import boto3 import hashlib import json import logging import urllib.request, urllib.error, urllib.parse import os import random import string INGRESS_PORTS = os.getenv('PORTS', "80").split(",") SERVICE = os.getenv('SERVICE', "CLOUDFRONT") NAME = os.getenv('PREFIX_NAME', "AUTOUPDATE") VPC_ID = os.getenv('VPC_ID', "") REGION = os.getenv('REGION', "us-east-1") NRANGES = 0 NRULES = 60 def lambda_handler(event, context): global NRANGES # Set up logging if len(logging.getLogger().handlers) > 0: logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.ERROR) else: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) # Set the environment variable DEBUG to 'true' if you want verbose debug details in CloudWatch Logs. try: if os.environ['DEBUG'] == 'true': logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.INFO) except KeyError: pass # SNS message notification event when the ip ranges document is rotated message = json.loads(event['Records'][0]['Sns']['Message']) ip_ranges = json.loads(get_ip_groups_json(message['url'], message['md5'])) cf_ranges = get_ranges_for_service(ip_ranges, SERVICE) # Number of security group rules required as per the total range count NRANGES = len(cf_ranges) * len(INGRESS_PORTS) # Update SGs with the new ranges update_security_groups(cf_ranges) def update_security_groups(new_ranges): global VPC_ID # Creating ec2 boto3 client client = boto3.client('ec2', region_name=REGION) if VPC_ID == "": result = client.describe_vpcs(Filters=[{'Name': 'isDefault', 'Values': ['true']}]) VPC_ID = result["Vpcs"][0]['VpcId'] # To number of SGs to update range_to_update = get_security_groups_for_update(client, True) if len(range_to_update) == 0: logging.warning('No groups to {}'.format("update")) else: update_security_group(client, range_to_update, new_ranges) def update_security_group(client, range_to_update, new_ranges): old_prefixes = list() to_revoke = {} to_add = list() final_add = {} total = 0 for each_grp in range_to_update['SecurityGroups']: to_revoke[each_grp['GroupId']] = set() # If there are any existing ranges in the SG, compare and add it to the revoke list if necessary to_revoke_sg = 0 if len(each_grp['IpPermissions']) > 0: for permission in each_grp['IpPermissions']: for ip_range in permission['IpRanges']: cidr = ip_range['CidrIp'] old_prefixes.append(cidr) if new_ranges.count(cidr) == 0: to_revoke_sg += 1 to_revoke[each_grp['GroupId']].add(cidr) # Available slots in the SGs are the rules are revoked remain_rules = NRULES - ( len(each_grp['IpPermissions'][0]['IpRanges']) * len(INGRESS_PORTS)) + to_revoke_sg"Total number of rules available in " + each_grp['GroupId'] + " are " + str(remain_rules))) final_add[each_grp['GroupId']] = remain_rules total += remain_rules else: final_add[each_grp['GroupId']] = NRULES total += NRULES # Compares and identifies the new range to add from the service ranges list for new_range in new_ranges: if old_prefixes.count(new_range) == 0: to_add.append({'CidrIp': new_range})" Range to be added: " + new_range)) count = 0 for group in to_revoke: if len(to_revoke[group]) > 0: count += len(to_revoke[group])"Rules that have to be revoked for " + str(to_revoke[group]))) revoke_permissions(client, group, to_revoke[group]) else:"No rules were identified to be revoked in the security group " + group))"Total number of rules to be revoked in all the security groups are " + str(count * len(INGRESS_PORTS))))"Total number of rules to be added " + str(len(to_add) * len(INGRESS_PORTS))))"Rules to add " + str(to_add))) dynamic_rule_add(client, final_add, to_add, total) def dynamic_rule_add(client, final_add, to_add, total): random_str = ''.join(random.choices(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits, k=3)) if total < (len(to_add) * len(INGRESS_PORTS)): security_group = client.create_security_group( Description=NAME + "-" + random_str, GroupName=NAME + "-" + random_str, VpcId=VPC_ID, DryRun=False ) all_sgs = list(final_add.keys()) response = client.describe_network_interfaces( Filters=[ { 'Name': 'group-id', 'Values': all_sgs }, ] ) final_add[security_group['GroupId']] = NRULES all_sgs = list(final_add.keys()) for each_eni in response['NetworkInterfaces']: client.modify_network_interface_attribute( Groups=all_sgs, NetworkInterfaceId=each_eni["NetworkInterfaceId"], ) for each_grp in final_add: num_accommodate = final_add[each_grp] // len(INGRESS_PORTS) remain_per_grp = final_add[each_grp] % len(INGRESS_PORTS)"Number of rules can security group " + each_grp + " accommodate: " + str( num_accommodate * len(INGRESS_PORTS)))) for each_proto in INGRESS_PORTS: permission = {'ToPort': int(each_proto), 'FromPort': int(each_proto), 'IpProtocol': 'tcp'} add_params = { 'ToPort': permission['ToPort'], 'FromPort': permission['FromPort'], 'IpRanges': to_add[0:num_accommodate], 'IpProtocol': permission['IpProtocol'] } client.authorize_security_group_ingress(GroupId=each_grp, IpPermissions=[add_params])"Modified " + str(len(to_add[0:num_accommodate])) + " rules on security group " + each_grp + " for the port " + each_proto)) to_add = to_add[num_accommodate:] def revoke_permissions(client, group, to_revoke): # Revoked rules in each SG for every port number for each_proto in INGRESS_PORTS: permission = {'ToPort': int(each_proto), 'FromPort': int(each_proto), 'IpProtocol': 'tcp'} revoke_params = { 'ToPort': permission['ToPort'], 'FromPort': permission['FromPort'], 'IpRanges': [{'CidrIp': ip_range} for ip_range in to_revoke], 