frequency Counter :: Write a function called sameFrequency. Given two positive integers, find out if the two numbers have the same frequency of digits.
frequency Counter ::
Following is sample javascript code.
// Your solution MUST have the following complexities:
// Time: O(N)
// Sample Input:
// sameFrequency(182,281) // true
// sameFrequency(34,14) // false
// sameFrequency(3589578, 5879385) // true
// sameFrequency(22,222) // false
function sameFrequency(num1, num2) {
let strNum1 = num1.toString();
let strNum2 = num2.toString();
if(strNum1.length !== strNum1.length ) {
return false
let feqquency = {num1:{}, num2:{}, result:0}
for(let i = 0; i < strNum1.length; i++) {
feqquency.num1[strNum1[i]] = strNum1[i]
feqquency.num2[strNum2[i]] = strNum2[i]
for(let j = 0; j < strNum1.length; j++) {
if(feqquency.num1[strNum1[j]] === feqquency.num2[strNum1[j]]){
feqquency.result += 1;
return feqquency.result === strNum1.length ? true:false