Температура воздуха, °C"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->air_temp__section_2_2;

//Temp` varchar(5) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Характеристика ледовых явлений',
echo "\n"."Характеристика ледовых явлений"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->ice_phenomena__section_2_2;

//Temp` varchar(5) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Характеристика 2-ого ледового явления',
echo "\n"."Характеристика 2-ого ледового явления"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->ice_phenomena_2__section_2_2;

//Temp` varchar(5) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Интенсивность ледового явления (степень покрытия реки или видимой аватории водоема), %',
echo "\n"."Интенсивность ледового явления (степень покрытия реки или видимой аватории водоема), %"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->ice_p_intensity__section_2_2;

//Temp` varchar(5) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Характеристика состояния реки',
echo "\n"."Характеристика состояния реки"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->condition_river__section_2_2;

//Temp` varchar(5) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Характеристика 2-ого состояния реки',
echo "\n"."Характеристика 2-ого состояния реки"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->condition_river_2__section_2_2;

//Temp` varchar(5) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Интенсивность состояния реки (степень покрытия реки или видимой аватории водоема), %',
echo "\n"."Интенсивность состояния реки (степень покрытия реки или видимой аватории водоема), %"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->cond_river_intensity__section_2_2;

//Temp` varchar(5) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Толщина льда, см',
echo "\n"."Толщина льда, см"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->ice_thickness__section_2_2;

//Temp` varchar(5) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Высота снежного покрова на льду, см',
echo "\n"."Высота снежного покрова на льду, см"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->snow_depth_on_ice__section_2_2;

//Temp` varchar(5) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Ежедневный расход воды, м^3/с',
echo "\n"."Ежедневный расход воды, м^3/с"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->w_consumption__section_2_2;

//Precipitation amount
echo "\n"."Количество осадков, мм"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->precip__section_2_2;

//Precipitation duration
echo "\n"."Продолжительность выпадения осадков, ч"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->precip_duration__section_2_2;

echo "\n"."################## END SECTION 2_2 ###################"."\n";
/*################## END SECTION 2 ###################*/

/*################## BEGIN SECTION 3 ###################*/
echo "\n"."################## BEGIN SECTION 3_1 ###################"."\n";
echo "\n"."################## ".$HydroConv->period_avg_extreme_3_1." сведения о средних и эксремальных значениях ###################"."\n";

//Clouds_height` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Средний уровень воды за период, см',
echo "\n"."Средний уровень воды за период, см"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->water_level_avg__section_3_1;

//Clouds_height` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Высший уровень воды за период, см',
echo "\n"."Высший уровень воды за период, см"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->water_level_highest__section_3_1;

//Clouds_height` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Низший уровень воды за период, см',
echo "\n"."Низший уровень воды за период, см"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->water_level_lowest__section_3_1;

//Clouds_height` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Средний расход (приток) воды за период, м^3/с',
echo "\n"."Средний расход (приток) воды за период, м^3/с"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->w_consumption_avg__section_3_1;

//Clouds_height` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Наибольший расход (приток) воды за период, м^3/с',
echo "\n"."Наибольший расход (приток) воды за период, м^3/с"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->w_consumption_highest__section_3_1;

//Clouds_height` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Наименьший расход (приток) воды за период, м^3/с',
echo "\n"."Наименьший расход (приток) воды за период, м^3/с"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->w_consumption_lowest__section_3_1;

//Clouds_height` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Дата (число месяца) прохождения наивысшего уровня (расхода) воды',
echo "\n"."Дата (число месяца) прохождения наивысшего уровня (расхода) воды"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->monthdayr_water_level_highest__section_3_1;

//Clouds_height` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Час местного времени прохождения наивысшего уровня (расхода) воды',
echo "\n"."Час местного времени прохождения наивысшего уровня (расхода) воды"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->hourr_water_level_highest__section_3_1;

echo "\n"."################## END SECTION 3_1 ###################"."\n";

echo "\n"."################## BEGIN SECTION 3_2 ###################"."\n";
echo "\n"."################## ".$HydroConv->period_avg_extreme_3_2." сведения о средних и эксремальных значениях ###################"."\n";

//Clouds_height` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Средний уровень воды за период, см',
echo "\n"."Средний уровень воды за период, см"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->water_level_avg__section_3_2;