'IpProtocol': permission['IpProtocol'] } client.revoke_security_group_ingress(GroupId=group, IpPermissions=[revoke_params])"Revoked " + str(len(to_revoke)) + " rules from the security group " + group + " with port " + each_proto))"Ranges revoked from the security group " + group + " are: " + str(to_revoke))) def create_security_groups(client, response): num_sgs = len(response['SecurityGroups'])'Found ' + str(num_sgs) + ' security groups')) total_sgs_required = NRANGES // NRULES if NRANGES % NRULES > 0: total_sgs_required += 1'Total number of security groups required to add all the rules: ' + str(total_sgs_required))) to_create_sgs = 0 if num_sgs < total_sgs_required: to_create_sgs = total_sgs_required - num_sgs'Total number of security groups to be created: ' + str(to_create_sgs))) # Creates SGs based on the total number of rules that are required to be added created_sgs = [] for sg in range(to_create_sgs): random_str = ''.join(random.choices(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits, k=3)) security_group = client.create_security_group( Description=NAME + "-" + random_str, GroupName=NAME + "-" + random_str, VpcId=VPC_ID, DryRun=False ) created_sgs.append(security_group['GroupId']) client.create_tags(Resources=created_sgs, Tags=[ { 'Key': 'PREFIX_NAME', 'Value': NAME, }, ], ) return get_security_groups_for_update(client) def get_security_groups_for_update(client, create=False): filters = [ {'Name': "tag-key", 'Values': ['PREFIX_NAME']}, {'Name': "tag-value", 'Values': [NAME]}, {'Name': "vpc-id", 'Values': [VPC_ID]} ] # Extracting specific security groups with tags response = client.describe_security_groups(Filters=filters) # Return list of all security groups if none to be created if not create: return response else: return create_security_groups(client, response) def get_ip_groups_json(url, expected_hash):"Updating from " + url) response = urllib.request.urlopen(url) ip_json = m = hashlib.md5() m.update(ip_json) hash_value = m.hexdigest() if hash_value != expected_hash: raise Exception('MD5 Mismatch: got ' + hash_value + ' expected ' + expected_hash) return ip_json def get_ranges_for_service(ranges, service): service_ranges = list() for prefix in ranges['prefixes']: if prefix['service'] == service: service_ranges.append(prefix['ip_prefix'])'Found ' + service + ' ranges: ' + str(len(service_ranges)))) return service_ranges
Write, Run & Share Python code online using OneCompiler's Python online compiler for free. It's one of the robust, feature-rich online compilers for python language, supporting both the versions which are Python 3 and Python 2.7. Getting started with the OneCompiler's Python editor is easy and fast. The editor shows sample boilerplate code when you choose language as Python or Python2 and start coding.
OneCompiler's python online editor supports stdin and users can give inputs to programs using the STDIN textbox under the I/O tab. Following is a sample python program which takes name as input and print your name with hello.
import sys
name = sys.stdin.readline()
print("Hello "+ name)
Python is a very popular general-purpose programming language which was created by Guido van Rossum, and released in 1991. It is very popular for web development and you can build almost anything like mobile apps, web apps, tools, data analytics, machine learning etc. It is designed to be simple and easy like english language. It's is highly productive and efficient making it a very popular language.
When ever you want to perform a set of operations based on a condition IF-ELSE is used.
if conditional-expression
elif conditional-expression
Indentation is very important in Python, make sure the indentation is followed correctly
For loop is used to iterate over arrays(list, tuple, set, dictionary) or strings.
for i in mylist:
While is also used to iterate a set of statements based on a condition. Usually while is preferred when number of iterations are not known in advance.
while condition
There are four types of collections in Python.
List is a collection which is ordered and can be changed. Lists are specified in square brackets.
Tuple is a collection which is ordered and can not be changed. Tuples are specified in round brackets.
Below throws an error if you assign another value to tuple again.
Set is a collection which is unordered and unindexed. Sets are specified in curly brackets.
myset = {"iPhone","Pixel","Samsung"}
Dictionary is a collection of key value pairs which is unordered, can be changed, and indexed. They are written in curly brackets with key - value pairs.
mydict = {
"brand" :"iPhone",
"model": "iPhone 11"
Following are the libraries supported by OneCompiler's Python compiler
Name | Description |
NumPy | NumPy python library helps users to work on arrays with ease |
SciPy | SciPy is a scientific computation library which depends on NumPy for convenient and fast N-dimensional array manipulation |
SKLearn/Scikit-learn | Scikit-learn or Scikit-learn is the most useful library for machine learning in Python |
Pandas | Pandas is the most efficient Python library for data manipulation and analysis |
Matplotlib | Matplotlib is a cross-platform, data visualization and graphical plotting library for Python programming and it's numerical mathematics extension NumPy |
DOcplex | DOcplex is IBM Decision Optimization CPLEX Modeling for Python, is a library composed of Mathematical Programming Modeling and Constraint Programming Modeling |