Queue Manager

Queue Manager provides queuing services to applications.

  • Handles Storage, triggering, security, timing issues etc.
    * Default port is 1414
    * can send one message to many destinations.
    * Allows user either use command line or graphical(explorer) controlling to create, delete, manage queues and MQ objects.
    * Need atleast one listener to be up and running.
    * IBM MQ objects are case sensitive and can be up to 48 characters long.

How to create a Queue manager(QM)?

The below command is used to create a queue manager


CRTMQM QM_NAME -u DLQ.NAME -p portnumber -d default.XMITQ

How to start a Queue manager(QM)?

The below command is used to start the Queue manager


List the Queue managers present

The below command is used to display the available queue manager names and it's status present on the system.


How to delete a Queue manager(QM)?

The below command is used to delete the queue manager created.



You must run the below command to create or manage MQ objects present inside the queue manager.

runmqsc QM_NAME