//Clouds_height` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Высший уровень воды за период, см',
echo "\n"."Высший уровень воды за период, см"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->water_level_highest__section_3_2;

//Clouds_height` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Низший уровень воды за период, см',
echo "\n"."Низший уровень воды за период, см"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->water_level_lowest__section_3_2;

//Clouds_height` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Средний расход (приток) воды за период, м^3/с',
echo "\n"."Средний расход (приток) воды за период, м^3/с"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->w_consumption_avg__section_3_2;

//Clouds_height` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Наибольший расход (приток) воды за период, м^3/с',
echo "\n"."Наибольший расход (приток) воды за период, м^3/с"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->w_consumption_highest__section_3_2;

//Clouds_height` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Наименьший расход (приток) воды за период, м^3/с',
echo "\n"."Наименьший расход (приток) воды за период, м^3/с"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->w_consumption_lowest__section_3_2;

//Clouds_height` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Дата (число месяца) прохождения наивысшего уровня (расхода) воды',
echo "\n"."Дата (число месяца) прохождения наивысшего уровня (расхода) воды"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->monthdayr_water_level_highest__section_3_2;

//Clouds_height` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Час местного времени прохождения наивысшего уровня (расхода) воды',
echo "\n"."Час местного времени прохождения наивысшего уровня (расхода) воды"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->hourr_water_level_highest__section_3_2;

echo "\n"."################## END SECTION 3_2 ###################"."\n";
/*################## END SECTION 3 ###################*/

/*################## BEGIN SECTION 4 ###################*/
echo "\n"."################## BEGIN SECTION 4_1 ###################"."\n";
echo "\n"."################## за ".$HydroConv->monthdayr__section_4_1." число этого месяца ###################"."\n";

//Clouds_height` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Уровень воды верхнего бьефа гидроузла, см',
echo "\n"."Уровень воды верхнего бьефа гидроузла, см"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->water_level_upper_pool__section_4_1;

//Clouds_height` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Средний (по площади) уровень водохранилища в срок наблюдений, см',
echo "\n"."Средний (по площади) уровень водохранилища в срок наблюдений, см"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->water_level_avg_current__section_4_1;

//Clouds_height` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Средний (по площади) уровень водохранилища на конец предшествующих календарных суток, см',
echo "\n"."Средний (по площади) уровень водохранилища на конец предшествующих календарных суток, см"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->water_level_avg_post__section_4_1;

//Clouds_height` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Уровень воды нижнего бьефа в срок наблюдений, см',
echo "\n"."Уровень воды нижнего бьефа в срок наблюдений, см"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->water_level_lower_pool_current__section_4_1;

//Clouds_height` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Высший уровень воды нижнего бьефа за предшествующие сутки, см',
echo "\n"."Высший уровень воды нижнего бьефа за предшествующие сутки, см"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->water_level_lower_pool_hilevel_post__section_4_1;

//Clouds_height` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Низший уровень воды нижнего бьефа за предшествующие сутки, см',
echo "\n"."Низший уровень воды нижнего бьефа за предшествующие сутки, см"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->water_level_lower_pool_lolevel_post__section_4_1;

//Clouds_height` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Объем воды в водохранилище по среднему уровню в срок наблюдений, млн. м^3',
echo "\n"."Объем воды в водохранилище по среднему уровню в срок наблюдений, млн. м^3"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->w_volume_avg_current__section_4_1;

//Clouds_height` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Объем воды в водохранилище по среднему уровню на конец предш. календарных суток, млн. м^3',
echo "\n"."Объем воды в водохранилище по среднему уровню на конец предш. календарных суток, млн. м^3"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->w_volume_avg_post__section_4_1;

echo "\n"."################## END SECTION 4_1 ###################"."\n";

echo "\n"."################## BEGIN SECTION 4_2 ###################"."\n";
echo "\n"."################## за ".$HydroConv->monthdayr__section_4_2." число этого месяца ###################"."\n";

//Clouds_height` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Уровень воды верхнего бьефа гидроузла, см',
echo "\n"."Уровень воды верхнего бьефа гидроузла, см"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->water_level_upper_pool__section_4_2;

//Clouds_height` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Средний (по площади) уровень водохранилища в срок наблюдений, см',
echo "\n"."Средний (по площади) уровень водохранилища в срок наблюдений, см"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->water_level_avg_current__section_4_2;

