Imports System.Math

Public Class Elipsoide
    Public SemiEixoMaior As double
    Public Excentricidade As double
    Public Nome As String
    Public Sub New(nome as String, a as Double, f as Double)
      Dim fi as Double = 1/f
      SemiEixoMaior = a
      Excentricidade = Sqrt(2*fi - fi^2)
      Nome = nome
    End Sub
End Class

Public Class Mercator

    Public Elip As Elipsoide
    Public x As Double
    Public y As Double
    Public k As Double
    Public m As Double
    Public ReadOnly Property c As Double
            Return 0 ' convergência meridiana é sempre zero
        End Get
    End Property
    Public Sub New(el As Elipsoide, lat As Double, lon As Double, Optional ByVal l0 As Double = 0)
        Elip = el
        m = l0
        x = Calcular_X(lon * PI / 180)
        y = Calcular_Y(lat * PI / 180)
        k = Calcular_K(lat * PI / 180)
    End Sub

    Public Function Calcular_X(ByVal longitude As Double) As Double
        Return Elip.SemiEixoMaior * (longitude - m * PI / 180)
    End Function

    Public Function Calcular_Y(ByVal latitude As Double) As Double
        Dim termo1 As Double = Tan(PI / 4 + latitude / 2)
        Dim termo2 As Double = (1 - Elip.Excentricidade * Sin(latitude)) / (1 + Elip.Excentricidade * Sin(latitude))
        Dim termo3 As Double = Pow(termo2, Elip.Excentricidade / 2)
        Return Elip.SemiEixoMaior * Log(termo1 * termo3)
    End Function

    Public Function Calcular_K(ByVal latitude As Double) As Double
        Dim N As Double = Elip.SemiEixoMaior / Sqrt(1 - Pow(Elip.Excentricidade, 2) * Pow(Sin(latitude), 2))
        Return Elip.SemiEixoMaior / (N * Cos(latitude))
    End Function

    Public Shared Function ProblemaInverso(el As Elipsoide, x As Double, y As Double, m As Double) As Double()
        Dim e As Double = el.Excentricidade
        Dim a As Double = el.SemiEixoMaior
        Dim l As Double = (x / a + m * PI / 180) 
        Dim t As Double = Exp(-y / a)
        Dim o0 As Double = PI / 2 - 2 * Atan(t)
        Dim o(50) As Double
        o(0) = o0
        Dim i As Integer
        For i = 1 To o.Length - 1
            o(i) = PI / 2 - 2 * Atan(t * (((1 - e * Sin(o(i - 1))) / (1 + e * Sin(o(i - 1)))) ^ (e / 2)))
            If Abs(o(i - 1) - o(i)) <= 0.00000001 Then
                Exit For
            End If
        Return New Double() {o(i) * 180 / PI, l * 180 / PI}
    End Function

End Class

Module Teste

  Public Sub Main()
        'Altere estes valores:
        Dim lat = -8.50411 'Latitude em graus decimais
        Dim lon = -32.20301 'Longitude em graus decimais
        Dim m = -33 'Meridiano Central
        Dim el As New Elipsoide("GRS80", 6378137, 298.257222101)
        Dim mer As New Mercator(el, lat, lon, m) 'PROBLEMA DIRETO
        Dim mer_inv1 = Mercator.ProblemaInverso(el, mer.x, mer.y, m) 'PROBLEMA INVERSO
        Dim str as String = "Coord. de Entrada (lat, lon, merid central):" & vbNewLine & "(" & lat & "," & lon & "," & m & ")"
        Console.Write(vbNewLine & "Problema Direto:")
        str = vbNewLine & "(x, y, fator escala):" & vbNewLine & "(" & Round(mer.x,3) & "," & Round(mer.y,3) & "," & Round(mer.k,8) & ")"
        Console.Write(vbNewLine & "Problema Inverso:")
        str = vbNewLine & "(lat, lon):" & vbNewLine & "(" & Round(mer_inv1(0),8) & "," & Round(mer_inv1(1),8) & ")"
  End Sub

End Module

Visual basic ( Online Compiler

Write, Run & Share code online using OneCompiler's online compiler for free. It's one of the robust, feature-rich online compilers for language, running on the latest version 16. Getting started with the OneCompiler's compiler is simple and pretty fast. The editor shows sample boilerplate code when you choose language as OneCompiler also has reference programs, where you can look for the sample code to get started with.

Read input from STDIN in

OneCompiler's online editor supports stdin and users can give inputs to programs using the STDIN textbox under the I/O tab. Following is a sample program which takes name as input and prints hello message with your name.

Public Module Program
	Public Sub Main(args() As string)
	 Dim name as String = Console.ReadLine()    ' Reading input from STDIN
   Console.WriteLine("Hello " & name)           ' Writing output to STDOUT
	End Sub
End Module


Visual Basic is a event driven programming language by Microsoft, first released in the year 1991.

Key Features

  • Beginner's friendly language.
  • Simple and object oriented programming language.
  • User friendly language and easy to develop GUI based applications.

Syntax help


Variable is a name given to the storage area in order to identify them in our programs.

Simple syntax of Variable declaration is as follows

Dim variableName [ As [ New ] dataType ] [ = initializer ]

Variable initialization

variableName = value

Conditional Statements

1. If

If condition-expression Then 
End If

2. If-else

   'code if the conditional-expression is true 
  'code if the conditional-expression is false 
End If

3. If-else-if ladder

   'code if the above conditional-expression is true 
Else If(conditional-expression) Then
        'code if the above conditional-expression is true 
        'code if the above conditional-expression is false 
End If

4. Nested-If

   'code if the above conditional-expression is true
         'code if the above conditional-expression is true 
   End If
End If

5. Select Case

Select [ Case ] expression
   [ Case expressionlist
      'code ]
   [ Case Else
      'code ]
End Select


1. For..Next

For counter [ As datatype ] = begin To end [ Step step ]
   [ Continue For ]
   [ Exit For ]
Next [ counter ]

2. For..Each

For Each element [ As datatype ] In group
   [ Continue For ]
   [ Exit For ]
Next [ element ]

3. While

While conditional-expression
   [ Continue While ]
   [ Exit While ]
End While

4. Do-while

Do { While | Until } conditional-expression
   [ Continue Do ]
   [ Exit Do ]
   [ Continue Do ]
   [ Exit Do ]
Loop { While | Until } conditional-expression


Procedure is a sub-routine which contains set of statements. Usually Procedures are written when multiple calls are required to same set of statements which increases re-usuability and modularity.

Procedures are of two types.

1. Functions

Functions return a value when they are called.

[accessModifiers] Function functionName [(parameterList)] As returnType
End Function

2. Sub-Procedures

Sub-procedures are similar to functions but they don't return any value.

Sub ProcedureName (parameterList)
End Sub