//Clouds_height` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Средний (по площади) уровень водохранилища на конец предшествующих календарных суток, см',
echo "\n"."Средний (по площади) уровень водохранилища на конец предшествующих календарных суток, см"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->water_level_avg_post__section_4_2;

//Clouds_height` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Уровень воды нижнего бьефа в срок наблюдений, см',
echo "\n"."Уровень воды нижнего бьефа в срок наблюдений, см"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->water_level_lower_pool_current__section_4_2;

//Clouds_height` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Высший уровень воды нижнего бьефа за предшествующие сутки, см',
echo "\n"."Высший уровень воды нижнего бьефа за предшествующие сутки, см"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->water_level_lower_pool_hilevel_post__section_4_2;

//Clouds_height` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Низший уровень воды нижнего бьефа за предшествующие сутки, см',
echo "\n"."Низший уровень воды нижнего бьефа за предшествующие сутки, см"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->water_level_lower_pool_lolevel_post__section_4_2;

//Clouds_height` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Объем воды в водохранилище по среднему уровню в срок наблюдений, млн. м^3',
echo "\n"."Объем воды в водохранилище по среднему уровню в срок наблюдений, млн. м^3"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->w_volume_avg_current__section_4_2;

//Clouds_height` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Объем воды в водохранилище по среднему уровню на конец предш. календарных суток, млн. м^3',
echo "\n"."Объем воды в водохранилище по среднему уровню на конец предш. календарных суток, млн. м^3"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->w_volume_avg_post__section_4_2;

echo "\n"."################## END SECTION 4_2 ###################"."\n";
/*################## END SECTION 4 ###################*/

/*################## BEGIN SECTION 5 ###################*/
echo "\n"."################## BEGIN SECTION 5_1 ###################"."\n";
echo "\n"."################## за ".$HydroConv->monthdayr__section_5_1." число этого месяца ###################"."\n";

//Clouds_height` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Общий приток воды в срок наблюдений, м^3/с',
echo "\n"."Общий приток воды в срок наблюдений, м^3/с"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->w_inflow_total_current__section_5_1;

//Clouds_height` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Боковой приток воды в срок наблюдений, м^3/с',
echo "\n"."Боковой приток воды в срок наблюдений, м^3/с"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->w_inflow_lateral_current__section_5_1;

//Clouds_height` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Приток воды к акватории водохронилища в срок наблюдений, м^3/с',
echo "\n"."Приток воды к акватории водохронилища в срок наблюдений, м^3/с"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->w_inflow_area_current__section_5_1;

//Clouds_height` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Общий приток воды, средний за предшествующие сутки, м^3/с',
echo "\n"."Общий приток воды, средний за предшествующие сутки, м^3/с"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->w_inflow_total_post__section_5_1;

//Clouds_height` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Боковой приток воды, средний за предшествующие сутки, м^3/с',
echo "\n"."Боковой приток воды, средний за предшествующие сутки, м^3/с"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->w_inflow_lateral_post__section_5_1;

//Clouds_height` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Приток воды к акватории водохронилища, средний за предшествующие сутки, м^3/с',
echo "\n"."Приток воды к акватории водохронилища, средний за предшествующие сутки, м^3/с"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->w_inflow_area_post__section_5_1;

//Clouds_height` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Сброс воды через гидроузел, средний за предшествующие сутки, м^3/с',
echo "\n"."Сброс воды через гидроузел, средний за предшествующие сутки, м^3/с"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->w_inflow_discharge_post__section_5_1;

echo "\n"."################## END SECTION 5_1 ###################"."\n";

echo "\n"."################## BEGIN SECTION 5_2 ###################"."\n";
echo "\n"."################## за ".$HydroConv->monthdayr__section_5_2." число этого месяца ###################"."\n";

//Clouds_height` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Общий приток воды в срок наблюдений, м^3/с',
echo "\n"."Общий приток воды в срок наблюдений, м^3/с"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->w_inflow_total_current__section_5_2;

//Clouds_height` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Боковой приток воды в срок наблюдений, м^3/с',
echo "\n"."Боковой приток воды в срок наблюдений, м^3/с"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->w_inflow_lateral_current__section_5_2;

//Clouds_height` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Приток воды к акватории водохронилища в срок наблюдений, м^3/с',
echo "\n"."Приток воды к акватории водохронилища в срок наблюдений, м^3/с"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->w_inflow_area_current__section_5_2;

//Clouds_height` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Общий приток воды, средний за предшествующие сутки, м^3/с',
echo "\n"."Общий приток воды, средний за предшествующие сутки, м^3/с"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->w_inflow_total_post__section_5_2;

//Clouds_height` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Боковой приток воды, средний за предшествующие сутки, м^3/с',
echo "\n"."Боковой приток воды, средний за предшествующие сутки, м^3/с"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->w_inflow_lateral_post__section_5_2;

//Clouds_height` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Приток воды к акватории водохронилища, средний за предшествующие сутки, м^3/с',
echo "\n"."Приток воды к акватории водохронилища, средний за предшествующие сутки, м^3/с"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->w_inflow_area_post__section_5_2;

//Clouds_height` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Сброс воды через гидроузел, средний за предшествующие сутки, м^3/с',
echo "\n"."Сброс воды через гидроузел, средний за предшествующие сутки, м^3/с"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->w_inflow_discharge_post__section_5_2;

echo "\n"."################## END SECTION 5_2 ###################"."\n";
/*################## END SECTION 5 ###################*/

/*################## BEGIN SECTION 6 ###################*/
echo "\n"."################## BEGIN SECTION 6_1 ###################"."\n";
echo "\n"."################## за ".$HydroConv->month_flow_6_1." месяц измерений расхода воды ###################"."\n";

//Clouds_height` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Уровень воды для секции №6_1, см',
echo "\n"."Уровень воды для секции №6_1, см"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->water_level_avg__section_6_1;

//Clouds_height` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Измеренный расход воды для секции №6_1, м^3/с',
echo "\n"."Измеренный расход воды для секции №6_1, м^3/с"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->w_consumption_avg__section_6_1;

//Clouds_height` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Площадь живого сечения реки, м^2',
echo "\n"."Площадь живого сечения реки, м^2"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->river_area__section_6_1;

//Clouds_height` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Максимальная глубина на гидрорастворе, см',
echo "\n"."Максимальная глубина на гидрорастворе, см"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->max_depth__section_6_1;

//Clouds_height` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Дата измерения расхода воды',
echo "\n"."Число месяца измерения расхода воды"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->monthdayr_water_flow__section_6_1;
echo "\n"."Час по местному времени, к которому отнесено измерение расхода воды"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->hourr_water_flow__section_6_1;

echo "\n"."################## за ".$HydroConv->month_surface_6_1." месяц наблюдений за состоянием поверхности озера (водохранилища) ###################"."\n";

//Clouds_height` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Направление ветра на озере или водохранилище',
echo "\n"."Направление ветра на озере или водохранилище"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->wind_direction__section_6_1;

//Clouds_height` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Скорость ветра на озере или водохранилище, м/с',
echo "\n"."Скорость ветра на озере или водохранилище, м/с"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->wind_speed__section_6_1;

//Clouds_height` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Волненение на озере или водохранилище, откуда идет волна',
echo "\n"."Волненение на озере или водохранилище, откуда идет волна"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->wind_direction_waves__section_6_1;

//Clouds_height` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Высота ветровых волн, дециметры',
echo "\n"."Высота ветровых волн, дециметры"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->wave_height__section_6_1;

//Clouds_height` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Характеристика состояния поверхности водоема',
echo "\n"."Характеристика состояния поверхности водоема"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->state_surface__section_6_1;

//Clouds_height` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Время наблюдения за ветром и волнением воды',
echo "\n"."Число месяца наблюдения за ветром и волнением воды"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->monthdayr_water_waves__section_6_1;
echo "\n"."Час по местному времени, наблюдения за ветром и волнением воды"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->hourr_water_waves__section_6_1;

echo "\n"."################## END SECTION 6_1 ###################"."\n";

echo "\n"."################## BEGIN SECTION 6_2 ###################"."\n";
echo "\n"."################## за ".$HydroConv->month_flow_6_2." месяц измерений расхода воды ###################"."\n";

//Clouds_height` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Уровень воды для секции №6_2, см',
echo "\n"."Уровень воды для секции №6_2, см"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->water_level_avg__section_6_2;

//Clouds_height` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Измеренный расход воды для секции №6_2, м^3/с',
echo "\n"."Измеренный расход воды для секции №6_2, м^3/с"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->w_consumption_avg__section_6_2;

//Clouds_height` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Площадь живого сечения реки, м^2',
echo "\n"."Площадь живого сечения реки, м^2"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->river_area__section_6_2;

//Clouds_height` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Максимальная глубина на гидрорастворе, см',
echo "\n"."Максимальная глубина на гидрорастворе, см"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->max_depth__section_6_2;

//Clouds_height` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Дата измерения расхода воды',
echo "\n"."Число месяца измерения расхода воды"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->monthdayr_water_flow__section_6_2;
echo "\n"."Час по местному времени, к которому отнесено измерение расхода воды"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->hourr_water_flow__section_6_2;

echo "\n"."################## за ".$HydroConv->month_surface_6_2." месяц наблюдений за состоянием поверхности озера (водохранилища) ###################"."\n";

//Clouds_height` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Направление ветра на озере или водохранилище',
echo "\n"."Направление ветра на озере или водохранилище"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->wind_direction__section_6_2;

//Clouds_height` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Скорость ветра на озере или водохранилище, м/с',
echo "\n"."Скорость ветра на озере или водохранилище, м/с"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->wind_speed__section_6_2;

//Clouds_height` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Волненение на озере или водохранилище, откуда идет волна',
echo "\n"."Волненение на озере или водохранилище, откуда идет волна"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->wind_direction_waves__section_6_2;

//Clouds_height` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Высота ветровых волн, дециметры',
echo "\n"."Высота ветровых волн, дециметры"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->wave_height__section_6_2;

//Clouds_height` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Характеристика состояния поверхности водоема',
echo "\n"."Характеристика состояния поверхности водоема"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->state_surface__section_6_2;

//Clouds_height` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Время наблюдения за ветром и волнением воды',
echo "\n"."Число месяца наблюдения за ветром и волнением воды"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->monthdayr_water_waves__section_6_2;
echo "\n"."Час по местному времени, наблюдения за ветром и волнением воды"."\n";
echo $HydroConv->hourr_water_waves__section_6_2;

echo "\n"."################## END SECTION 6_2 ###################"."\n";
/*################## END SECTION 6 ###################*/

/*################## BEGIN SECTION 7 ###################*/
echo "\n"."################## BEGIN SECTION 7_1 ###################"."\n";
if ($HydroConv->about_dangerous__section_7_1 != NULL) {
	echo "\n"."################## сведения о стихийном (особо опасном) ".$HydroConv->about_dangerous__section_7_1." ###################"."\n";

	//Clouds_height` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Уровень воды в срок наблюдений в текущие сутки, см',
	echo "\n"."Уровень воды в срок наблюдений в текущие сутки, см"."\n";
	echo $HydroConv->water_level__section_7_1;

	//Clouds_height` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Изменение уровня воды за 8-ой часовой срок наблюдения, см',
	echo "\n"."Изменение уровня воды за 8-ой часовой срок наблюдения, см"."\n";
	echo $HydroConv->water_level_diff__section_7_1;

	//Temp` varchar(5) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Характеристика ледовых явлений',
	echo "\n"."Характеристика ледовых явлений"."\n";
	echo $HydroConv->ice_phenomena__section_7_1;

	//Temp` varchar(5) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Характеристика 2-ого ледового явления',
	echo "\n"."Характеристика 2-ого ледового явления"."\n";
	echo $HydroConv->ice_phenomena_2__section_7_1;

	//Temp` varchar(5) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Интенсивность ледового явления (степень покрытия реки или видимой аватории водоема), %',
	echo "\n"."Интенсивность ледового явления (степень покрытия реки или видимой аватории водоема), %"."\n";
	echo $HydroConv->ice_p_intensity__section_7_1;

	//Temp` varchar(5) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Характеристика состояния реки',
	echo "\n"."Характеристика состояния реки"."\n";
	echo $HydroConv->condition_river__section_7_1;

	//Temp` varchar(5) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Характеристика 2-ого состояния реки',
	echo "\n"."Характеристика 2-ого состояния реки"."\n";
	echo $HydroConv->condition_river_2__section_7_1;

	//Temp` varchar(5) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Интенсивность состояния реки (степень покрытия реки или видимой аватории водоема), %',
	echo "\n"."Интенсивность состояния реки (степень покрытия реки или видимой аватории водоема), %"."\n";
	echo $HydroConv->cond_river_intensity__section_7_1;
echo "\n"."################## END SECTION 7_1 ###################"."\n";

echo "\n"."################## BEGIN SECTION 7_2 ###################"."\n";
if ($HydroConv->about_dangerous__section_7_2 != NULL) {
	echo "\n"."################## сведения о стихийном (особо опасном) ".$HydroConv->about_dangerous__section_7_2." ###################"."\n";

	//Clouds_height` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Уровень воды в срок наблюдений в текущие сутки, см',
	echo "\n"."Уровень воды в срок наблюдений в текущие сутки, см"."\n";
	echo $HydroConv->water_level__section_7_2;

	//Clouds_height` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Изменение уровня воды за 8-ой часовой срок наблюдения, см',
	echo "\n"."Изменение уровня воды за 8-ой часовой срок наблюдения, см"."\n";
	echo $HydroConv->water_level_diff__section_7_2;

	//Temp` varchar(5) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Характеристика ледовых явлений',
	echo "\n"."Характеристика ледовых явлений"."\n";
	echo $HydroConv->ice_phenomena__section_7_2;

	//Temp` varchar(5) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Характеристика 2-ого ледового явления',
	echo "\n"."Характеристика 2-ого ледового явления"."\n";
	echo $HydroConv->ice_phenomena_2__section_7_2;

	//Temp` varchar(5) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Интенсивность ледового явления (степень покрытия реки или видимой аватории водоема), %',
	echo "\n"."Интенсивность ледового явления (степень покрытия реки или видимой аватории водоема), %"."\n";
	echo $HydroConv->ice_p_intensity__section_7_2;

	//Temp` varchar(5) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Характеристика состояния реки',
	echo "\n"."Характеристика состояния реки"."\n";
	echo $HydroConv->condition_river__section_7_2;

	//Temp` varchar(5) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Характеристика 2-ого состояния реки',
	echo "\n"."Характеристика 2-ого состояния реки"."\n";
	echo $HydroConv->condition_river_2__section_7_2;

	//Temp` varchar(5) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Интенсивность состояния реки (степень покрытия реки или видимой аватории водоема), %',
	echo "\n"."Интенсивность состояния реки (степень покрытия реки или видимой аватории водоема), %"."\n";
	echo $HydroConv->cond_river_intensity__section_7_2;
echo "\n"."################## END SECTION 7_2 ###################"."\n";

echo "\n"."################## BEGIN SECTION 7_3 ###################"."\n";
if ($HydroConv->about_dangerous__section_7_3 != NULL) {
	echo "\n"."################## сведения о стихийном (особо опасном) ".$HydroConv->about_dangerous__section_7_3." ###################"."\n";

	//Temp` varchar(5) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Характеристика ледовых явлений',
	echo "\n"."Характеристика ледовых явлений"."\n";
	echo $HydroConv->ice_phenomena__section_7_3;

	//Temp` varchar(5) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Характеристика 2-ого ледового явления',
	echo "\n"."Характеристика 2-ого ледового явления"."\n";
	echo $HydroConv->ice_phenomena_2__section_7_3;

	//Temp` varchar(5) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Интенсивность ледового явления (степень покрытия реки или видимой аватории водоема), %',
	echo "\n"."Интенсивность ледового явления (степень покрытия реки или видимой аватории водоема), %"."\n";
	echo $HydroConv->ice_p_intensity__section_7_3;
echo "\n"."################## END SECTION 7_3 ###################"."\n";

echo "\n"."################## BEGIN SECTION 7_4 ###################"."\n";
if ($HydroConv->about_dangerous__section_7_4 != NULL) {
	echo "\n"."################## сведения о стихийном (особо опасном) ".$HydroConv->about_dangerous__section_7_4." ###################"."\n";

	//Temp` varchar(5) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Ежедневный расход воды, м^3/с',
	echo "\n"."Ежедневный расход воды, м^3/с"."\n";
	echo $HydroConv->w_consumption__section_7_4;
echo "\n"."################## END SECTION 7_4 ###################"."\n";

echo "\n"."################## BEGIN SECTION 7_5 ###################"."\n";
if ($HydroConv->about_dangerous__section_7_5 != NULL) {
	echo "\n"."################## сведения о стихийном (особо опасном) ".$HydroConv->about_dangerous__section_7_5." ###################"."\n";

	//Precipitation amount
	echo "\n"."Количество осадков, мм"."\n";
	echo $HydroConv->precip__section_7_5;

	//Precipitation duration
	echo "\n"."Продолжительность выпадения осадков, ч"."\n";
	echo $HydroConv->precip_duration__section_7_5;
echo "\n"."################## END SECTION 7_5 ###################"."\n";

echo "\n"."################## BEGIN SECTION 7_6 ###################"."\n";
if ($HydroConv->about_dangerous__section_7_6 != NULL) {
	echo "\n"."################## сведения о стихийном (особо опасном) ".$HydroConv->about_dangerous__section_7_6." ###################"."\n";
echo "\n"."################## END SECTION 7_6 ###################"."\n";
echo "\n"."################## BEGIN SECTION 7_7 ###################"."\n";
if ($HydroConv->about_dangerous__section_7_7 != NULL) {
	echo "\n"."################## сведения о стихийном (особо опасном) ".$HydroConv->about_dangerous__section_7_7." ###################"."\n";
echo "\n"."################## END SECTION 7_7 ###################"."\n";

/*################## END SECTION 7 ###################*/


PHP Online Compiler

Write, Run & Share PHP code online using OneCompiler's PHP online compiler for free. It's one of the robust, feature-rich online compilers for PHP language, running on the latest version 7. Getting started with the OneCompiler's PHP compiler is simple and pretty fast. The editor shows sample boilerplate code when you choose language as PHP and start coding.

Taking inputs (stdin)

OneCompiler's PHP online editor supports stdin and users can give inputs to programs using the STDIN textbox under the I/O tab. Following is a sample PHP program which takes name as input and prints hello message with your name.

	fscanf(STDIN, "%s\n", $name);           
    echo "Hello ".$name.".\n";

About PHP

PHP(Hypertext Preprocessor) is widely used server sripting language by Rasmus Lerdorf in the year 1994.

Key features

  • Free
  • powerful tool for making dynamic and interactive web pages
  • can integrate with almost all popular databases like MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, Sybase, Informix, Microsoft SQL Server etc.
  • C like Syntax and easy to learn.
  • Object oriented scripting language.
  • easily embeddable into HTML
  • Loosely typed language.

Syntax help


In PHP, there is no need to explicitly declare variables to reserve memory space. When you assign a value to a variable, declaration happens automatically. Variables are case-sensitive in PHP.

$variable_name = value;  


1. IF Family:

If, If-else, Nested-Ifs are used when you want to perform a certain set of operations based on conditional expressions.




//code if condition is true  
} else {  
//code if condition is false  


if(condition-expression1) {  
    //code if above condition is true  
} elseif(condition-expression2){  
    //code if above condition is true  
elseif(condition-expression3) {  
    //code if above condition is true  
else {  
    //code if all the conditions are false  

2. Switch:

Switch is used to execute one set of statement from multiple conditions.

switch(conditional-expression) {    
case value1:    
 // code if the above value is matched    
 break;  // optional  
case value2:    
 // code if the above value is matched    
 break;  // optional  
 // code to be executed when all the above cases are not matched;    

3. For:

For loop is used to iterate a set of statements based on a condition.

for(Initialization; Condition; Increment/decrement){  
  // code  


// you can use any of the below syntax
foreach ($array as $element-value) {  

foreach ($array as $key => $element-value) {   

4. While:

While is also used to iterate a set of statements based on a condition. Usually while is preferred when number of iterations are not known in advance.

while(condition) {  
 // code 

5. Do-While:

Do-while is also used to iterate a set of statements based on a condition. It is mostly used when you need to execute the statements atleast once.

do {
  // code 
} while (condition); 


Function is a sub-routine which contains set of statements. Usually functions are written when multiple calls are required to same set of statements which increases re-usuability and modularity.

How to define a Function

function function_name(parameters) {  

How to call a Function

function_name (parameters)